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“The protests in Ferguson, Mo., on Friday night grew larger than previous days’ gatherings of protesters, despite the rain and cold weather,” reports. “Police officers used a megaphone to ask protesters to leave the street outside the Ferguson Police Department or they would be arrested. In this video, protesters responded by chanting ”F— the police” and shouting “We don’t give a f— about your laws like you don’t give a f— about our lives.” And there you have it. Or will. Soon. Which won’t be this weekend, according to [h/t PetitionForRedress]

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  1. Glad I’m getting old. Feel for you folks with kids. They will Never enjoy our last vestige of what we did.

    • Deja-Vu…The Union is broken once again…problem is we are 50% strong now but perceptively losing the numbers game as the Left is growing exponentially in comparison (the minority community including here both blacks and hispanics) as their combined birthrates and illegal immigration grow each hour…

        • They might be more picky about their location, of which I have actually seen in action over a period of time.

      • But if one wants to change that, one needs to pick a terrible shoot to rally around. All the evidence, and the circumstances, suggest this was a good shoot.

        Were this one of the dozen+ egregious summary executions by cops over the last year, I’d be supporting the protestors. Ones with tons of evidence showing the police to be totally out of control, god knows they’re easy to find. But this? Sorry, there’s nothing here. It’s a shame the shopkeeper didn’t shoot Brown for assaulting and robbing him.

        • Really. There have been a lot of unjustified killings by cops that these clowns could be protesting and yet they never did. Hell, if they want to get pissed how about the THOUSANDS of young black men killed by OTHER young black men over the last couple of decades? Bet if you look at the news reports from Ferguson from the last 12 months you would find several of those, and no one other than the victim’s mother gives a sh*t about them. No political ax to be ground in them, no political clout to be gained, either.

        • The Ben Crumps and Al Sharptons of the racial grievance industry don’t choose clear-cut cases of wrong-doing, because in such cases (such as Eric Garner or John WIlliams III), everyone agrees that a wrong was committed. Instead, the race hustlers choose cases intentionally to cause and to stir up racial strife.

          Zimmerman-Martin and Wilson-Brown were both clear-cut cases of justified use of deadly force in self-defense, based on the evidence. But both were also all too easy to manipulate based on emotion and manufactured/misconstrued “evidence”, to drive a racial wedge.

          They didn’t choose badly; they chose intentionally.

          • You are correct, sir, on so many levels. Race-baiting profiteers are quite apt at jumping in there BEFORE any of the facts are made public…giving them plenty of time to create suspicion, chaos and divide…and more profit.

      • And what does a clear-cut case of a justified self-defense shooting have anything to do with other police officers allegedly getting away with murder?

        Anyway: let’s look at any major city, consider the homicide clearance rate, and decide which is the greater problem: homicides by police officers, or homicides by violent criminals?

  2. Very reminiscent of the 60’s & 70’s. Biggest difference(to ME) is the huge increase in legally armed law abiding people. Be careful out there folks. Lots of lowlifes wandering about. Included trigger happy POleece…

    • What “explosive” were the two people trying to purchase? Last time I checked, there were no stores selling nitroglycerine, TNT, dynamite, C-4 or other flavors of plastique.

      The story sounds bogus to me.

      • All you need is to pack gunpowder in a piece of steel pipe and cap it, and I assume that a quick search on the interwebz would yield a ton of recipes for improvised explosives.

        If this was a real takedown on behalf of the FBI, good for them, if it’s just another false flag event, well then, more gubment BS. We may never know.

        • The Justice Department has been bending over backwards for the protesters. No way is this a false flag…

  3. If an indictment is not handed down, (maybe even if one is) that entire town and area is going to explode and a lot of people on both sides are going to die.

    • Care to make it interesting? I’ve got 500 rounds of .22 LR that says there will be NO deaths directly related to violence in the first 24 hours following the announcement, and I’ll cover the shipping costs. When I say directly, I mean directly, as in something is thrown or shot that hits someone or something else that leads to a fatality. If someone gets run off the road, hits a transformer, knocks out power to a hospital and that leads to the death of a patient, well that doesn’t count.

      I’m dead (no pun intended) serious. It’s not like the old days; people are too polished and self absorbed for massive rioting. Every time something gets out of hand the people involved will have to stop their mayhem to upload video and update their status, then they’ll have to tweet something clever and do a great selfie.

