The Federal Bureau of Investigation has admitted that they were imminently warned, directly, of the Parkland, Florida shooter’s motive, opportunity, and means to commit his crimes.

In a Press Release just posted on their website, the FBI states:

On January 5, 2018, a person close to Nikolas Cruz contacted the FBI’s Public Access Line (PAL) tipline to report concerns about him. The caller provided information about Cruz’s gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting.

Under established protocols, the information provided by the caller should have been assessed as a potential threat to life. The information then should have been forwarded to the FBI Miami Field Office, where appropriate investigative steps would have been taken.

We have determined that these protocols were not followed for the information received by the PAL on January 5. The information was not provided to the Miami Field Office, and no further investigation was conducted at that time.

FBI Director Christopher Wray goes on to say “It’s up to all Americans to be vigilant…”   He’s right.  We should all be vigilant.  We have to be, because they sure as hell aren’t.




    • If only Jimmy were still there running the place this wouldn’t have happened. 😉

      GWV 1027 for life!!!

    • Perhaps it is time to break up the FBI. We have way too many federal agencies with police powers, perhaps it is time to cut the numbers of these agencies and restrict their powers. Send the money saved back to the taxpayers and let the individual states deal with the problems directly since they are closer to the problem and are easier to fire when they screw up like clearly happened here.

      • Wouldn’t it just swell if the problem was restricted to the FBI.

        By my reckoning, the rot starts with the WH and extends all the way down the U.S. IC and even overseas to include the UK. And, that’s just what we know with the piddling little compliance with Congressional requests for documents (unredacted) that the FBI and others have provided.

        This was a coup. It’s time Trump pulled an Erdogan (Turkey’s leader).

    • How could this possibly be disturbing or even surprising? The fact is that nothing ever works correctly all the time and government even less so. That is why you must have armed teachers and security in schools. That is the point where the SHTF no matter what governments agency fails. It is the solution of last resort and is the reason we have the school shootings at all, that and the fact that all of they kids were on psych drugs and that is the real reason for their homicidal/suicidal activity

    • The common phrase is it is just the top people. The agents are all hard working and should be left alone. My feeling is that there had to be some lower level agents that did the dirty work at the behest of the intermediate FBI agents who took their marching orders from the upper level “elite”. All of them had to know their investigation was illegal. I was a big city robbery detective, and on occasion had to deal with them on bank robberies. Some were OK but the majority I found to be arrogant and very pushy. Later on, after I retired I was ding backgrounds for security clearances. The majority of the other BI investigators were retired FBI as were the managers. I quickly found out that they did not really want investigators, merely report takers. I had a lot of experience and would find areas of concern but was sternly told that others would do the deep investigations. With what has been going on, I wonder if anyone ever really followed up.

  1. Of course they did nothing.

    After the Las Vegas shooting gun control push stalled, they needed something to kickstart the moral outrage again.

    • I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but the FBI’s incompetence on display in these incidents, as well as their behavior surrounding the 2016 election, is starting to make me consider the possibility that the FBI has an agenda.

      All existing employees of the FBI clearly need to be sacked – without pension, pay or any other benefits. Stupidity and sloth should never be rewarded, so we should make failure as a federal employee be unprofitable.

        • Ruby Ridge and Waco were explained by organizational incompetence. Cops screw up just like those two situations all the time.

          In those situations, the FBI was notified, then they made a shocking mess of the situation. But they responded to the situation. They acted like a law enforcement organization.

          Since 2000, we have multiple situations, both external terrorists and domestic shooters, who were spelled out to the FBI, and they did … nothing. They let it happen.

          Then we have the amount of bizarre propaganda-shopping that occurred in the 2016 election.

          These are a different thing altogether – studious inaction, coupled with a direct meddling in an election. Ruby Ridge and Waco didn’t have any political agenda on elections that I could see.

  2. Well well well, what do you know. Seems they were too busy undermining a legitimately elected POTUS to bother investigating a “tip” about a potential shooter. Wonder how the media will react to this little tidbit?




