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Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Henry Kadoch


Like most concealed carriers, Henry doesn’t pack much more than he has to. And for a tiny nine, the P938’s about a comfortable to shoot as it gets. See all the equipment he’s chosen at Everyday Carry . . .

14 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Henry Kadoch”

  1. Where are his two backup guns, four backup blades, med kit, pocket notes, and $2000 watch? He’s very unprepared.

    • Spare tire, jumper cables, tow straps………..

      Pocket carry, people! If it’s not in your pockets everyday it don’t qualify.

      Now get off my lawn!

  2. Finally a pocket dump that doesn’t require a backpack, tactical vest and cargo pants. Great job!

  3. 938s are nice.

    And the lack of Field Notes suggests to me that you are a real human being, and not a freaky EDC automaton.

    • I think the whole practice of “token carrying” was inspired by Inception. Everybody wants to carry a special talisman.

      The idea of the challenge coin nicely dovetails into that zeitgeist.

  4. I don’t know what Inception is or challenge coins outside of Mario but you have to pay the Ferryman if you want to get to the other side.

  5. What, no phone? Noob!

    But seriously, I don’t know anyone who has a picture of their own camera…

  6. LOL! Hard to include the phone when it was used to take the photo…
    I’m not so sure about where the challenge coin habit came from…I think they are nice, and this one is a 2A one; it just became a habit to carry it.
    Thanks for the comments!

  7. Where are your field notes?
    Seriously, the Sig 938 is a great pocket nine. I have one and love it!
    It is single action only.
    If you carry it “cocked and locked” the way it is designed to be carried, you should have a holster that covers the safety as well as the trigger
    That way the safety cannot be accidentally set to the fire positon by some foreign object
    That sweet single action 7 pound trigger has a very short travel to go boom once the safety is off.
    Unless you carry Israeli style with an empty chamber. Then it doesn’t matter.

  8. Had one.
    Had key word here.
    Pocket it “cocked and locked”! (With or without pocket holster)
    At end of day, it was no more than 50/50 that the safety was still on!

    If I worked absolutely hard, I “could” shoot it half-assed!
    But it took every ounce of concentration, which is short supply under stress.

    Best thing I ever did was part with that POS.
    Love my other SIGs!

  9. The safety has NEVER come off on its own, and I carry it every day, all day…don’t know what else to tell you.
    While It’s not the easiest gun to shoot, I have practiced with it extensively, and I am quite accurate with it. The size and 1911-ish design are its best attributes as far as I’m concerned. But of course, we should each carry what we feel comfortable and confident with.

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