Colin's pocket dump (courtesy

Over at, we learn that Colin is a self-professed “sailor and explorer.” So a bit of an odd-ball then. Which explains Colin’s choice of carry weapons . . .

A Walther .22 TPH and a sword cane. (Not to mention a hostage “escape kit” based on the fictional book of the same name.) I have to admit: I’m not entirely averse to his selection.

Walther PPK (courtesy

First of all, Bond. James Bond. OK, 007 carried a .32 caliber Walther PPK (“like a brick through a glass window’), not a .22 or .25 caliber TPH. But the two guns look virtually identical and our man Colin IS an explorer (i.e. an ex-Navy SEAL due to be forced out of retirement by a top secret mission that only he can perform).

Secondly, sailors sail to places that don’t allow visitors to pack heat; in Colin’s case, the Caribbean, Central and South America. While rapid deployment can be something of an issue, a sword cane is great weapon that few wharf rats or corrupt cops will anticipate. That said . . .

K-Bar TDI Self-Defense Cane (courtesy

As I discovered carrying my K-bar TDI Self-Defense Cane through a few airports, you pretty much have to limp when you carry a cane weapon. Otherwise eyebrows are raised.

You also need a story about how you came to be physically challenged. And when it comes time to run for an airplane (or departing freighter), unless you ditch the pretense entirely, you look like you were sent by The Ministry of Silly Walks.

Still, again, I like this Colin guy, if only because I covet his Rolex Submariner.

By the way, please click on the link below and submit your EDC loadout to Let us know when it appears ([email protected]) and we’ll feature it here.

edc everyday carry concealed carry


  1. I am not sure that having a sword in the cane is any better than just a cane as a weapon. I imagine that that ‘thing’ would be awful as a sword. The grip sucks and there is no guard. Although equally marginal as a weapon I like the octopus grip sword with pattern welded blade at Kult of Athena much better. If you are going to have something that is mostly useless it should at least be cool looking.

    • “I am not sure that having a sword in the cane is any better than just a cane as a weapon. I imagine that that ‘thing’ would be awful as a sword.”

      I’m inclined to believe it gives you a ‘stabbing’ weapon while keeping the mis-guided thug out of his arm’s reach of *you*…

    • Based on the blade design it would make a very formidable weapon IF the guy has a couple years of fencing in his background, particularly some saber fencing.

      Pretty big if but possible.

      • I agree. In my energetic youth, I spent several years fencing with simulated rapiers. Trust me, it is not as easy as the movie industry tries to imply. During the renaissance, people trained for hundreds of hours. If they had the money, they went to the finest schools on fencing. In an actual duels, they did not fight up close like Olympic fencers. They usual kept their distance when possible because they knew it only took 3 lbs. of pressure to penetrate the chest, which during that time was usually a guaranteed death sentence.

  2. I have a sword cane in my collection of Cool Things, but never really carried it around. Up until recently, doing so in Texas would been illegal anyway.
    My Cold Steel Irish Walking Stick, on the other hand, is just a cane and nothing else. It has no secrets that may require explaining to authorities and requires little in the way of special techniques or training.
    One of my high school shop teachers had a saying about gimmicky weapons, “that’s probably sufficient to get you into trouble but not enough to get you back out.”

    • Yes: bait. You are advertising that you have something of value (easily pilferable) and possibly plenty of money (whether a mark for a pickpocket or home/hotel room invasion is up to who’s watching). Especially if waltzing around with a cane. Don’t feign an injury to carry a hidden sword. You’re already making yourself look like an attractive target (i.e. weak/weaker or vulnerable). Just my $0.02 on the subject.

      • The Caribbean is surprisingly risk adverse, in my experience. I have openly worn a Submariner ‘down island’ for 20 years. All too often in dodgy neighborhoods, with more rum & Ting in my belly than sensible. Alone or in a group–never a problem. A West Indian thug can be the meanest sonnava bitch you ever came accross, but there is always a weeker victim.
        Awareness and strength rules the day down there.
        Your experience may vary…

  3. First, it’s “averse,” not “adverse,”

    Second, if you write “(i.e. an ex-Navy SEAL due to be forced out of retirement by a top secret mission that only he can perform)” you are saying that Colin *is* an ex-Navy SEAL. I.e. means “that is,” not “for example” or “perhaps.” (Article that explains differences here: I don’t normally pick on word choice errors, but two in one article, and such egregious ones…

    Third, that’s a lot of junk to back up a .22. Maybe Colin has arthritis or other reasons for not carrying a heavier gun. But then he wouldn’t be a SEAL, now would he?

