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Depot msa's EDC gear starts with a GLOCK 17.

Who says your EDC gear can’t change to accommodate your mood? Depot msa’s GLOCK 17 carried in a Zulu Bravo IWB holster constitutes his “simple everyday carry,” when “I’m really feeling the gray and black.” See all of it at Everyday Carry . . . edc everyday carry

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  1. Who EDCs an old school P&S 35mm film camera? Is it a secret carrier for something else with the insides gutted?

  2. The camera is an odd choice since an Olympus XA rangefinder offers equal performance in a more pocketable form. I could see carrying a film camera every day if he’s a serious photographer, since people used to do that before good quality smartphone cameras.
    The Glock 17 seems a bit much to carry iwb, instead of a G19.

    Also in the name of John Moses Browning fix the mobile view of the site so you can actually select text boxes without jumping around.

  3. If it weren’t for all the money he spends on film and processing, he could probably afford a Walther.

    • “If it weren’t for all the money he spends on film and processing,”

      Preach it.

      If you can even find local processing, nowadays. The only person I know locally who still shoots 35mm film only uses it for slides. The one medium-format guy I know shoots B&W for portraits.

      And analog (recorded) audio has finally fallen to high-bitrate digital…

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