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Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Steve’s Special Purpose

Readers of a certain age will recognize that phrase as a joke from the Steve Martin movie The Jerk. Those who don’t are invited to check out the clip (not magazine) below. The reason I refer to this pre-meme trope: Steve’s pocket dump (above). He calls his photo “EDC with a porpoise.” I mean, purpose. The question is . . .

what’s the purpose of his EDC?

The obvious answer: personal self-defense. But I’m thinking that the technical manager is more than a bit style-driven. Carbon fiber magazine clip (not magazine)? BMW keys?

Do you choose your EDC loadout with style in mind, or is it all form follows function (and finance)?

edc everyday carry concealed carry

14 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Steve’s Special Purpose”

  1. Dipstick Bennett are you mulling over my indisputably documented correction to your tired racist lie?

    Coming to grips with the fact that black folks disproportionately committing crimes does NOT account for the police disproportionately killing UNARMED black folks?

    “There is no relationship between county-level racial bias in police shootings and crime rates (even race-specific crime rates), meaning that the racial bias observed in police shootings in this data set is not explainable as a response to local-level crime rates.”

    The reality of racism/implicit bias in policing remains:

    “The results provide evidence of a significant bias in the killing of unarmed black Americans relative to unarmed white Americans…”

    Chip Bennett

  2. Could just be kydex in a “carbon-fiber-look” pattern for the mag holder. There are some varieties in really nice colors and textures now.

  3. Looks as though he likes cigars RF. Just sayin’….Me I’m waiting for the S&W M&P .380 EZ to get out there. My wife has a .380 Bodyguard w/laser that she can’t rack anymore. Brownell’s has it for $399.99! That’s MSRP! I know a million people swear by them, but I have never found what I needed to get from them cheaper than I have been able to find local. Could be me I guess, but NOT! I’m sure if I wait a bit I can find it for quite bit less.

  4. If he was style driven , he’d ditch the low end Spydie for a Sebenza, and the Streamlight for at least a Surefire if not custom , can’t ID the wallet or watch other than to say they look very middle of the road .

    Oh and that a bottle opener not a cigar cutter.

  5. I go for simple, easily replaceable (except for my original Benchmade AFCK), able to get the job done when needed and purpose-driven. Last thing that concerns me is impressing folks with tools that shouldn’t even be seen until needed – – especially people on the Interwebs.

  6. I mean function is most important but if you can carry a gun and/or a holster that looks good too then why not?

  7. If a Norinco 54-1 stuck in a POS ISWB holster and a wall Mart pocket knife stylish, then I’m all that.

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