  4. Perhaps if Hillary Clinton had given the information to Sydney Blumenthal to pass to a dodgy foreign agent to hand to the wife of a high-ranking DOJ official, then an investigation would have been done.

  5. At the very least the director should resign. In any other similar situation he would be forced to resign.

  6. I can bet FBI did nothing because they new this will happen and they wanted it to happen. Most of the mass shootings in the last 10 years have one thing in common: The shooter was “known” to FBI or other authorities or was warned about. This includes Sandy Hook shooter. How does one explain incident in Garland Texas where FBI new and “observed” attempted mass shooting by Muslim terrorist during Mohamed cartoon drawing contest couple of years ago?

  7. I’d like the news media to report on how many of these mass shooters are on or were taking anti-depressant drugs. The problem in my opinion is not the guns but the individual that has built up rage induced by the effects of prescription drugs. It seems to me that the pharmaceutical industry is making billions of dollars by getting everyone they can on their products, which once started cannot be stopped. The aftereffect can be violent behavior in addition to other physical problems. Guns have been around for a long time before we ever heard of anti-depressant drugs and incidents like Columbine, Sandy Hook, Aurora Colorado, etc were not common. I think our congressman and liberal do-gooders should take a look at what might be the root problem and get these pharmaceuticals off the market first as we have enough gun control now and it doesn’t work. Gun control only restricts us low abiding citizens as criminals will always find a way to obtain some kind of weapon.

    • Nearly all the spree shooters have been on psychotropic drugs. I would be willing to bet that Nikolas Cruz was on them. Of course the question becomes do the drugs cause the violent behavior or was the person simply prescribed the drugs in an attempt to control the mental disorder and the actions would have happened regardless of any medications.

      I don’t know but I know if you talk about banning or even restricting drugs like Valium around some women they practically go into hysterics and start telling you how much the drug have helped them and they couldn’t live without them.

      The next time some woman starts saying how guns should be banned, tell them you think psychotropic drugs should be banned and see the reaction.

      • Riiiiight, ban a drug that does help people because there is an exceedingly rare chance that it might have adverse side effects. You would save more lives by banning beer.

        • Makes about as much sense as banning guns because *some* people misuse them…

          That said, I’m highly dubious of the manner in which I’ve observed many doctors prescribing psychotropics of all natures: “Here, Mr./Mrs./Ms. Smith, take 3mg of this, and come back after a couple of weeks and tell me how *you* feel…”. What is missed with that crap is that our Smith example is a zombie, once the meds reach an effective level, and then doesn’t accurately self-report. The doctor adjusts the meds, Smith turns into a freaking hair-trigger maniac, and their co-workers/family have zero clue what the hell is going on with them, unless Smith tells them. Cycle continues, and the side-effects and observations by those closest to the patient are never reported. I watched the doctors turn a slightly depressed acquaintance of mine into a complete loon over the course of about six months, and nobody ever connected the dots between his doctor’s appointments and his behavior. From what I understand, the people at his clinic who were prescribing this crap (and, there were multiple different practitioners seeing him) had no idea of what was really going on with him outside the medical setting, and were basing all their assessments of what the meds were doing on his self-reports, which were flatly delusional.

          Psychotropics need to be administered in a clinical setting to determine dosages and which ones work for a specific patient–And, then closely monitored afterwards, with full knowledge of concerned observers. This BS of determining med and dosage by running a free-rein open experiment on the public needs to stop, particularly when it is done secretively.

          The crap I saw with this in the military has soured me on all of this “medicate to correct behavior/mood” mindset. Sure, you *think* you’re “fixing” yourself, but the actual result, as observed by an outsider…? LOL. They put one of my bosses on “happy pills” for something akin to PTSD, and we got to hear him muse aloud one day in a serious meeting how one of the coffee cups had decorative designs that reminded him of sperm… Which earned him an EO complaint, and a bunch of grief over having offended someone with that–And, if you’d known the guy before they put him on the pills, wellllll… That meeting and his behavior while he was on that crap was so far out of character that it wasn’t even funny. All of us were speculating what the hell was going on with him, and most correctly guessed that the real issue was pharmaceutical.

