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46 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day – Tom in Oregon”

        • Did a quick google check on price. Is “If you have to ask, you can’t afford it ” a valid answer?

        • “Very pretty, but a bit out of my price range.”

          Something tells me Tom got an employee discount on it.

          I recall Tom mentioning once how the boxes the knives come in at the place he works for cost more than many quality EDC blades themselves…

        • We get points each month. I saved them for a year to get this knife. Still cost me some cash on top of my points. But it’s worth it.

        • It’s a beautiful blade, Tom!

          I’m not brave enough to carry something as gorgeous as that EDC.

          (Any chance they need someone to sweep floors, mow the lawn, walk the boss’s dog, *anything*?)

        • They’ll probably be hiring again soon. Seems to be the trend.
          It’s a fantastic company to get to work for.

  1. Hey how often should you rotate ammo that’s in a hot car all day? Once a month or so? Or is it fine?

    • When it turns green from humidity and heat, or is corroded. Ammo is good for many years, hot frozen, or in between. There is plenty of 50 year old ammo floating around out there, and it shoots just fine. the only thing you have to pay attention to is bullets being pushed into the case from loading and reloading it into the gun, as this can lead to an overpressure situation.

      • “There is plenty of 50 year old ammo floating around out there, and it shoots just fine.”

        I recall reading here in TTAG about some nearly *100* year-old early manufacture .45 ACP that was tested and most of it fired, but it was a bit on the ugly-corroded side…

    • While ammo certainly can last for awhile, I rotate self-defense ammo every 3-6 months. Our policy at work is 6 months max. That’s more often than necessary, but why go through such great lengths to have a reliable carry gun and then neglect the ammo aspect? Also, carry guns get dusty and fuzzy. I knock the dust off on a weekly basis.

      Again, I’m aware that I’m more anal about cleaning than a lot of shooters, but my guns also tend to be more reliable.

      Continual clambering / unloading of a a semi auto can affect cartridge overall length, too. Better safe than sorry.

      • Same field, but ours is every year. A lot of us have bailout bags that we keep with a bunch extra, some of which is rotated more frequently causing our belt mags to be rotated in use.

  2. If it is just company policy (not law), I’d suggest hiding an LCP type pistol somewhere on your person.

    • I have a feeling that Tom is making a very good living and wouldn’t want to risk it. And whatever he does, it might just be one of those jobs with a very low risk of criminal invasion or ex-employees going postal.

      • I’m thinking anyone who comes into Tom’s workplace looking to commit a crime is gonna get filleted.

  3. Nice gun, and much prettier than my Glocks. Normally I’d say get a .380 or 9mm single stack and carry anyways, but you are clearly capable of handling business.

    Cheers to you and hope we can meet up for a hunt or range time someday.

  4. I’m not a Glock hater, I own a few. But it seems to me like putting a custom slide on a Glock is like putting custom wheels on a Toyota Camry.

    To each his own, I guess.

    • What? Are you trying to tell us that you’ve never seen a Camry jacked up and with 20″ chrome rims with rubber band tires? You must not get out much!

    • You may have just hit the nail on the head. Glock is the toyota camry of the gun world: cheap, reliable, ugly, and ubiquitous.

  5. Pretty light load, there. I carry tons of stuff (slight hyperbole), all of which _could_ be useful, so I don’t know where to trim.

    • Rick I have two words for ya. MAN PURSE. : )

      I keep my pocket carry very light because I have a bag o tricks very close by. (Often in the car, sometimes on my back). Sure it’s a compromise. Most things in life are.

      I keep a phone, minimalist wallet, keys, knife, pocket flashlight and pocket pistol on body. Everything else goes in the bag.

  6. My employers have the same policy, I have a different policy. They will never know that I carry and if I ever need to protect myself and get fired for it, well I will be alive to look for a new job, and if I don’t survive then it won’t matter anyway. If the company doesn’t take steps for security then several of us have decided that we will do what we can.

  7. So does your employer prohibit guns in cars in the parking lot? Or do you park offsite?

    • No. Several of us leave them in our rigs in the parking lot. Even my supervisor.
      But company policy is company policy. I love working there too much to worry about it. And disgruntled ex-employees? No such thing. Nobody wants to leave, it’s that good.

  8. My employer doesn’t specifically ban guns. The most I can find in the employee handbook is that “possessing a firearm on company premises” is in a list of offenses that are “punishable by up to, and including termination”. There are no signs anywhere, so customers aren’t banned, and the only answer my noss or myself can get from corporate is that “it’s probably not a good idea”. So, I leave my gun at home. I live literally across the street from my employer, so I walk to work. The only time I bring my gun in to work is when I’m off the clock.

  9. Nearly every EDC dump is a Glock since you’ve mostly stopped showing nearly any Springfield Armory firearms. Get some variety going in these things. And does Glock really hold THAT much of the market share when Springfield is taken out of the equation? It’s really mind boggling.

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