    • I’m not averse to being corrected on erroneous word choices, be they synonyms, homonyms or antonyms.

      I don’t think I misused “i.e.” I wrote that Colin IS an explorer, and then defined what I meant by an explorer (i.e. that is an ex-Navy SEAL). See what I did there?

      Aynway, thanks for holding me to such a high standard. I shall endeavor to be worthy of your literary cavilling.

  4. Speaking of cane weapons –

    Would a cane *gun* be considered an AOW weapon requiring the NFA $5 AOW stamp?

    ‘Cause I’m thinking if a cane gun is single-shot, I might as well go (mostly) all-in, and make it a .410 with 3-pellet buckshot…

  5. Don’t limp with your beat stick, I mean cane. Just say you have a problem with balance, an old knee injury, or something that flares up.

    • Lazily leaning on it notwithstanding, I feign no injury with my cane (yes, it IS a cane! Got a rubber thingy on the tip n’ everything!), indeed I’ll sometimes just tuck it under my armpit as a saunter around in public on my two fully functional legs. In a decade-and-a-half I’ve never had so much as a raised eyebrow from any Texas lawman.

      • I’ve only carried a cane twice – once through the airport to New Jersey and in NJ.
        Only person to comment was the lady on the plane sitting next to me.
        I don’t look handicapped and my cane was… robustly built.

        TSA just ran it through the X Ray. No comments. Most people are about as observant as… something REALLY not observant.

      • That’s because most cops aren’t assholes and/or don’t recognize Cold Steel items for what they are.

        It is an “unlawful carrying weapon” (they’ve changed terminology on me), and it is a stupid law. Penal Code: “‘Club’ means an instrument that is specially designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury or death by striking a person with the instrument.” The videos and descriptions at make it quite clear that’s what their products are for.

      • Just to be clear, I’m not criticizing you or suggesting you shouldn’t do it, but I am saying be aware of the legal situation.

  6. Lover the TPH but would never willingly carry one for defense.

    Went through 10 brands (bricks) of ammo to try and find one with no stoppages.

    Winchester SuperX beat all the others but would still cause malfunctions about 10% or the time.

    Beautiful, fun little pistol – Now for the range – The LCP was what I was looking for in the 80s.

    The only 22 auto I would consider trusting my life to is a Mark II Ruger auto – no malfunctions in thousands of rounds.

    Pay your money and make your choice.

  7. Traded in my PPK 380 for a Glock26; PPK kept jamming too much. Haven’t had any problems with the Glock. Both are backups.

    • I carry either a PPK or Glock 26. Both have been totally reliable.
      Would love a Walther TPH.22. Regret no buying one.
      Walking stick/Umbrella sword would be neat. Not sure how practical. Maglight would be better.

  8. Robert’s problem is that the TDI cane looks like a weapon. I have a sterile Cane Masters hapkido cane that has never drawn even a glance from TSA except for a friendly “Do you need assistance walking through the security scanning?”

    But when your cane is black aluminum with knurled “Grip Zone!(TM)” sections appropriate to martial arts use and a sharpened crook, well… come on. It’s like the tactifool pen craze.

    Mine has a sharpened crook, but is hickory and bears neither logos nor nontraditional gripping surfaces.

  9. I think the reason the 22’s are popular with a certain type of traveler is that the ammo can be had easily on the black market, or from a trusted friend, in many countries where almost nothing else is available . certainly in Mexico since single action 22 pistols and single shot rifles are more numerous than almost any other gun in civilian hands. or so I hear from the Mexicans from our plants south of the border.
    I do think he would be better served with a Beretta 21A also, medical service is not what it is here in those places , and a small caliber wound is to be feared.

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