1. Robert, I enjoy your videos, but there's one thing about them that is really bothering me. Lately I've noticed your videos don't show you clearing the weapon before you demonstrate any of its features. Now, in the back of my mind I know you've done it, but I still wince every time I watch a video which includes demonstrating the trigger pull or racking the slide with the magazine inserted. I also know that even pros don't always get it in one take, but weapons safety should be habitual, and I think that should extend to the videos. If viewers are coming across the videos for the first time, they're not going to know you're one of the responsible gun owners and not a candidate for a certain TTAG daily award for the more dubious users of firearms. Please, if not for the sake of habit, clear the weapon before you manipulate it so I don't have Drill Instructor Sgts. Brown and Maciel screaming in my head and an involuntary pucker in the pants.

  2. Detlef, it's true: every time I pick up a gun, I clear the weapon. Every. Time. But fair dinkum. I will do so in all videos form now on.

  3. Wilson spec is a 3.75-4 lb trigger. No way that the gun left there under 3.5 lb, but for someone use to shooting plastic guns, it probably feels like 2 ounces.

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