Duane's Everydaycarry.com pocket dump

Knock knock. Who’s there? Duane. Duane who? Duane the swamp, Donald Trump forgot. But seriously folks, Duane’s Everydaycarry.com pocket dump sports a bit of Big Lebowski-derived humor. The “Mark It Zero” sticker on the back of his iPhone X owes its existence to the scene below. Unlike the long-delayed Dutch designed Big Lebowski pinball machine, the GID sticker makes an important point for armed self-defenders . . . .

Follow the rules or face the consequences.

A sentiment that applies to people on both sides of a gun during a defensive gun use. While we’re at it there are a three rules that anyone going EDC should follow:

1. Carry a gun

2. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target

3. Keep calm when you carry. Remember: life is a series of strikes and gutters, ups and downs.


    • Eh… I’d guess because he just got some new gear and wants to brag about it. I’ve little interest in showing all of you my ratty old wallet or sweat-stained IWB holster – no, I’ll show off the good stuff.
      Although I do see a bit of finger wear on that pen.

    • Why do people like you love to be negative online? (rhetorical question)

      Get a life.

  1. That’s a nice EDC pocket dump, sans pen, watch and change the $20 to a $1 add Tok instead of the Shield and it looks like mine

  2. Let me tell you about firearms. The first time I discharged a firearm I was six years old on my grandfather’s farm. I knew I had found something I liked. Today I am 59. I am a veteran. An M.O.S. of airborne infantry. I am also a retired law enforcement officer. I was a communication officer while attending the academy. This academy, in addition to training new recruits, trains all of Florida’s state agencies.

    Upon graduation I was awarded the top gun trophy.

    I immediately returned to earn my law enforcement firearms instructor certification. Then advanced law enforcement firearms instructor certification. Then officer survival, patrol carbine, tactical rifle, tactical pistol, precision marksman (sniper), etc. I could paper a wall with training certificates. One of which is one of the first awarded for the new doctrine of “active shooter response” following Colombine.

    Let’s dispel some myths.

    First, it’s not gun violence, it’s people violence. As I write this I can reach a loaded Sig P 220 on my coffee table. It’s not committing any violence, but I can pick it up and commit some. I remember a homicide my agency worked when the weapon of choice was a cast iron skillet. Is that frying pan violence? I was an an eye witness to a murder one night. Weapon of choice? A glass bottle. Suspect hit the victim over the head, breaking the bottle, then stabbing the victim in the neck and severing the carotid artery. With every heartbeat blood was spurting about ten feet. I, and three other fully uniformed officers, saw the entire thing, but could do nothing to stop it.

    So much for you leaving your protection to the professionals. In fact the U.S. Supreme Court ruled years ago that law enforcement has no duty to protect you as an individual, only society as a whole. This begs the question; if law enforcement has no duty to protect you, then who does? I would suggest it is yourself. I have taught many CCW classes to many citizens. One of the questions I always asked was, “As an L.E.O., what do you think I do?” I received the answers you’d expect. Serve and protect, catch criminals, etc. More, or less what you would expect, but not what I was looking for. I would tell them, “I am a historian and a janitor. I write down what happened and clean up the mess.” This astonished many people. We almost always get there too late. Any honest L.E.O. will tell you the same thing.

    Another myth the media would love you to believe.You can’t safely learn to safely use a firearm.Only the professionally trained can do so.

    Some of the worst/most dangerous firearms handling I’ve seen are on military and law enforcement firearms ranges. Between my military and law enforcement careers I met a gentleman who owned a gun store a ran firearms classes. He was a private citizen (now law enforcement), but no professional training prior. I learned more from him than either the military, or L.E.O. training. The private citizen has incentive to learn. Everything is out of his pocket. Most cops would never go to the range if they weren’t: 1. Required to 2. Paid to.

    I have taught many private citizens C.C.W. classes to citizens. Everyone from grandmother’s to professional football players. I always ask, “What firearms experience do you have?” I was teaching a private class I taught that included a Super Bowl winner and his wife I asked that question. She replied, “I’ve never heard a gun shot except on TV, or the movies.” I thought, “Great! A blank slate. No bad habits to break.”
    After a little instruction she was shooting circles around her husband. Much to his consternation. At the end of the class I retrieved a fully automatic sub-machine gun that I was issued and asked if they would like to shoot it. They were most enthusiastic.

