Smoov_Operator's EDC GLOCK 22
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Smoov_Operator describes himself as a stormtrooper. We sure hope he shoots better than those guys in the white plastic suits in the movies. The GLOCK 22 is probably a lot more concealable than an E-11 blaster. See what else he carries at Everyday Carry . . .

edc, everyday carry,

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  1. Glock, seems everyone’s got one. I’m wondering will these plastic framed firearms be something I could hand down to the grandkids, or will the frames eventually crack?

  2. … yea, my concern also. Back in the early ’70’s I bought a pair of expensive composit plastic ski boots. There were purported to be the latest in high tech. I always kept them in a boot rack and in a closet, away from any sunlight. I was moving in the early 2000’s and when I came across these boots they literally crumbled in my hands into tiny pieces.
    Does anyone really know how these plastic composits will hold up over long periods of time — like an 1851 Colt Navy after 166+ years????

    • Year 4017, in the still-softly glowing ruins of Los Angeles:
      Archaeologist #1 – “Oh, look. Another perfectly preserved and still functional polymer framed projectile weapon our ancestors used.”
      Archaeologist #2 – “Great. Toss it on the pile with the others… we’ll catalog it later.”

    • ” I was moving in the early 2000’s and when I came across these boots they literally crumbled in my hands into tiny pieces.”

      That’s a legitimate concern to me, Randy.

      The hard truth is nobody knows on some plastics, because the manufacturers keep changing the formulations. I had a *Motorola* handheld radio that the housing crumbled on me in my hand.

      I would *hope* GLOCK is keeping a tight lid on the formulation of their polymers, but time will tell…

  3. LMOA i hate glocks,,cops that carry them,its no wonder it takes them so many rounds to hit what theyre aiming at-so a dbl stack would probably be best for them

  4. The Stormtroopers were ordered NOT to hit Leia, besides, how good would your aim be after banging your noggin on a bulkhead?

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