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Falling Down’s D-Fens Was Right About McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast

In the 1993 movie Falling Down, lead character D-Fens (Michael Douglas) goes postal when McDonald’s (or its cinematic equivalent) refuses to serve him breakfast after 11:30. It’s taken Mickey-D’s 23 years to get on board, but the financial results are satisfying. “In its most recent quarterly report, McDonald’s beat profit and earnings estimates from Wall Street’s number crunchers,” reports, “and enjoyed a 6.2 percent gain in same-store sales, marking its best increase in four years. And just as we said a few months earlier, it’s a clear sign that the company is making a very solid comeback, with all-day breakfast, value deals, and lower costs of commodities serving as the primary variables driving these encouraging financial stats.”

51 thoughts on “<i>Falling Down’s</i> D-Fens Was Right About McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast”

  1. Ew, really? I tried it just for the rotten decadence, found the late-served breakfast offerings nasty.

    • Yeah, as I was reading it, I kept expecting the tie-in to appear.

      No such luck.

      Perhaps RF is a few inches into a bottle of hand-crafted bourbon?

    • I got it right away. You no longer have to threaten McDonald’s with a gun in order for them to deliver what they advertised and what you agreed to pay for.

      • Everyone gets it , it’s just that we dont give a damn about mic d ‘s business forecast or that it took three decades for them to react to demand.
        If this is what the future looks like for ttag then maybe i need to look elsewhere for the truth about guns.

        • If this is what the future looks like for ttag then maybe i need to look elsewhere for the truth about guns.


          So you read an article (One article – A single paragraph actually) you didn’t like and instead of just skipping over it, you take the time to complain about it in the comments and emphasize the utter and heart breaking/wrenching betrayal you felt for Farago having published such a thing. How dare he do that – oh the disappointment! You even went so far as to drop the “I’m going to go elsewhere” intimidation bomb.

          Absolute sheer comedy, at it’s best, right here. Thanks.

    • “See, this is what I’m talking about. Turn around look at that, you see what I mean? It’s plump, it’s juicy, it’s three inches thick. Now, look at this sorry, miserable squashed thing. Can anybody tell me what’s wrong with this picture? Anybody? Anybody at all?”

      • That monologue represents what Douglas’ character considers the state of the white male in America.

  2. This is why drugs are bad for you, robs you of sanity?
    Can you do a story on the importance of lock washers next please?

  3. Uh, movies about a mentally unhinged man terrorising LA with guns, probably not the best thing to reference on a blog about responsible firearms ownership.

    • It’s Sunday, lighten up Francis.

      If you’re still sober enough to not understand this posting, you need to re evaluate your life choices, man.

    • Yeah I’m with Sdub, and the Dr. This is a little sketchy to be on a responsible gun ownership site. And for what? To talk about McDonald’s profit margin? Seriously what the crap TTAG?

  4. Slow news daze? Breaking snooze-gun “buyback” in Chicago! Many raggedy revolvers,Lorcins and busted guns “turned in”. Fadder fpleger happy! I did see what may have been an A5 shotgun…

    • The guy next to me on the line in my CPL class brought one that day to be a smart-ass. I don’t think he managed two rounds at a time without a malfunction.

      Though it did have a functional giggle switch……

    • Who cares about expensive? I don’t eat out to save money. I can deal with expensive, it’s DISGUSTING I can live without!

  5. One of those movies I avoided for years. I finally broke down and watched it on demand. I could’ve kept avoiding it and been perfectly happy.

  6. Michael Douglas went all Taggart because he couldn’t get a Mickey D’s breakfast, I felt the same way after I tasted my first Egg McCardboard. Fortunately, I wasn’t carrying that day, or Ronald would have been toast. And come to think of it, toast would have tasted better.

  7. One had to keep Micky D’s in perspective…its fuel not food. As for Falling Down. Art imitates life, just waiting for warp drive, then I’m outbound and tracking.

  8. Thank you for this post. I am reminded that it is past sundown, on a Sunday, and I haven’t had one drop of single malt as of yet.

  9. Wasn’t there an article here saying TTAG was looking for new and inventive ways to better integrate advertising into the site in order to avoid ad blockers? The best advertising is when you don’t even realize you’ve been exposed to the ad. Mic Ds is bad?…millions would disagree.

    • Product placement should ideally be a little more subtle, and accompanied by an agreement from the product manufacturer to actually pay for the placement. Ever notice how many recognizable vehicles on television shows have their manufacturer badges removed or covered over with gaffer’s tape?

      Otherwise, it’s Sunday evening. Lighten up – even RF needs a little downtime once in awhile.

  10. I’d like to officially ask TTAG to run a “Slow News Sunday” feature, in which you post a story that has only the most tangential relevance to the core mission as stated on TTAG’s masthead. I really don’t mind the occasional diversion, but watching the apoplectic explosion of some of the commenters, so offended and insulted at its existence, accompanied by their personal set of threats, insults and prognostications on the future of this site, is popcorn-munchin’ internet entertainment at its best.

    • Absolutely agree. The comments were out of this world funny. Far more entertaining than the article itself – hitch was pretty funny to me. Reading these threatening comments about how they are going to leave TTAG because of articles like this one – just one article too! Amazing and funny.

    • apoplectic explosion of some of the commenters

      BTW, perfect articulation of exactly what happened. You couldn’t have phrased it better.

    • Well, done, CGinTX.

      Agree. Even knowing about it ahead of time, there would still be complaints!

      • Yeah, people actually wanna read about guns on their gun news website. Who knew heel lickers could be so insightful.

  11. My favorite movie , thanks for bringing a smile to my morning !

    Clear a path I’m going home !

  12. ok, i’ll play along with your silly game. i’d rather have all-day burgers. i’d rather have a burger for breakfast that mcdonald’s breakfast offerings.

    so with that out of the way, uh, guns??

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