Mark's 2nd loadout (courtesy

What’s’s Mark missing? (That he didn’t highlight in a previous post.) Field notes? Secret decoder ring? Phone? What?

edc everyday carry concealed carry


  1. Yeah, yeah, we know… the RATS isn’t as good as a CATS. But he has it with him and thus will work a helluva lot better than the CATS he left at home or his belt. So he still gets a point.

    • I went to the site to see if I could figure out what that was, but it didn’t say, and I’m a bit annoyed by that.

    • /facepalm
      Sorry, I should have clarified my comment above: The ‘flea collar’ is a RATS, an inexpensive tourniquet you can slip in your pocket – lighter and more compact than a CATS or a SOF-T… but less regarded than either by EMTs, doctors, and pretty much everyone except the guys who carry them.

  2. RF.

    No need for your baiting on the EDC loadout.

    We can find plenty of things to heckle.

    Not enough stuff; too much stuff; wrong brand; etc.

    You are less likely to get comments when your serve them up for roasting.

    Just my opinion….

  3. Where’s the fourth light? I only see a Nebo, a Streamlight, and a Nightcore. Cell phones and lighters don’t count.

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