Travis' pocket dump
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Travis’ pocket dump reveals a Springfield Armory Loaded 1911, a TTAG five-star rated gun. Kudos for carrying two mags as well. Wait, what’s this? A Leopardd RFID Blocking Stainless Steel Card Holder Case [click on the EDC link to find it on Amazon]. It raises an interesting point . . .

Some unknown percentage of Americans with carry permits — and gun owners in Constitutional Carry states — only carry a gun when they figure they’re going into [what they perceive to be] a dangerous situation.

Nice safe downtown shopping trip on a Saturday afternoon? Nah. Concert in a large venue where predators lurk in dark parking lots? Probably not there either, given the whole “gun free zone” misegos.

A visit to a marginal or bad neighborhood? Yes! Carry on!

Where’s the sense in that? You don’t know where an attacker or attackers might strike. You can’t know. In the final analysis, the “odds’ of a violent attack are binary. Either it won’t happen or it will.

Better safe than sorry? That’s the thinking behind RFID blocking wallets, jeans, backpacks, etc. — even though actual examples of RFID identity theft are notable by their absence.

It’s the same thinking behind carrying a gun everyday. Only more realistic. Right?

edc everyday carry concealed carry

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  1. By the way – the microchips in the new credit cards were supposed to negate the whole “problem” with RFID scanning devices.

    • It matters not to me if they say that the new chips thwart RFID scanners. All my chipped cards are in RFID blocking sleeves and will remain so at all times….regardless of what the chip makers say. Better safe than really, really sorry.

      • Yup.

        Put all claims of “Oh, we fixed that problem” or “it’s secure” into a wastebasket.

        The recent Intel CPU issues show that there are security attacks that the product engineers have never, ever thought of in their wildest nightmares. When some of these issues are found, they’re not easy to fix.

        Meanwhile, we’re left wondering “just how exposed is my information?”

    • The problem will soon be solved when the chip is placed in your hand. No need to worry, they will synch that chip up to the one they put in your head, free of charge! What’s that you ask? Why yes, Radiation emitted by these devices will be contained by a layer of smooth lead, that will separate your bodily fluids from the device. More amazing technology in this age of wonder!

  2. I have a leather RFID wallet and an aluminum RFID blocking wallet. I have 2 RFID cards that have tap and go technology. The RFID cards have a symbol that looks like a wifi symbol turned right 45 degrees

  3. “Better safe than sorry? That’s the thinking behind RFID blocking wallets, jeans, backpacks, etc. — even though actual examples of RFID identity theft are notable by their absence.”

    Eh, there’s another concern –

    His real threat to himself is that Chevy personal GPS tracker he drives around in each day that logs all *kinds* of location and vehicle data on him that can be easily subpoenaed. Were you aware it literally ‘phones home’ to the manufacturer periodically to upload it’s data whether or not you have activated the vehicle’s built-in cellular phone service?

    If a sitting US president can OK a FISA warrant to wiretap the other political party’s current presidential successor candidate, don’t think something slimy can’t happen to you for no excuse at all at the local level…

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