Graceful Squirrel's EDC gear featuring a Micro Desert Eagle

The squirrel says, these are “the many items I carry with me for my own enjoyment and protection of my family of six.” You don’t see a lot of Micro Desert Eagles, but it looks like a worthy mouse gun. See all of the GS’s gear at Everyday Carry . . .

Graceful Squirrel's EDC gear featuring a Micro Desert Eagle


  1. I’ve heard negative things about those Micro Desert Eagle’s and it’s not like the prices or availability are reasonable to warrant testing them myself. They are very small tho, which peaks my interest. Wish more manufacturers would make a .380 with a 2 inch barrel.

    • I’m not sure that Micro DE is all that much smaller than an LCP or TCP, and I don’t think I’d want to give up the 100 fps or so of velocity that the extra 1/2″ of barrel in those guns gets you just for a marginal increase in concealability. Neat little gun, though – not a lot of all-metal guns in that size class.

    • I have one, overall I love it. After three years and maybe 500-700 rounds at the range something happened and it would sometimes fire when I loaded a round. Magnum research replaced the hammer bar and polished the firing pin for no charge and it works great now.

    • With a notebook, you can write stuff down, tear off a page, and give it to someone. Like a list of part numbers you are looking for at Autozone. Or a “Nice parking job, dumbass” note on someone’s windshield.

  2. Love the mini Griptillian.

    I don’t love that he buys high end sunglasses and then puts them lenses down to show off the Oakley logos on the ear pieces though.

  3. I had a micro desert eagle I bought from a pawn shop for $175.00
    It was an early one with dual recoil springs a low serial number.
    I traded it for marble kitchen counter tops, including installation.
    I wish I had it back. It pointed and shot wonderfully. The slightly pocket worn nickle teflon finish reminded me of a Star Wars blaster with intergalactic wear. It was comfortable in the hand, light in the pocket, slim and square like a wallet and the recoil was much less than any other all metal pocket pistol I’ve shot. It disassembled and cleaned with no tools needed not pins to remove.
    I find them on the mfg website, but it doesn’t look like they are in production anymore. Too bad.

  4. I you try to hold that gun two handed and thumbs forward, I’m thinking things might go badly for one thumb.

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