CMMG first responders
Courtesy CMMG

As we’ve talked to retailers and firearms industry manufacturers over the last week or more, the primary story has, of course, been the huge surge in demand for guns, ammunition and related gear. A buying surge that has emptied retailers’ shelves and at least temporarily drained supply chains. Manufacturers, distributors and retailers are working overtime to keep up with the demand.

Smith & Wesson Springfield, Massachusetts factory
Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Massachusetts (Dan Z for TTAG)

That makes the much-reviled gun industry one of the select few that hasn’t (yet) been negatively impacted by the effects of the Wuhan Chinese communist middle kingdom KungFlu coronavirus. In fact, in the last five days, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average has dropped about 8.5%, Ruger‘s stock is up 4.3%. American Outdoor has gained 12% and Vista has jumped 36%.

Barnes Bullets factory
Barnes Bullets, Mona, Utah (Dan Z for TTAG)

That means firearms industry companies aren’t getting financially battered like many American businesses and are in a fairly unique position to help out during the emergency. One smaller company that’s doing just that is CMMG, the Missouri-based maker of firearms like the Mk47 rifle, Resolute carbines and Banshee pistols and SBRs.

Starting today, CMMG is helping out two groups that have been hit hard. They’re buying food from local restaurants — a sector that can use all the help it can get these days — and feeding local first responders and medical personnel.

CMMG says that in addition to the benefit of helping others in their local area, they hope it will prompt others to do the same.

Here’s a press release from CMMG . . .

Starting Thursday, March 19th, CMMG will be providing lunch between 12:30pm – 1:30pm Central time, to all Boonville, MO first responders. The lunches will be purchased from local restaurants for the next two weeks. CMMG is taking it upon themselves to support local businesses and first responders during these unique times. Chris Reinkemeyer, CEO CMMG Inc said, “We hope this motivates and inspires others to do the same. In times like these, we get through things by supporting our neighbors and serving each other.”

Help Thy Neighbor.

We’ve talked to at least one other firearms industry company that is doing something similar, but wishes to remain anonymous. If publicizing CMMG’s effort gets more companies to do the same, all the better.

Do you know of a gun maker or other industry company that is help it in a similar way? Please let us know in the comments.


    • “well , at least some people still have a job ,…”

      And when the workers eventually start to test positive for the “Wuhan Flu” at those factories?

      Shutdown, for the duration.

      Here’s something that ought to concern you that ‘I Haz A Question’ touched upon a day or so back –

      When the truck drivers start to test positive, who will be driving the trucks to re-stock the grocery stores?

      Are people aware that the workers who toil in meat packing plants are, for the most part, illegals that can’t afford to miss a day’s work, and who will work when sick, because they have no choice?

      This is a problem because butchering meats is a *very* hands-on process, and that makes it an ideal infection vector.

      Folks may want to consider filling their freezers with fresh packaged meat before the packing plants get shut down…

      • They have already closed ports because someone tested positive. This could rapidly spiral out of control. If you are not ready now. God be with you. The people will take 2 or three weeks. If it goes longer it’s anyone’s guess. I’m not even that terrified of the illness

      • Geoff,

        I went to the local grocery store for the second time again yesterday, just because. Walked out with three bags of food, which surprised me considering much of the shelving was still empty.

        Glad I did, because an hour later, ‘Ol Newsom declared his “Stay At Home” order, which affected my employer. As I write this, we’re closing up shop and won’t be back until April 20. And the order doesn’t allow for accrued vacation pay to be accessed, so we all must apply for Unemployment Benefits. I haven’t had to do that since the ’90s. It has affected most other businesses in my neighborhood as well, because right now that same grocery store is so overwhelmed with fearful (and now unemployed) buyers that they’re limiting access to a 10-in, 10-out rotation at the door.

        Now imagine if people start to believe the food won’t even come tomorrow due to truckers getting sick…

  1. Great news! And good on those retailer’s NOT price gouging. In other “news” the bug-eyed little mayor of Chiraq has declared more or less martial law on sick folks. If you go to work ill you can be ARRESTED and face “serious consequences”. Unspecified what “serious” means…

    • “And good on those retailer’s NOT price gouging.”

      The term “gouging” has great emotional appeal to explain a normal response to business conditions.

