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Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Stuart Campbell


What does a geologist and PhD student carry with him every day? Well, a Taurus PT809e for one thing. Make the jump to Everyday Carry to see the details on what else Stuart Campbell, the South African doctor-to-be totes with him while he’s analyzing rocks and minerals.

28 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Stuart Campbell”

      • Dan, maybe I am being picky, but a lot of these pistols look a little large for “pocket carry”. Why are there no holsters included in these photos?

        Perhaps because you are getting them from the Everyday carry site and they have not thought to include them?

        • I posted my EDC on that site , I seem to be the only one that bothered posting my holster, or maybe the carriers on there don’t feel holsters look cool enough to post?

  1. I hope you’re like 6’6 and love cargo pants, because I doubt that amount of raw shit distributes well over a normal sized human body.

    Even the watch is oversized as hell. I know, because I have one.

    • It’s not that bad. I’m only 6’3″-ish and scrawny, and I don’t have much trouble with a comparable set.

      – Gun goes in an IWB holster, probably behind the right hip.
      – Knife goes in right front trouser pocket, at the edge closest to the hip.
      – Wallet (not pictured) goes in the right front trouser pocket.
      – Leatherman holster goes on belt just forward of the left hip. (I keep an AAA flashlight and a lighter in mine as well as the actual multitool).
      – Watch goes on wrist, obviously.
      – Phone goes in left front trouser pocket.
      – Car keys go either in hand, in coat pocket, or in right rear trouser pocket.
      – Notebook goes in left rear trouser pocket, probably. Shirt pocket would be convenient if you usually have one.

      If I have a complaint, it’s that the car keys need a better spot. I’m thinking of getting a belt loop or something for them.

        • I keep my wallet on whatever side squeezes my fat ass less, and if it gets stolen, joke’s on them– there’s nothing in there worth stealing, including my identity. also, i fart upon my wallet all the time.

        • Sure. Is that weird? I guess kind of. I am aware that the Leatherman has a knife blade, but I carry a folder as well despite that. Why? Because:

          1) I carried a knife long before I started carrying a Leatherman; it’s just habit at this point.
          2) The knife blade in the Leatherman is fine for most cutting tasks, as far as it goes — but I find it awkward to deploy and don’t like the way it sits in my hand when using it in knife mode. To me it’s worth the very slight added inconvenience to feel confident in my cutting implement.
          3) It’s a fairly small, light knife — two and a half ounces, just over four inches closed. I’m not toting a Benchmade Adamas or a Spyderco Manix around with me every day.
          4) The knife was a present from the Missus.

    • I agree. I half expect someone to have a microwave oven in their pocket.

      My EDC consists of money, credit cards and a 2 1/2 inch knife in my right front pocket, a gun of some sorts in my left front pocket with a pocket holster and a watch. About 50% of the time a glock rides on my hip and the pocket gun goes in the safe. But that’s it. Gun, knife, cash, credit cards, licenses, watch.

      Normal, eh?

  2. Love these Pocket Dump Posts. Is there any way to get the holsters/method of carry included in these dumps? Or are we to assume Mexican Carry?

      • Well… I see your point, I really do, BUT, and there is always a but, spilling your pockets all over the internet isn’t exactly a private affair. I am / was simply hoping that these posts might serve to illustrate holster / gun match-ups that people have found to work well so that we all might benefit from the shared experience.


  3. I had to google “zam-buk.”
    I think any guy that carries an “Herbal Ointment” daily should turn in his man card.
    Just sayin.

    • Or hard work is getting the calluses on his hands ripped off and bloody. Happens to me a lot. Doc Spartan is my go to.

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