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12 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – JonBond”

  1. Kind of call BS. Both pistols are IWB with the same cant. Now I know you can carry appendix and 3 o’clock at the same time, but really….

    • There really aren’t any hard and fast rules as to which items/gear can be shown in the picture.

      Those Microtech automatics are worth every expensive penny.

      • As long as they’re legal in your state. Somewhere on the order of 16 states ban or heavily restrict the carrying of an automatic knife.

        • Yeah, there’s a really cool knife shop in Estes Park, whenever I pass through I consider picking one up because they don’t care.

          The problem is that LEO’s do. When Colorado says “active duty” they mean it, and if my friend’s experience is anything to go buy they don’t even include reservists as being “active duty”.

        • Tal does using a pocket clip count as not concealed in your neck of the woods?

          I just ask because in NYC a pocket clip is considered OCing a knife and illegal.

      • The Ultratechs feel like expensive letter openers to me. If you want a microtech I recommend the Combat Troodons. A lot thicker and robust.

  2. If he’s investigating 80s rockers, he’d be Jon Bond Jovi?


    I like the pistol choices, but I too am curious about carry location. I’ll do the Glock appendix IWB, but the LCP is on my offside IWB.

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