      If a business sees a severe disruption in supply (term of disruption unknown and unknowable), and sees a critical shortfall in future revenue (maybe only the amount of revenue that pays the bills and employees). Is it sensible to keep prices stable, and go out of business “for the greater good”, or is it more sensible to make an effort (raise prices) to collect now that revenue that would not come if prices were not raised?

      Recently, we have been notified that the price of gasoline in the US may tumble to a buck-fifty, or even below a dollar. Why is it we demand the sellers of gasoline go down when cost to provide goes down? No one ever goes about asking sellers of petroleum products to keep prices as they were before “the bottom fell out”. Nor, in situations where the cost to provide remains stable, but the price to the buyer falls, do we promote the idea that retail prices remain at a profit.

      We* love to take advantage of business reversal indicated by falling prices (but not falling costs), yet squeal like pigs when a business tries to salvage its future revenues when supplies are uncertain.

      *”We”, as in me too

      • I remember EVERYONE who screwed gun owner’s in 2013. From my local gunshops to (obviously!)cheaper than dirt. The ones who didn’t screw me still get my business. EFF the other’s! WE have an antique & decorative business. We try to do good&never screw folks. And we still do business with some of the same folks from 25years ago. Sam I ain’t…

        • “WE have an antique & decorative business.”

          And if you saw a major disruption to revenue, with no end in sight, you would take food off your table to keep prices at their current level, knowing you might go bankrupt?

      • Sam I think it has to do with proportionality. A lot of people hate CTD, and for good reason. Not only was their price gouging extreme, they’ve engaged in true sleazy practices and shoddy products.

        I don’t think most people would get upset over a bit of price raising. For instance, I live on a farm. Every year around the start of deer season, every place to buy corn around here raises the price per bag by a dollar or two. It’s just business. But if those same people decided to raise the price to 30$ a bag, and let’s top it off and say many of the bags were full of mold. Well, I wouldn’t be out of line to say to hell with them, and any future business. Sure they have a right to price their merchandise, but I also have a right to tell them to go to hell and never shop there again.

        • Agree completely with refusing CTD. Bought only once, caught onto the gag, then never went back. As to “gouging”, selling spoiled goods is just fraud, and the seller should be avoided, even prosecuted. Regarding raising corn a buck or two, that seems just fine, but I say you are taking advantage of market conditions, i.e. gouging. Raising a price just for temporary profit, or to target a particular segment of buyers is “gouging” (as generally considered).

          The term “gouging” makes us all feel better about not being prudent enough to foresee all possible business conditions, finding ourselves short of whatever we wanted. In actuality, “gouging” is an amorphous, gossamer word that has clear meaning only in the mind of the person making the charge.

          If you are in the business of widgets, and the raw material flow is disrupted for an indeterminate time, raising prices as a result of shortage is not, on its face, gouging. In the end, buyers set the price. They pay the going rate, or stop buying. The seller risks business continuity by charging more than willing buyers are willing to pay. Last box of big boom ammo for the next 12 mos? Price $100/per round? That’s just business. Buyers and sellers play a role, and have power to make choices. Either someone will have capability to buy that last box (meaning we can’t say “nobody can afford it”), or the price will drop. Or…..the seller will be stuck with that last box. Or….the buyer will seek an alternative.

          As they taught in sales rep school: “Every product will sell, it’s just a matter of price.”

      • Sam, stop talking sense. Now isn’t the time for that.

        This is the time for panic, anger and selfishness because those are the values that build strong nations.

        • “Sam, stop talking sense. Now isn’t the time for that.”

          Ok, ok. You got me. Shudda mixed that fifth martooni before commenting.

        • Exactly.

          Now, mix your beverage and go tell someone how underprepared they are for Coronameggedon. Make extra sure to be snide and arrogant about it too because that’s how you bring people into the fold.

          • “Now, mix your beverage and go tell someone how underprepared they are for Coronameggedon.”

            Nah, now I feel too bad about how I feel about my feelings. Just devastated. Gonna spend the rest of the day wallowing in self pity.

        • Well, one could argue that the anger and selfishness part has built a few empires. Panic, not so much.

        • Anger and selfishness never built anything that lasted for very long after the strongman behind it died.