          These meds need to be administered and managed much differently than they are, for everyone’s safety. You don’t have many homicidal psychotic breaks, statistics-wise, but one is too damn many.

    • From what I’ve read this guy was on psych drugs as were all of the others as well. It IS the issue. But for the libs, Drugs good and Guns bad. My rule of thumb is to not trust anyone on drugs.

  8. I am not a conspiracy theorist but are they trying to help set up a gun ban? If this is missed how many more are missed? Be vigilant but notice they didn’t tell us to call them this time around.

  9. Why in the world would you call the FeeBI instead of the local Anglo-American heritage sheriff?
    The position of Sheriff is elected, so they want to look like they are protecting the childrenz.

    • The Sheriff’s office visited this twerp’s home 39 times since 2010.

      The SO’s office was called.

      The FBI could have called the SO’s office and asked “Hey, do you know of a XYZ character?”

      And the SO’s office could have said “Oh, boy, do we.”

      But nooo.

    • Because the vaunted “see something, say something” type campaigns give a number that goes to the FBI. And everyone knows the FBI are the top LE agency in the country, so why wouldn’t you call them!

      See something, say something, and then sit by and watch it happen.

  10. Oh, wow, so he was only repordet twice for planing to shoot up his school. Once after the youtube thingy last year and once this year. And they do nothing, and of course he shoots his scchool up.
    So we can bully around millions of gunowners who did nothing, but if more than probable cause is given to investigate the one in a milion guy that is actually causing trouble we do nothing? Feds gonna fed i guess…

  11. OK, here’s how things work in functional countries. They have national Police forces, who resource their regions according to crime stats and vocal politician residents. They share information across a national database, so crims won’t have a chance to repeat their ventures in other states. All this is budgeted from national taxes. The same as the Defense forces.

    Unfortunately in the USA, function comes way below political grandstanding. The whole states rights issue was debated and sorted in the 1860s. Time to move on and join the 21st century. Having a half assed amateur side show like the FBI is a complete embarrassment.

  12. So, corrupt at at the top and incompetent at the bottom?

    And by the way, when wasn’t the FBI corrupt? Hoover wasn’t a great guy. Mark Felt, aka Deep Throat, ratted on Nixon because Felt was passed over for director. Felt was a Hoover devotee. Comey ratted on Trump out of spite for being fired.

    Same as it ever was?

  13. 9/11 hijackers – known by the FBI
    Ft. Hood shooter Nidal Hassan – known by the FBI
    Shoe/underwear bomber on Northwest Flight 253 – known by the FBI
    Boston marathon bombers – known by the FBI
    The Pulse nightclub massacre shooter – known by the FBI Garland, TX shooters Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi – known by the FBI
    Little Rock recruiting center shooter in June 2009 – known by the FBI San Bernardino terrorist shooter couple – known by the FBI
    Feb 16, 2016: Machete Attacker in Ohio – known by the FBI Florida school shooter – known by the FBI
    These are just some of the many (that we know about) attackers well known by the FBI, long before the attacks happened.

    • You can add the Pamela Gellar draw Mohamed jihadi attacker that was groomed and encouraged by an FBI agent and actually was onsite at the attack and got caught fleeing the scene.

  14. See something => Say something => Do NOTHING
    Democrats say that criticizing FBI corruption “undermines law enforcement”.
    NOBODY can undermine law enforcement like law enforcement ITSELF.

  15. Not to defend the FBI on the whole, but it bears remembering that the FBI doesn’t have jurisdiction over “communicating a threat”. They investigate and enforce federal laws, including interstate commerce laws, and felonies that cross state lines (yes this is a little simplistic, but not inaccurate). It would be no different than telling the FBI that someone was going to burglarize a house down the street, then blaming them for not stopping it. Not only is it not their responsibility, but they are legally constrained in what they can and cannot investigate.