      • 500 rounds of .22LR? If only I could bet against you…

        There will be all the out-of-town trustifarian dilettantes causing trouble and looking to get arrested so they can put it on their wall. Or take a selfie getting clubbed like a baby seal or something. Nothing of any note will happen outside the Ferguson and Clayton munis. The trouble makers will converge on those areas.

        But killed? I have to agree, the odds are against it. If it does happen, it will be a fluke or an amateur mistake on someone’s part.

      • How about someone dying due to an underlying medical condition while being arrested or when tased? Would you call that a direct death? Or are we only betting on deaths caused by protesters?

        • It can be any kind of death caused by any use of force by a cop or a protestor, armed citizens in defense of life or property, whatever. It’s a fine line there with the taser question, but given that being tased has in the past led to more than a few fatalities, I’d say that anyone killed by an underlying medical condition exacerbated by a taser would count as a death directly related to post grand jury violence.

      • I wouldn’t offer that bet. .22 is so rare, some people might join the protest and make it deadly just to win.

        • Dang, I didn’t think of that. There could be a St. Louis county cop here right now betting against me with the intent to kill someone just to get the booty. It should be noted that dog fatalities do not count.

  4. The common thread throughout all of these recent events is social and racial agitation. The left needs martyrs. That’s why they are forced to fabricate them out of lowlifes like big Mike when too much time passes between the respectable ones. That’s why illegal immigrants get to be seen as victims of congress rather than the brazen criminals they actually are. Hell, it’s also why AGs withhold documents and the IRS loses emails, now that I think about it.

  5. “We don’t give a f— about your laws like you don’t give a f— about our lives.”

    Well that’s a healthy sentiment. So what laws will they be violating? Criminal trespass? Theft? Robbery? Assault & or Battery? Murder…

    The protestors can talk all the bad sh*% they want, but if they start beating on people and setting fires, they will get f’d up. Violent crimes and/or property damage aren’t protected by the first amendment kiddies, not even if you’re really, really mad.

  6. It’ll blow over. A little burning and breaking and some arrests and it’ll be done. Look how bad the Rodney King stuff got and it was over in a relatively short time. No revolution, no civil war.

    Until the soccer moms get desperate nothing nationwide is going to happen.

    • That’s what I said. This is all a bunch of noise about nothing. There will be some shoving matches, a few bloody noses, and then calls for reconciliation, announcements about new programs and generous donors, a book or two, some TV show appearances, and then it’ll be on to the next thing.

  7. Once the original accusation of police brutality unraveled in this case like so many similar cases in recent memory, I have lost faith that any word uttered by the modern day “civil rights” movement is true. Police brutality and racism certainly exist in our world, and I would do.anything to stop it; but I will be damned if I will risk being a part of any movement that will falsely accuse another in order to gain some political advantage. These “protesters” are itching for a chance at societal accepted mayhem. They have no interest in what really happened, and they do not care about any fair analysis of evidence. Martin Luther King would be extremely disappointed in what these people have done with his legacy.

    • After watching this and the Martin/Zimmerman conflict, I just don’t believe a word of the mainstream race narrative anymore.

      In fact, I don’t believe the mainstream historical race narrative either. I wasn’t there to see it, and I know these people (the Left) lie like rugs. I’m done.

      • Does that last part mean you don’t believe that slavery, Dred Scott, Jim Crow, the KKK, segregation, lynchings, etc. happened?
        I seriously hope not.

        • If I may, I think that there a difference between historical narrative and modern mainstream media propaganda.

        • Pretty sure he is addressing the rewriting of history that the left and the Democrat Party have been merrily doing for decades.

        • To expand, try telling anyone you know that is a “rock ribbed” Democrat that MLKjr was a registered Republican and a staunch defender of law and the Constitution. He never wanted separate rights for blacks, he wanted all Americans to be treated equally under the law. Just try to get those facts across to them. Good luck.

          Oh, and also try to explain to them that all the things you just listed were done BY Democrats, not TO Democrats. Again, good luck.

        • I believe that slavery, Dred Scott, etc. all existed. I no longer believe the Left’s story about WHY people did what they did (according to the narrative, sheer meanness), nor that those who perpetrated them are one-dimensional caricatures of evil.

          Those things may be correct, but I’m convinced that those who have told me that are liars, and I don’t know when they started lying, nor would I believe them if they told me.

