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What gun for walkers? For Nate, it’s the Ruger SP101. He says this is his zombie apocalyptic Walking Dead-inspired EDC. See what he carries as he pops the undead at Everyday Carry . . .

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  1. Those Rite in the Rain pads are freakin’ amazing. I left one outside overnight once and it got poured on all night. I found it the next day, and none of the ink had bled at all. I was impressed.

  2. Nate, I had the same gun for a couple of months. Picked it up used on an impulse buy. Shot pretty much to point of aim until I had a LGS install an XS Standard dot front sight. After the sight swap, when shooting Gold Dot 135 grain .38 +P it shot like 6 inches low at 7 yards with a 6 o’clock hold, and worse further out. I had to cover the ten ring with the front sight to get hits in there. Just curious how yours shoots with that front sight on.

  3. You could do a lot worse than a SP101. But damn, it’s a (relatively) big heavy gun. I keep mine in an old Franklin Covey daytimer zip cover for a mini multi-ring binder that I took the rings and mechanism out of. Lots of other goodies kept in there and it all slips into the bottom of an old but serviceable Eddie Bauer carry on bag that I always travel with. Bed side table gun in motels, hotels and rental homes at the beach and in the mountains.

  4. Ruger lcr in 357 maybe be a better choice for walking about. I carry mine everywhere. Even in midnight runs for diapers in Pajama pants. It’s not too heavy for that.

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