The Well Armed Woman's Carrie Lightfoot
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“(Gun ownership) really is kind of life-changing, kind of transformational. Gun owners just have this strength and this confidence that I think is not always equated with women …. Culturally, I think it would have a huge impact if more women knew how to use guns, because they’d feel more confident and realize, ‘Boy, I can do anything.’” – Carrie Lightfoot in Men Shoot Guns For Fun — Women Keep Them For Protection [via]


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  1. Count me as guilty for staring at this pic a long time…..due to trying to find out what she’s carrying without using google fu. Actually I’ll check the safe, maybe I’ll have the same one in there.

    • Not enough resolution… as much as I can enlarge it, it looks like a Smith & Wesson SD9ve.
      No surprise… those things are all over the place…

      • Checked my safe for one of those, nope, don’t have it unfortunately lol. But that’s likely it. Great call! I’ve yet to try an SD9VE but always hear good things about them.

  2. While it still seems that the editors or writer are on the anti side of the gun debate, this article is pretty well balanced overall. Most of the anti gun sentiments are countered by quotes and explanations from the women being interviewed. And I strongly agree that it is key for us POTG to get more women and girls involved in shooting in order to change the anti gun culture in many areas. Note that women such as Marion Hammer and Suzanne Gratia-Hupp have had a tremendous impact in enabling early Concealed Carry reform.

  3. I agree that more women carrying will have a positive effect on most conservatives.

    On the other hand it will cause liberals to have serious anxiety attacks and mental breakdowns.

  4. I’m doing my bit for the cause. Bought my wife a Christmas gun and now she wants a CCL…win win. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  5. I can hear the faux feminists now screeching about how suggesting women can be something other than dependents or victims is a misogynistic iteration of the mansplaining patriarchy keeping them down.

  6. Love the gal open carrying! Nice belt too. 🙂

    I don’t know how much impact most women can have on the general culture if they carry concealed all the time, however, and don’t do anything to promote gun ownership among their women friends and relatives. But that’s better than being anti-gun themselves, of course.

    Since I’ve trained a great many women to shoot, I’d love to say I’d influenced the “culture” around here some, but most of those who actually carry, do so concealed. I’m not sure how much good I did. We have an active “gun culture” here already, so there is that.

  7. Again, Good to know what your enemy’s up to, but “the bustle” is a liberal group that I think got it’s start, or now deals in lite pornography.

    Moe women with guns will change the gun culture???

    No. It’s not going to change why most people have / enjoy guns.

    It might add a layer, but that would be saying it ain’t already done that.

    I attribute this article to “writers gotta write sh_t” and to “stupid writers gotta write stupid sh_t”. This article is at least one of those two.

  8. Take your wife or girlfriend shooting to introduce her, but how do you get her hooked?
    Converting women to pro-gun could have a “yuuuge” impact on gun rights because women who run school PTAs even include their anti-gun messages in their emails (for example “are there guns or prescription meds at your child’s friends house?”)
    Young children are very moldable, and teachers and the PTA mold them. (My kid’s school has only 2 male teachers and the PTA is referred to as the “mom club”). Women listen to women and women make most educational decisions for their kids; How do you get more women to open their minds?

    • Not going to happen, I’m afraid. What is critical is to get your children out of their clutches. Think of ALL the evil indoctrination being taught at “public” schools, and most private schools now. Get your children OUT of those socialist and communist brainwashing camps. Or suffer the consequences when they grow up to be socialists and commies, of course.

      • I’m starting to think that needing to keep up progressive appearances, along with Zero Intelligence discipline programs, are more prevalent in most private schools than in the NEA controlled schools.

  9. The article does what the media typically does. It says “studies (science) say guns ‘re bad, m’kay. The NRA says guns are good.” The references are to Politico, which has a known anti-gun bias, and an article in The Atlantic that only cites studies by professionals using the public health model to examine guns. Anyone who pays any attention firearms policy research knows the public health model fails to take into account basically everything good about firearms policy and includes bad things that have nothing to do with firearms policy (like attributing suicides in the home to concealed carry licences).

    Other problems with the article include a misandrist bent and this gem “the average American gun owner’ is still male, Republican, and increasingly dangerous,” which is bot misandrist and ignorant as to what the word average means. When speaking of the average person from X community, people typically don’t mean the mathematical mean, they mean the typical example. The typical gun owner may be a Republican (which is a “dog whistle” for white) man, but he is not dangerous, unless speaking purely hypothetically. For example, I’m only dangerous if you are a criminal trying to hurt me or my family, or perhaps some other extreme hypothetical situation.