    I demonstrated loading, stance, sighting, trigger control, etc., and handed the weapon to the young lady. She ran through the 30 round magazine, 2-3 rd bursts without a miss. She then looked over her shoulder at me, smiled and and said, “That was fun! Can I do it again?” I gave her another30 rd magazine and she did it again.

    If you can drive a car you can safely use a firearm. Both are eye hand coordination. It’s just that most people drive a car everyday, but they don’t handle a firearm everyday.

    Finally, to the guys who had the derisive remarks about the man’s pocket dump. It looks a lot like mine. If you’ve seen even half of what I have you’re still not qualified to comment on it.

    • “Finally, to the guys who had the derisive remarks about the man’s pocket dump. It looks a lot like mine. If you’ve seen even half of what I have you’re still not qualified to comment on it.”

      This is called elitism. Yes combat experience applies to EDCs and guns and whatnot, but every combat veteran is not more qualified than every civilian. In fact, some are less qualified, and even if that’s not the case, some civilians have had some pretty good ideas over the years.

      Also, assuming you know more than everyone else is a great way to be a horrible shooter, tactician, and person.

      P.S. The only negative comment about his EDC was that it looked new.

    • “I got buddies that does face down in the muck so that you and I can enjoy this family restaurant!”

  3. If you will read my comments again you will note that I said I learned most of what I know from a man with no military, or law enforcement experience. I have taken a couple of classes under Bill Rogers and shot with Massad Ayoob a couple of times (no classes). He asked if I carried on duty the ivory stocked 1911 I was shooting that day. I said, “Sure. Why not?” He shook his head and as he turned away I heard him say to himself, “I know I’m in the South now.” lol

    An elietist though? No one ever accused me of being an elite anything. I just took umbridge at the negative comments those guys made. I know they were aimed at the fact that everything looked new; but isn’t everything new once?

    My on pocket dump consists of a 20+ year old S&W 442 with Spiegel Boot Grips in a Mitch Rosen pocket holster, speed loader, Spyderco, Surefire, and yes, a wallet/badge case. Because my things are long in the tooth are they somehow better than the other gentleman’s new gear? I’m considering switching to a Glock 43 with a set of XS night sights installed. I’m very familiar with the weapon having gone through their law enforcement armor’s school several times and own a few Glocks already. Will I become the butt of someone’s joke because I’m carrying a new weapon?

    • You’re right. I apologize. As always, I should’ve read it carefully before making an opinion or accusation. That said, I’m curious as to how your last paragraph wasn’t elitist.

      “Will I become the butt of someone’s joke because I’m carrying a new weapon?”

      No. Guns don’t wear very fast, but strych9 was pointing out that if he had actually used his knife or leather wallet for a significant period of time, it should show signs of wear. S9 wasn’t saying it was bad gear, he was (I assume) kinda insinuating that maybe this guy’s a poser who bought the gear for the picture, to which I say good for him as long as he carries it.

      Also, this is the internet. There is no need to be concerned about people making jokes at your expense, because they will no matter what. As you know, carry good gear that fits your needs and tastes; haters gonna hate.

  4. Thank you. I can see how you thought I was blowing my own horn. That was not my intent. My goal is to educate people about firearms. To ridicule someone over their choices is diametrically opposed to that end. I cut my teeth reading Cooper On Handguns in Guns & Ammo in the 70’s. I am very old school. One of the proudest days of my life was when I met Col. Cooper and his beautiful daughter Lindy. I asked that he autograph all of his books that I had. That was every book he had written up until that time. I said all that to say this. I’ve been at this for a little while. I was testifying in court once when the State’s Attorney asked if I considered myself to be an expert on firearms. I replied, “I think that’s what is more to the point is that others consider me to be an expert on firearms.” That said, I try to learn something new every day about this thing that has been such a central part of my life for 53 years.

      • You too, my friend. You too. Now if we could only get antis to quit shouting and listen for a minute. Oh, but there I go again clouding the issue with facts.

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