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We’re not sure if Spencer Sevy actually carries everything in all of the pocket dumps he’s submitted, or just likes to assemble and photograph different gear agglomerations. Does it really matter? Check out what’s in this one at Everyday Carry.

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  1. PEZ are fun and all, I enjoyed them as a kid, and that is certainly a cool PEZ dispenser.

    Still, do grown men actually carry PEZ dispensers? I can’t imagine doing so?

  2. I was gonna say “what’s with all the chapstick” but I think they’ve all been from Spencer.

    Phew. I hate not being a part of new trends.

    • If you spend a lot of time outdoors in dry regions it’s a must to have Chapstick

      • Huh, thats weird. I must not have gotten the memo. Guess I was just lucky surviving all these years. I wonder what our primeval ancestors living in the desert for millenia did before Burts Bee’s came along? Guess they all just died a miserable death from chapped lips? That would explain the dramatic increase in lifespan over the past centuries.

  3. Maybe it’s just me, but what I haven’t seen in any of these so called pocket dumps is a handkerchief or bandana. These are quite possibly the most versatile items I carry. I can clean my glasses, wipe my brow, use it as a bandage or tourniquet, it’s a napkin at lunch if needed, sweat/head band, clean up a spilled soda in the car, wipe my rear end in the woods(one time use and gone) and heck, sometimes I even use them to blow my nose. Maybe I’m the only guy who carries one any more.

  4. Looks like he’s from Texas, wow finally at least someone from Texas on this site! [sarc.]

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