          Does that help?

  8. Is anyone else starting to see some parallels in situations and attitudes with what’s been going on in the Middle East?

    • Outside agitators stirring up trouble for their own agenda? Yep. Only problem is no huge population of death worshipers to whip into a frenzy. Say what you like about people in America, they want to live, not die. Until you can force a large enough section of the American people into WANTING death over life this will be nothing more than random, low grade civil disturbance.

  9. In the meantime, during all the time this first happened until today, hundreds died in Chicago, Stockton, Camden, Newark and NYC but there are no protests for all the black on black crime.

    This is just outrage for outrages sake. Fat Al will found wrong again.

    I feel sad for the residence and small businesses who have to put up with this BS

    • How is it any worse than black Friday? Sure people will pay less for the items, but they’ll cause less property damage, and they’ll trample fewer people to death.

  10. Whatever the verdict is, I hope it is released at noon on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the heaviest travel day of the year so that’s no good. On Thanksgiving Day families are together, they’re thinking about food, football, and shopping. Maybe cooler heads will prevail. People can talk out their emotions instead of acting out.

  11. I see a few agitators causing problems and a few criminal thugs breaking things and stealing, thats all. I really hope so, at least.

  12. Take a look at the composition of the crowd and I don’t mean race. It is made up of a bunch of people with too much time on their hands. Welfare queens, dropouts and unemployed “yoots.” This is not the community. It is the part of the community that preys on the law abiding resident. They didn’t give a f*ck about the laws before Brown got shot. It is and always has been about gang control of Ferguson. Everybody else who has attached themselves to the protests out of their own fantasies are just the supporting cast to put the gangs in control of the streets.

  13. I heard they will release the grand jury findings on a Monday, because all the protestors will be back at work.

  14. One cops kills one criminal, “That ran from the cops” and they have a fit, but it’s OK to go kill their own people in their neighborhood, that means nothing to them, Next time there’s a drive by shooting in the hood, Go Protest and riot and burn your own hood over that, damn hypocrites.

  15. How come Moms aren’t demanding action over police procedure and race issues? Maybe the Moms with all their money, enfranchisement, and “privilege” could affect change better than the comparatively disenfranchised street protesters?

    (oh that’s right, because they are wannabe fascists and don’t actually care…)

  16. Gezzzz…. This story is getting old…
    Is anyone else tired of it???
    Just burn the place down, the roaches will scatter..
    I truly wish Obola would choke on a chicken bone..
    Like the guys sign read..
    Aids, Ebola, Obama / Thanks Africa

  17. Saaaay… Didn’t several people here say that turnout would be low because of the cold weather? Oops.

    • I was one of them. At the time, the temps were trending way below normal. ‘Natch, the last few days have been much closer to average. Mea Culpa.

  18. I am waiting to see these protestors try to pull a Reginald Denny on someone stopped at a light and get lit up when the driver pulls out a sidearm . . . . they have been warned

  19. I’m so glad I don’t live near St. Louis. I won’t feel too bad if bad guys get hurt, but I fear for the innocent folks that will be hiding in their homes when the poop hits the fan getting killed by stray bullets. And if a bad guy fires off a few rounds, then 30 police are going to spray the whole area with little care about who gets hit. A really sad situation.

  20. White gun owners are all about individual rights until it’s black people being oppressed, then they want you to fall in line and be a good citizen

    this comment thread is literally a bunch of scared old men saying the same things old ignorant men have been saying since the beginning of time

    • People living off of the oublic dole, free from having to hold down a real job, so that they csn spend three straight months “protesting”, are not “oppressed.”

      Also: I’m fairly certain that you will find white gun owners fully supportive of gun rights for ALL law-abiding citizens, regardless of skin color. It’s a tradition carried on since the days of the foundation of the NRA, which was created in part to arm free black people being lynched by democrats after the Civil War.

      Sorry, your race card has been declined. It’s been maxed out alreafy.

    • “fall in line and be a good citizen” Yep, stop killing each other every day. Stop robbing each other every day. Stop raping each other every day. Stop breaking into each others homes and stealing every day. Are you really so stupid you can not figure that out. Oh, and when a cop tells you to get out of the middle of the street and walk on the sidewalk don’t attack them, get your stupid a$$ on the f**king sidewalk.

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