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11 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Colin Johnson”

  1. Had a S&W folder back in the day, it wasn’t actually a horrible knife for the price considering how I beat on it and it didn’t break.

  2. The 709 is a garbage gun, and now, with the offerings out by other manufacturers for the slim 9mm, the 709 is utterly worthless.

    • I am curious As to what brings you to the conclusion that the 709 is utterly worthless, I’ve never owned one but I have shot one and it seemed like a decent little shooter.

    • I have owned several Taurus handguns with wildly mixed results. The 709 I picked up on a whim for $250 out the door. I put several hundred rounds of cheap ball ammo and a couple boxes of Hornady Critical Defense without a single hiccup. I carried it for a while until a lady friend of mine told me she wanted to learn to shoot. After several trips to the range with a variety of rifles and pistols she is took ownership of it. Based on my (and her) experience I have no reason to believe it wont perform for her in a moment of crisis or for a day at the range. A tall order for a $250 NIB handgun of any kind.

      • If you consider a few hundred rounds good enough, then by all means.

        However, I use my guns quite a bit more than just a few hundred rounds. So, I guess it really depends on the person.

        My 709 crapped out very quickly, I cannot remember how many rounds exactly, but less than 500 for sure. It would jam up with everything except 124+p HPs, and when you add up the cost of shooting those steadily in order to keep the gun running, it wasn’t much of a bargain…

        When it came out, there wasn’t much in the way slim 9mm guns, but now, everyone has one. And for not much more than $100-150, on average, over the 709, I’d say, the extra cost is well worth it.

        We are talking about a gun carried to save a life, I hate to be cliché, but what is your life worth?

        • To be fair I had not owned it all that long. It has in excess of 500 through it now with no indication of any developing issue. I have spent more on guns that had issues. Next time I see her I’ll put a few hundred more through it but so far it has functioned 100%.

  3. I’ve never had a problem with my Slim709. In fact, it’s a pretty awesome little ‘beater’ CCW. I only paid $250 for it. I don’t put a million rounds though it, because it’s a CCW, not a range gun or a service/duty side arm. It’s never had any issues at all whatsoever for me and is pretty damn accurate, surprisingly so in fact. It’s my SmartCarry gun because it has a safety. Having said that, Taurus is known to have some QC issues, and I’ve seen others have issues, as ROHC is referencing above. I guess I got a lucky and got a good one. Probably at about 700 rounds or so and still shooting. Enough so that I feel confident that it will go bang and cycle if it had to in a bad spot. The one thing I don’t like about it is the mags don’t really drop free very easily/every time, and the mag release is a little small.

  4. I’ve had minor issues with just about every manufacturer of firearms: Soringfield Armory ’90 series (bad extractor), S&W 686 (recalled and fixed), Ruger 10/22T (strung shots vertically due to an improperly installed sling swivel being seated to deep from the factory causing wood to touch the barrel), Kahr P40 (Periodic jams through first 300 rounds, flawless after it was broken in), and a Rossi .44 special (ejector rod loosened causing cylinder to bind). The SA, S&W, Ruger and Rossi shouldn’t have left the factory that way, but they did. I’ve got others that I’m waiting for the malfunctions to start.

    Guns, like any other mechanical device, break, wear, and malfunction. Just like a car, sooner or later it’s going to give you a problem. Hopefully, they’re minor and you can figure it out/fix it yourself. Sometimes, you’re going to get a lemon. (Toyota and Honda will sell a bad car here and there too.)

    Personally, I haven’t had an issue with my Taurus PT111 G2, a friend hasn’t had an issue with either of his Taurus revolvers and my dad is happy with his Taurus 99. Others have had issues, but overall, most of the current Taurus pistols seem to be decently made/ reliable overall.

    Just like anything else you buy, you pay your money and take your chances.

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