Constitution, Declaration Of Independence, Bill Of Rights
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The Tampa Bay Times is touting Florida’s ex parte “red flag” firearm confiscation law. Because of course they are.

Florida’s ‘red flag’ gun law saves lives, and it’s a good start.
More than 2,600 people in Florida who had no business owning a weapon have had their guns confiscated so far under a state “red flag” law passed soon after last year’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. The law has certainly prevented more tragedies, and it reaffirms the Florida Legislature can make a difference on gun safety. Now it’s time to do more.

It’s saving lives? Can the editorial board cite any specific examples of that?

I ask because since enactment of the law, the number of Florida homicides and suicides have gone up. Firearm-related homicides went up. After holding steady for years at 14.1/100K, the suicide rate suddenly jumped to 15.3/100K.

Perhaps they consider the law to be working simply because firearms were taken; without probable cause, without due process (because if there were probable cause to think a crime or suicide had happened or was imminent, they would not need to use the red flag law).

What other violations of constitutionally protected rights would the Times celebrate?

  • More than 2,600 people in Florida who had no business going to unapproved religious services had their churches closed in case they violated religious non-profit rules to campaign for a candidate. It’s a good start.
  • More than 2,600 people in Florida who had no business criticizing government were arrested for peaceably assembling to petition. It’s a good start.
  • More than 2,600 people in Florida who had no business living in their own homes were evicted to make room for National Guard troops. It’s a good start.
  • More than 2,600 people in Florida who had no business simply walking the street were stopped and frisked without probable cause. It’s a good start.
  • More than 2,600 people in Florida who had no business getting a trial with a jury of peers were unilaterally shipped off to Gitmo. It’s a good start.
  • More than 2,600 local newspapers in Florida which had no business running a free press were closed just in case they might publish unauthorized news or opinion. It’s a good start.

No. It isn’t.

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  1. “More than 2,600 people in Florida who had no business owning a weapon have had their guns confiscated so far under a state “red flag” law passed soon after last year’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. The law has certainly prevented more tragedies, and it reaffirms the Florida Legislature can make a difference on gun safety. Now it’s time to do more.”

    Imagine the hubris, so monumental it could ONLY be born of pure ignorance and malice, it takes to write that sentence. Good God…

    • Calling it Hubris means they are unaware of the entirety of their actions, this is propaganda.

      Tell a lie often enough that people believe it for a fact.

      Develop operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

      If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.

      And finally…The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. AKA more gun control.

      This is not ignorance, this is willful evil.

      • My cynical side says that you couldn’t be more correct. I’m often guilty of looking on the bright side and forgetting about the willful maliciousness and greed of some people… I’ll try and keep your words in mind. They carry wisdom.

  2. All “red flag” firearm confiscation laws by any of the names are un constitutional,PERIOD.

  3. I’m not positive, but I thought Rick Desantes was the governor of Florida, he’s a Republican right?, why didn’t he sto this law? Maybe I’m wrong, but I just thought a Republican was the governor.

    • This was done under rino Gov now US sen. Rick Scott. Along with a bump stock and binary trigger ban. Oh yeah, have to be 21 to buy any firearm now too…

    • Don’t take this out on DeSantis. He’s actually a solid conservative and way more pro 2A then most of the RINOs in Florida. He even publicly stated he was pro Open Carry. These laws were passed back during Scott’s worthless time in. Repealing them is much easier said then done.

  4. Worse, my sheriff, Polk county’s own Grady “Because they ran out of bullets” Judd had a hand in over *400* of those seizures…

    • Which county has five officers assigned to the Red Flag process?

      And how do you live with yourself when your full time job is violating the Constitution?

  5. People need to get behind 2020 HB 6003.

    all I see is the government disarming the citizens and that’s never a good thing, ever.


    “They should not tell everything they’re going to do. If you’re going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected — then take the guns away,” she [Joy Behar] said. “Don’t tell them ahead of time.”

    Oh, sure, that will go over well, perhaps as well as the public’s reception of the recent rash of ERPO/Red Flag laws. Don’t quit your day job, Joy.

    Once again, TTAG admins, why in the world am I getting Captcha requirements for posting this comment, when I’ve already commented several times today on the site with the SAME OPEN BROWSER(!)?? Why does this keep happening? There’s no rhyme or reason…

    • Behar is such an idiot she doesn’t see what she’s just done. By going on TV and telling everyone that the grabbers should not tip their hand– she just tipped their hand.

