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FedEx Corporation’s positions on the issues of gun policy and safety differ from those of the National Rifle Association (NRA). FedEx opposes assault rifles being in the hands of civilians . . .

While we strongly support the constitutional right of U.S. citizens to own firearms subject to appropriate background checks, FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused.  We therefore support restricting them to the military.

Most important, FedEx believes urgent action is required at the local, state, and Federal level to protect schools and students from incidents such as the horrific tragedy in Florida on February 14th.

FedEx is a common carrier under Federal law and therefore does not and will not deny service or discriminate against any legal entity regardless of their policy positions or political views.

The NRA is one of hundreds of organizations in our alliances/association Marketing program whose members receive discounted rates for FedEx shipping. FedEx has never set or changed rates for any of our millions of customers around the world in response to their politics, beliefs or positions on issues.

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  1. wow..i didnt think there were any middle of the roaders left in this country on this issue

    its a tie

    a tie goes to the gunner

    ill take it

  2. Golly good thing you “clarified” that! We hate you but we’re money grubbing whores who want your MONEY…😩😖😧😡😡😡😡😡

        • Walmart is a corporation, aka, just a bunch of legal documents. It’s owned by many, many people.

          In fact, the majority of Walmart shares are owned by individual investors, not even institutional investors, who only hold 30% combined. So when you talk about Walmart, you’re really referring many c of your own neighbors consenting to and benefiting from Wal-Mart’s practices.

        • ” your own neighbors consenting to and benefiting from Wal-Mart’s practices . . .”

          Most (not ‘closely held’) corporate owners have little to no say about the day-to-day practices of a corporation.

  3. What I don’t get is why a shipping company even needs a corporate position on gun policy. I guess they just want the attention.

    • I don’t think they want the attention at all. They’re being called out by organized groups likely funded by Bloomberg. They’re being, effectively, doxxed. So they’re all having to come up with responses.

      In general I’d say FedEx’s response sucks, but — I really, really like their position at the end where they said “FedEx has never set or changed rates for any of our millions of customers around the world in response to their politics, beliefs or positions on issues.”

      Damn straight. That’s the way the country has to go back to being. Used to be we could disagree on issues, but now with the plague of social media that’s not an option anymore, virtue signalling is destroying everything. I wish FedEx would have made their statement “we don’t give a damn about these various issues, we ship boxes. You want to ship a box? We’ll ship it. You want to vote or organize or protest? We don’t do that, but we’ll be glad to ship your posters and t-shirts for you.”

    • They’re placating a tiny group because they think it’s a very large group yet they know that the NRA is a very, very large group.

      There was a case a few years ago with Rush Limbaugh where it appeared that there were 100,000 or so people on social media vowing to boycott Limbaugh’s advertisers. So Limbaugh just happens to be a big tech fan and knows all the right people to get to the bottom of this kind of nonsense and it turned out that the whole boycott Limbaugh campaign consisted of about 8 people.

      So there’s probably about a dozen of Uncle Mikey’s little trolls pushing all this boycott the NRA stuff and the companies who are caving in to it don’t have a clue that they’re going to lose 1000 times more business than they would have by ignoring the trolls.

    • Do they even realize how many “assault weapons” and “large capacity magazines” they ship?

  4. Why bother making any statement at all?
    People needs to rediscover the fine and forgotten art of keeping their mouths shut.
    You’d think virtue signaling was an uncontrollable bodily function.

  5. Well, I have no choice in what a company chooses to to ship products to me, but you can bet I’ll never ship through them again.

  6. This is all getting more and more retarded with every passing day. Why the hell is any corporation coming out with a political policy? It’s antithetical to business, the goal is to win over the most customers possible. Have these Fing A holes not caught on? Now I’m going to cancel all of my air shipments tomorrow and send them with ups. These dip***** don’t get it. Shut the hell up about your sjw positions I don’t care and I certainly won’t spend money with any company that makes a stand.

    • I seriously don’t get it, and feel the HR departments are doing a shit job at hiring for their PR and marketing teams.

      Your ONE job in PR is to NEVER comment on anything that may be detrimental to the agency, and that includes delving in to politics that have ZERO to do with your income.

  7. I really don’t care if they are money grubbing whores (whores usually are) as long as they continue to ship me products which I’ve ordered.
    More to the point, they have (IMHO) invalidated their stance with the caveat “…FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused.”
    ANY weapon, firearm or otherwise, represents “an inherent potential danger” ANYWHERE when misused. Talk about FedEx having a firm grasp of the obvious! The danger lies not within the firearm but with the person/people wielding said firearm type. A single shot rifle will kill you just as dead as a semi-automatic should the round strike you.
    FedEx…time to wake up, smell the coffee and face reality. Firearms don’t kill people and other creatures, PEOPLE kill people and other creatures! The firearm is merely a tool to be used. A screwdriver or hammer is just as lethal when used within its striking distance.

  8. They are a common carrier, but didn’t they refute to ship the ghost gun CNC mills?. Which is strictly in violation of being a common carrier.
    Guess I’ll have to ship everything UPS or USPS from now on!

  9. Just stop this ride.. I want off.

    These people… these people are demanding freedoms be taken from them, simply because they don’t exercise them.

