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Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Daniel

Daniel, an engineer, keeps things simple and functional. And it doesn’t get much simpler or more functional than a GLOCK 43 9mm single stack pistol. See the rest of his carry gear at Everyday Carry . . .

edc everyday carry concealed carry

9 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Daniel”

  1. My everyday pocket dump, cheap pocket knife with a blade less then 2 and 1/2 inches, lint, 75cents in change, and cell phone set on speed dial 911. Support our highly trained and professional Law Enforcement. Thank an officer today.

    • Haven’t you said this before? Am I missing something about your comment? If this wasn’t my thing, I’d just skip the post.

      More than the firearms, I like to see the knives, watches, flashlights, and tools others are carrying. I discovered a great holster in a recent post.

      • Some people cannot bring themselves to carry a weapon or use physical force in defense of self or others. Such people are often sincerely grateful to those who stand ready to do violence on THEIR behalf. As a disabled person I share similar sentiments
        Thank an officer or first responder today

        • Thanks Jon. I understand the sentiment for the appreciation of law enforcement, whither disabled or not. I was asking because ironicatbest, or perhaps someone else, made a very-similar, 911-on-speed dial comment before. I wasn’t sure if this was directed at this specific EDC gear, or something else. And if it is as you say, just a comment about being grateful to law enforcement, you can see where I might be confused by the comment. It’s a firearms blog, linking to a post about someone’s firearm they carry daily, and has literally nothing to do with law enforcement. So I am glad you are advancing a law enforcement appreciation agenda, but I didn’t see it as having anything to do with this article. Thank away, I guess, on any post that moves you.

    • Hope you have a wallet so they can identify your body.

      I appreciate law enforcement. I just dont assign super-human status to them.

      The police are for enforcing the law to ensure due process.

      They are not for protecting indivuals.

  2. I am pretty sure he could hide that 43 under that watch!

    May be a new carry method.

    Nice and simple…..carry on.

  3. And what 3rd world hellhole does he live with in that he feels he will be ambushed to not be able to defend himself without a Glock? Even in Destroyit and Bodymore, carrying is a bigger risk than getting attacked.

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