      That woman is a monument to idiocy.

  7. The injunction process has been corrupted by some for decades. Red Flag laws will only make it easier for those same people to harass and ruin the lives of others.

    • That moron Joy B might want to read up on how the surprise “gun grab” at Lexington and Concord turned out. Cliff Notes for Joy; Not good for the “gun grabbers”. They had to retreat all the way back to the Atlantic Ocean, apologizing for attempting the firearm confiscation, and asking/begging for the US Patriots to stop firing at them THE WHOLE DAMN WAY.

    • Gee, this looks familiar. Oh yeah, I already posted it above a full hour before you. Doesn’t anyone read my comments, lol?

      (smile fades, and Haz sits back down in the dark lit corner of the room to quietly sip his beer and ponder his life…)

        • +1 for the Airplane reference.

          (any young bucks here even know what Geoff was referring to?…)

        • LOL James, i guess that is me then. I have trouble sitting reading a novel unless it has a basis in history let alone anything that does not. Most of what i read has educational value usually learning new skills.
          As for drugs even when i was smoking weed regularly i was a 2 cone screamer and drinking even when i was younger i certainly could not drink as much as many of my peers…. now at the best of times i have 2-3 drinks at most

  8. A good start…on what? Progressives never seem to ask themselves what the actual consequences of their “progress” are likely to be.

  9. More than 200,000 Americans of Japanese descent,who had no business on the west coast were rounded up and relocated to inland internment camps !

    • That is a good example of how utter worthless the Constitution has always been. Its not just the Second Amendment that gets trashed at will.

      • That’s a little disingenuous, but it’s worth noting that yes, the constitution is often simply ignored at will by statist forces in our government. The important question to ask then, is, when it gets written next time, how do we avoid this?

  10. How many of the 2,600 have had their cases adjudicated and what percentage got their firearms back?

  11. The law doesn’t use the term ” no business having”, only an editor would use it. And it is more of a place to stop, not a beginning. How many on the paper have guns to protect themselves? HUH?

  12. That last list you created looks like a Liberal Wish List the only difference would be instead in thousands, it would be millions.

  13. 2600 seizures — how many lawsuits have been filed against the law? With that many people with standing, at least one would be able to go forward.

  14. More than 2,600 people in Florida who had no business paying insufficient fines have been hung to near death then had their bowels removed and burned before them, then been decapitated and their bodies cut into four pieces so far under a state “red meter flag” law passed soon after last year’s mass parking violation at Disney World…

    • The law has certainly prevented more parking violations, and it reaffirms the Florida Legislature can make a difference on parking safety. Now it’s time to do more.

    • Tampa Bay Times columnist Sue Carlton spent months documenting what happens in Florida’s Parking Protection Court, which was created last year to draw-and-quarter people judged too dangerous to park cars. On average, five times a day Florida judges rule that there’s “clear and convincing evidence” that it’s too risky for someone to park a car.

      • I use StartPage now. Used DuckDuckGo for a long time, but news came out a few months ago that DDG has been allowing user info to be “hacked” because it uses the same platform as Google and therefore has the same vulnerabilities.

  15. While I would like to see more details of what all went on, Boogaloo Bob ain’t givin up sheeeit. Less they wanna git all Ruby Ridge up in here. I really hope they send those same jerks who cold-blooded murdered Roy Finicum, seems like a little pay-back is in order.

  16. I’m super interested to know, for the few people who are actually homicidal / suicidal, if finding out that their social support structure has ratted them out to the government and had their property seized leads to a sense of less control over their own lives. Because I feel like that would inspire some of those people to take a more… active… position when it comes to acting out their homicidal/suicidal thoughts right f’ing now before they lose any more agency.

  17. Of course, the pool of legitimate secret reporters will continue to expand but I wonder how long it will be before any infraction brings the police to your house with a search warrnt to take your guns?

    Carrying concealed? Seach and confiscate.

    Gun in the car? Search and confiscate.

    Offensive speech? Search and confiscate.

    Party to loud? Search and confiscate.

    Neighbor NO ONE can get along with? Search and confiscate.

    Neighbor is scared? Search and confiscate.

    Neighbor claims (anonomously / secretly) you are shooting machine guns? Prepare for hell.

    Every gun owner in red flag states has been put under the approval and control of their neighbors.

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