  2. Why aren’t they buying lunches for out of work folks? Is it just me or am I wrong in thinking that First Responders already HAVE a job & can afford to buy their own lunches? Nothing against First Responders, they do one hellava job & at personal risk but… seriously?

    • No such thing as a free lunch anyway. You pay for it one way or another. One thing I’ve learned in life is that Anytime someone’s offering you something for free, you question what is it they’re trying to influence you to do.

      • “No such thing as a free lunch anyway. You pay for it one way or another. One thing I’ve learned in life is that Anytime someone’s offering you something for free, you question what is it they’re trying to influence you to do.”

        You pose the eternal question: “Is there any truly altruistic act?”

        • I was at an Airport lounge in my Dress Blues, traveling between Duty Stations. Marvelous Marvin Haggler picked up my lunch tab and said “this is on me” Never forgot it.

          • “Marvelous Marvin Haggler picked up my lunch tab and said “this is on me” Never forgot it.”

            Great story !!

            This is the conundrum. Haggler paid for your meal, but asked nothing in return. However, did Haggler receive nothing in return? Did Haggler receive a sense of satisfaction? Pride? Achievement? Well-being? Honor? We cannot know without an interview (and it is tough for people to truly analyze themselves). If we could lean whether Haggler received any of the “rewards” listed, then the act of paying your bill was not altruistic (an unrewarded act of kindness). It is an interesting brain exercise, but quickly becomes boring.

  3. Socialism!

    Oh, wait, this isn’t Breitbart… erm, well that was embarrassing.

    Good for them.

    • How is a private business volunteeringly purchasing good from another private business for voluntary donation, Socialism?

      • “How is a private business volunteeringly purchasing good from another private business for voluntary donation, Socialism?”

        Gotta read more of 9’s commentary. The comment was facetious.

  4. A fine thing to be doing. Can’t see a single reason why it’s anything other than a good deed.

      • Yer forgiven Sam. And gas stations make little selling gas.At any price. Lottery,pop,cigarettes and other crap keep them afloat. Go and sin no more😃

  5. Why are they giving lunch to first responders of all people? They are still receiving paychecks which come from tax dollars taken from regular peoples wallets. The people who need these free lunches are those who were previously working at local businesses and are no longer receiving a paycheck. I don’t believe cops in Boonville, MO are doing anything heinous in the way of stopping gun sales or refusing to arrest criminals like cops in other areas, but there are still better people to be giving free lunch to. Medical personnel are doing great work and if everyone could get free food they would certainly deserve it, but still there are people not receiving checks who can’t feed their family now. Good on CMMG for at least doing something though.

    • because first responders do alot of thankless shit and get jaded by their fucked up view of humanity.
      good on anybody who buys a cop lunch.
      firefighters, paramedics; ‘oh, they signed up for it.”
      why is it always freezing ass when the boys are out there digging to a water main break?
      how pleasant was three weeks in lower manhattan right after fish floppin’, stranded pet, rat evacuation sand to you shin sandy?
      is your job an adventure? think about it, doodlewhopper.

  6. We all need to do our part. I’ve let my local law enforcement know that if the need arises, I will be available to lend a hand. I’ve also let people in my area know that if they need to go to a store and are fearful, I will meet them and escort them from their car, through the store, and back to their car to ensure their safety.

  7. So, according to Accuweather today, viruses don’t like and don’t do well in hotter temperatures and at greater UV ray exposure. Interesting.

    Soooo….we’re going to be saved by global warming and the hole in the ozone? Imagine that.

    • “Soooo….we’re going to be saved by global warming and the hole in the ozone? Imagine that.”

      Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck. Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop.

      • chloroquine is an analog of quinine, an extract of the peruvian chichona tree’s bark.
        i am precribing copious amounts of sapphire and tonic. keep ’em coming.
        hydroxychloroquine may also be indicated for chikungunya fever. i’ve never heard of that, but i think it happened to me outside of a harold’s once.

  8. If it should be named by location where it first appeared, AIDS should be called AMERICAN HIV. H1N1 should be named AMERICAN Flu. And there is no 1918 Spanish Flu, as its outbreak happened in American first. Virus infects people, no matter what’s his religion.

    • annoying monkey fuckers like you are jealous of the dogs lickable balls when a chimp can jagoff with all four hands and blow himself.
      (dreaming of reincarnation…).

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