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27 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Tom”

  1. One of the best light-n-tight loadouts in this series, to date.

    A CZ, ’nuff said.

    Fenix E12, single AA cell light – Selectable 8 to 130 lumens output.

    A plain-edge Spyderco, much easier to maintain than the serrated edge ones.

    Outstanding work, Tom!

  2. This is one of the more practical edc pictures I have seen. I would like to be seeing actual pocket carry dumps but it was still refreshing not seeing a backpacks worth of gear. If I see a backpack or spare mags for a spare gun I just ignore it and scroll away.

    • Well, considering the website that TTAG grabs these off of have nothing to do with the pocket dump tagline, each one that has a backpack full of stuff is a perfectly legitimate part on the original website. I specifically posted the backpack worth of stuff yesterday because I am sick and tired of overly critical people complaining that ‘you can’t fit all that in your pockets’.

      BTW, I doubt he is putting that very nice CZ in his pockets, so where is your criticism now?

    • Ever lived in an urban area where you are running around on public transport? You’d use a backpack too.

    • Gun stores do that to prop the gun up so you can see it at a better angle. But they usually use shotgun shells.

    • That’s not all. This firearm is listed as a PCR, which is the compact size decocker model with alloy frame. It does indeed have a “D” designation (for decocker) and the decocker lever in view. All metal CZs have either the decocker or the safety…not both. So why do I see the hammer in full cock? With a foreign object in the trigger guard?

      Not the example I’d be following.

      • Or the angle makes the hammer look farther back than it really is. The detail in the picture composition makes it hard to tell, but I do believe the hammer is at the half cock position. But still, trigger guard. No longer wildly stupid, but stupid.

  3. full size 75 carries, but it’s big. the compact looks right, but no decocker for me. p07’s are cheap, but i’d rather have this or a p01.
    where is cz’s single stack?
    bought an old t-series belgian p35 today to complement the feg copy.

    • Eh, as long as it stands up by itself. I usually grind the lens end ones down myself but leave the tail end alone so it can stand.

    • I specifically look for non-cenulated bevels in my flashlight. I hate the way they always seem to rub my leg raw.

  4. What makes it a better angle?
    I didn’t know guns were such Divas.
    That’s why I like my Glock. It is ugly from all angles. The only view I care about is from behind the sights.

  5. CZ does need to come out with a single stack 9
    The one pictured here is a little too large for concealed carry
    The CZ Rami is a quality compact gun, but it is fat in the grip
    Come on CZ!
    Are you going to force me to buy a Shield?

    • Guess I’m the oddball that likes carrying a Rami. Way more accurate than any barrel that short has any right to be.

  6. Nice and simple. I like the knife too. Not the biggest fan of that light due to it’s battery but overall it’s a good light.

    Well done.

  7. Love it.

    The CZ-75 Compact design is, for me, the best handling pistol in my hand that I have ever held or felt.

    I say “design” because I have a couple of Caniks. I have a Canik C-100 that is a fine pistol… outstanding for the $300-odd bucks I paid for it. Even in compact, it’s a bit too big too big for me to EDC… but damned if I wouldn’t slobber over a scaled down “sub-compact” DA/SA hammered version with a single stack.

    The thing is, every time I see genuine CZ-75s, they are significantly more expensive… $500-700ish, depending on farkles’n’sparkles. The fit and finish of CZ does look a step up from Caniks… but are they really superior shooters? More durable, more reliable? When I see well-used CZ-75s priced accordingly, they don’t seem quite as nice as my Caniks.

    Anybody have both and care to compare? As a shooter, I have a suspicion that my L-120 will go round for round with a real CZ for half the buy-in… but I don’t actually *know* that. Do you?


  8. Now instead of a writing utensil inside the trigger guard of an unloaded weapon with the safety engaged, replace that with the finger of an Israeli supermodel in a bikini and listen to the moaning and groaning from all the safety Nazis about poor trigger discipline.

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