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Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: EDC for Dogs? [MUSIC]

Obviously not “EDC for dogs” in the sense of dogs carrying a firearm. Although my daughter does insist that dogs are people too. Nope, we’re talking about carrying something to end a canine confrontation without going all SWAT kill. To that end you may notice that Dan P’s pocket dump features . . .

a GLOCK 17, some spare SIG SAUER self-defense ammo, a K-Bar knife, pen, tourniquet, flashlight and a Defense Technology First Defense OC Stream MK-6 1.3% Solution Red Band Pepper Spray (0.68-Ounce).

Now I’m assuming the spray’s to forefend four-legged antagonists, but who knows? Maybe Dan P wants a non-lethal solution to an imminent, credible, human-shaped threat of grievous bodily harm or death. If so . . .

is that a good idea? I mean if the threat is serious enough to spray — and you can’t escape — isn’t it serious enough for ventilation? And if you spray someone for a relatively minor threat, aren’t you running the risk of escalating the situation to where it becomes legal?

I don’t take my schnauzers to the dog park anymore, so I no longer carry pepper spray. Should I?

edc everyday carry concealed carry

7 thoughts on “Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: EDC for Dogs? [MUSIC]”

  1. Had to read through this a couple times to understand it. Thought I had mislabeled by post or something.

    Andrew Branca likes pepper spray, so I like pepper spray. When you really look at the issue, you’re likely legally justified to pepper spray someone before you punch them. If pepper spraying someone escalates the conflict, I hope I would be far away by then. If not, it is usually easier to fight a blind guy.

  2. I see absolutely no problem with carrying pepper as long as it’s backed up with real firepower. As the saying goes, “to a man holding a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”.
    It is not unlikely that a potential defensive gun use might just as easily (and with less paperwork) been a defensive spray use. Having that option at least gives you the choice of which tool to reach for.

  3. If I could find a place to put it, I’d carry pepper spray. Having a less-lethal option is extremely nice.

    Theoretically it could open a lawsuit if you shoot instead of spray someone, but I think the potential upside outweighs the risk.

  4. You can use pepper spray in response to a non-lethal threat, likely any threat of physical harm, as opposed to threats of death or grievous bodily harm. It solves problems a firearm can’t, in that there’s a lot of unwanted physical confrontation that doesn’t meet the definition of a deadly threat. Think “bar fights” or even someone you bumped into on the street getting in your face and threatening you. Yelling threats is assault, and can be met with pepper spray. A gun, not so much. It all comes back to a gun not being a magical talisman that keeps you safe- it can’t do everything, and in the big picture has only a very few specific but important uses.

  5. Pepper spray is “iffy” on people.

    My experience is that is less consistent on dogs.

    Love the Stylus Pro… favorite “always” light.

  6. Options for use of force are always good, so long as they don’t confuse you under duress or cause too much hesitation while you decide which to deploy.

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