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8 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Luke Yarasheski”

  1. “Luke… Don’t submit to the dark side of the Camel cigarette force… Puff on a civilized smoke instead….”

    (Nice re-purposed stainless safety harness carabiner, got one like it sliced off a trashed fall harness on my key ring)

    • That humped devil is all I’ve ever known. And thanks. Ifor memory serves I did it so I could keep track of them when I was lifeguarding. Kept it ever since because if they’re not on my person I would never know where they were

  2. “if you don’t mind a little extra recoil, it’s certainly a manstopper.”

    I carry a .40 daily and I don’t notice any real increase in recoil vs. a 9mm.

    Recoil is, in my experience, more about the gun than the round.

  3. Isn’t there extra recoil in the +P and +P+ versions of the 9mm that people carry? People say 9mm’s just as good as .40 (as long as you carry over-power loads). Sheesh.

  4. This may be what jam was carrying illicitly the day that Cali cop let him off.

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