    The statement following this misandrist statement adds more explicit racism to the mix. It says “mass shootings in this country have almost all been committed by white men.” In context, this implies that the average murder (with a gun) bears some relationship to mass shootings. This is the opposite of reality. According to the Brookings Institute, commonly referred to as either liberal or centrist, at least a plurality (I’m looking at bar graphs) of “gun deaths” are black men. Additionally, most “gun deaths” of white men are suicides, and most “gun deaths” of black men are homicides. If most homicides are intra-racial, then a majority of murders with guns are committed by blacks.

  10. Guns for girls……. Our family grew up around firearms, so nothing life changing there. It’s a little diss hearting to see so much emphasis put on self defense though. Target shooting, and hunting are quite enjoyable My sister is a remarkable shot. My son’s fiancee, is now part of the family, never been around guns, now she’s going thru ammo faster then a Bumpfire on speed.

  11. This triggered a memory: of all places, it was on the street-side patio of what turned out to be a gay bar that I had a conversation with a gal who totally blitzed a couple (in both meanings of the term) of guys who were insisting that guns give insecure people a feeling of power. She explained (better than I can do more than recap) that no, it isn’t a feeling of power because of having a gun, it’s a feeling of self-control that you’ve mastered an instrument capable of destruction, a mastery that requires mastering one’s. And her friend spoke up and told how her life had been a disaster due to a tragedy and she’d been unable to pull herself together –and the spark that eventually led to needed self-discipline came when a gay friend invited her to go shooting, to “let it out” by blasting away, where she’d learned she couldn’t just blast away, she had to focus and learn to handle safely the most dangerous thing she’d ever picked up, and as she learned more about shooting and kept at it the discipline there led to being able to pull her life back together. She likened the resulting confidence to taming a tiger: the best result has nothing to do with the tiger, but with the awareness and knowledge and skill and control over self that is required, resulting in a confidence that remains ever if stark naked: control over self.

    It’s what they call “empowering”, and while it grows from the handling of pieces of metal, it does not rely on those pieces; take them away, and the result remains.

    • “the most dangerous thing she’d ever picked up” – Guns aren’t the most dangerous thing I’ve ever handled, or pretty much anyone else has handled either. It is so much easier to make a terrible mistake with a car, or bucket*.

      *Okay, so I don’t know how many young children are accidentally killed with guns, but “1984 through 1989 … 0.367 per 100 000 persons (younger than 2 years old) per year in the United States. … States with the highest rates of bucket drowning were Vermont (2.1/100 000), Arizona (1.5/100 000), and Illinois (1.0/100 000).”

      • Well, you could just use the CDC’s WISQRAS online data tool. Slice and dice custom data tables, dude.

        For 2015, the latest year for which data is available, there were a total of 48 accidental shooting deaths of children (defined by the the CDC as those aged 0 to 14 years) for a per-capita rate of 0.08. Between 1999 and 2015, there were a total of 1,089 deaths and an average of 0.11 across that time period.

        Across all ages, it was 489 accidental shooting deaths for a rate of 0.15 per-capita, and a grand total of 10,933 from 1999 to 2015 for an average rate of 0.21.

        If we broke it down year-by-year, it would show a general (though not constant) down-trend from 1999, from 824 deaths and a rate of 0.29, to 2015’s 489 deaths and a rate of 0.15, overall. I wish I knew how to do tables, but, there it is.

        This is in spite of the fact that, generally speaking, more guns have been bought and are carried by more people in more states since 1999. There is literally only an inverse relationship between the presence of guns and shooting deaths, so we rightly shouldn’t give a rat’s ass what propagandists like Wintemute, Cook, Ludwig, Hemmenway, et. al. say. They’re just plain fucking WRONG, period.

        Oh, and Merry Christmas, ya’ filthy animal. ;] </movie_reference.wma

        • I don’t think of most of the people in the 0-14 age range are young children. Getting accidental deaths of 0-2 year olds would be hard enough.

  12. In their mind the Left is using women as a weapon to disarm men. To them females don’t have guns. But if more girls and women learn to use guns and keep them, the Left will loose the argument.

    That is why they are so afraid of a pro 2A woman.

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