    Just a thought, before we feed the FBI to the wolves.

    • Well, if the FBI CAN’T directly intervene, the tips MUST be passed on to local law enforcement! So Simple!


    • LT – Call the FBI and tell them you are going to shoot a congressmen or president! See how long it takes them to react. Not even close!

    • Well I’m sure I will receive some wonderful responses.

      From personal experience, the support staff and Special Agents take these failures personally and are grieving and frustrated just like everyone else. Having family and friends that are currently special agents, they work tirelessly in their respective fields and are dedicated to the mission of the FBI. There is no agenda or conspiracy to come after our guns or try to take our rights away. The agents I know and the one I’m married to are in to guns and ardent supporters of the 2nd amendment just like those on this site.

      Their successes are rarely lauded but their mistakes are monumental and public.However, every mistake made they learn from and continue to evolve. But something to remember there are laws which they are restricted by and in many cases the DOJ must approve to take action or move forward with an investigation.

      To the responses and comments about the agents being amateurs, lazy and stupid and calling for all to be sacked. Yes there are some in the organization which should not be special agents, but please tell me which organization you work for that has over 5000 enployees which doesn’t have bad hires or people that just don’t pass muster?

      But back to the article – yes there was a failure at the national level which information was not passed to the local level. Why did this happen will be found out, and I’m confident that either the agent or support person will be fired and a new process will be established. I will also say that the special agents are stretched given the threat levels, jurisdiction and responsibilities that is put on the Bureau.

      • “Why did this happen will be found out.” – So far, it sounds like someone just screwed up. It’s going to happen in any human endeavor. When the endeavor is life and death, even though inevitable, screw ups aren’t acceptable. It’s not fair, but neither is being murdered because someone didn’t pass information on to the right person.

        The problem that you address with a lack of trust in and respect for the FBI is the FBI’s fault. It’s fairly routine for the top brass at the FBI to be corrupt ever since it’s very first director. It’s clear to most people that Hillary and Trump were held to vastly different standards in these recent investigations. Comey leaked out of spite, just like Deep Throat before him.

        When an organization is seen as corrupt, then people aren’t going to cut that organization any slack when it screws up and people die.

    • The FBI has, for decades now, been dealing with threat assessment to schools. They took this mission on, and they completely wiffed on it. This was NOT a matter of jurisdiction, of which they had plenty (believe me, you can charge this guy with breaking plenty of federal laws too, including domestic terrorism).

      It is entirely a matter of incompetence.

      • I’m not debating whether there was jurisdiction or justification, which in the second notification there was ample evidence to proceed with an investigation. The issue is that a failure occurred because someone in DC office did not follow through – which is incompetence and the person should be and will be held accountable.

        What I was saying about jurisdiction is that they have taken on many local matters which should not be a federal law enforcement mandate – such as bank robberies and gangs?

        • My response was to LT, objecting to his attempt to mitigate the blame that should be blamed on the FBI for this cockup rather than opinions on whether federal LE jurisdiction is too wide.

          But since you brought it up, federal laws are often violated when you have criminal enterprises like gangs. It’s very rare, probably impossible, to have such a criminal association breaking only state laws. As to banks, there is the issue of the FDIC. The real reason, of course, is that some time crooks were knocking over banks in rural areas where law enforcement had no resources to investigate. While I can and have seen how RICO statutes and similar mandates go awry, right now I’d be a lot more worried about how counter-terrorism is eroding the 4th amendment rather than the feds riding into town when some yokel robs the main (only) street bank.

        • This also begas the question of whether or not Congress can enact gun control laws.

          Here is Article I of the Consitution.

          The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

          To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

          To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

          To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;

          To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

          To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

          To establish post offices and post roads;

          To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

          To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;

          To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;

          To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;

          To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

          To provide and maintain a navy;

          To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

          To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

          To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

          To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;–And

          To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.

          It seems an outright ban on firearms, or any type of firearm, is beyond Congress’s Article I power.

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