    Frak it, I got an extra room, who am I do refuse a soldier a warm bed and a hot meal. Not like I’m doing anything with it.

    • They ultimately won’t like the road this leads down, they will regret it. If the second amendment can be done away with then so will the 1st. And the 13th, for that matter. I have a field of cotton that needs some pickin.

      • Every amendment after the tenth needs to go away anyway.

        The BOR is all negative law. Everything after it is positive law.

        People need to UNASS their heads.

        Congress did not have the power to “free” anyone. So it simply made everyone slaves.

        Natural rights are enumerated. Benefits and privileges are granted, subject to revocation at any time, and for any reason.

        Throw out and nullify everything after the tenth (though the 16th could probably stay, since it clarifies the excise on the incomes of Public Officials…which I have no problem with).

  10. I would have thought that FedEx would have just gone after access to crash axes, especially inflight. Then shut up.

  11. I really don’t care if they are money grubbing whores (whores usually are) as long as they continue to ship me products which I’ve ordered.
    More to the point, they have (IMHO) invalidated their stance with the caveat “…FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused.”
    ANY weapon, firearm or otherwise, represents “an inherent potential danger” ANYWHERE when misused. Talk about FedEx having a firm grasp of the obvious! The danger lies not within the firearm but with the person/people wielding said firearm type. A single shot rifle will kill you just as dead as a semi-automatic should the round strike you.
    FedEx…time to wake up, smell the coffee and face reality. Firearms don’t kill people and other creatures, PEOPLE kill people and other creatures! The firearm is merely a tool to be used. A screwdriver or hammer is just as lethal when used within its striking distance.

  12. Lame…but they get a very good chunk of firearms shipments to FFLs. So at least they have some business sense, though their support for the constitution appears weak at best.

  13. Why is it so hard for these companies to say either “No comment” or “Our stance is to follow the law, we don’t get involved in politics” and leave it as such? Holy shit it isn’t difficult and even in business ethics classes that teach corporate social responsibility the ongoing teaching is “Don’t delve in to politics.. DONT! DONT! No, DONT!”

  14. Interesting that they support restricting them to the military rather than “police and military”…

    I suppose they probably know that they’re one of the primary vendors for shipping of NFA gear.

  15. We need to let FedEx know that an AR-15 is not an “assault rifle”. Not that they care any more than the leftist.
    Call 1.800.GoFedEx 1.800.463.3339 This is their support line not much help though.
    “If you waiver on one right they will take them all” unknown
    “He that would give up liberty for security deserves neither” Benjamin Franklin

  16. Sorry FedEx, you are way to late. Assault Weapons have been restricted to the military for decades already. If you have the extra money, please go buy a “clue”. Because of this particular dumb statement, I am crafting a letter to the very few companies that I purchase from who actually use FedEx as their shipper, to highly consider changing to UPS. They’re generally faster in their shipping anyway.

  17. This is disgusting to here, as I am FedEx driver. I often deliver cartridges, reloading material, rifles and an assortment of other long guns on a weekly basis. Just damn sad.

  18. The principles you virtue signal but never have to defend or take a loss on are the best kind. Have your cake and eat it too. Cynical of FedEx to issue this statement, but hilarious too, bravo! Liberal anti-gunners who are all about meaningless gestures will probably lap it all up too, lol.

  19. As a “common carrier” they have to be careful what they say and how they treat people. Bluntly, legally they don’t have the right or ability to discriminate based on politics or viewpoint, even if they want to.

  20. I flew Fred Smith (fedex founder/CEO) to some investor meetings a couple times almost 20 years ago. Had some pleasant conversations with him, super nice guy, a marine. I’d be surprised if he felt this way personally. Of course I get surprised by current and former military not supporting the 2A. I’d still like to think this was purely a PR screwup.

    • Perhaps not reporting firearm disqualifiers to the system, or being intentionally slow at it, were some service members’ way of supporting “shall not be infringed.” At least, I like to think that was what was happening. 🙂

  21. Goodness, why can’t they just keep their mouths shut? All of these for profit companies and celebrities picking sides, alienating 50% of the population is bad for business.

  22. “FedEx opposes assault rifles being in the hands of civilians . . .”

    well fuck you FedEx, I don’t care what you “oppose”, just deliver packages and keep your thoughts to yourself, m’kay?

    Why do businesses find it necessary to “stand for something” or speak out on issues? Conduct commerce, legally and ethically then shut-up.

  23. Meh, screw ’em. Their manned vehicle business model is on its way out, just like telephone operators, travel agents, and bank tellers. Oh sure, there will still be a few to handle the oddball problem/request, but drones and driverless vehicles will soon be running not only long haul, but home delivery, too. FedEx can go the way of Blockbuster Video for all I care.

  24. “FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused. We therefore support restricting them to the military.” Let’s assume FedEx is talking about the semiauto AR-15 (not the select-fire M4 the military actually uses), what does FedEx propose to do about all the AR-15s in police hands?

  25. “While we strongly support the constitutional right of U.S. citizens to own firearms subject to appropriate background checks,…”

    They just don’t get it. How can it be a right (constitutional, no less) if you have to ask government permission to exercise it? Which other right requires such hall pass? Should I get BC before I publish my views? Or before I worship deity of my choice?
    If you have to beg for it, it’s not a right, its a privilege.

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