venice florida ammunition fire

Two people have been hospitalized for burns suffered after touching off a fire, apparently while loading ammunition in a Venice, Florida home.


The home on Sunset Beach Drive was engulfed in flames when fire crews arrived Thursday afternoon.

They reported hearing the pops of exploding ammunition as the fire burned through the house and garage. Nearby residences had to be temporarily evacuated.

The garage is where two people were apparently hand-filling rounds of ammunition when the fire started.

In addition to the powder and ammo, the house also contained tanks of oxygen and acetylene which apparently didn’t blow. It was a dangerous enough situation that neighbors were evacuated and firemen used automated units to douse the flames.

Firefighters got the two-alarm fire under control by using unmanned monitors to spray water on the structure.

We certainly hope the two people who were burned make a full recovery. But if we know our readers at all, we’d guess they’ll be most upset over the loss of 10,000 rounds of ammunition given current prices and availability.


      • Sounds like they are still breathing. If they weren’t, we would have two New Democrat voters……. 😂

        On a more serious note, this sounds terrible. Being choked and grilled Alive does not sound pleasant at all. I’ve only had some very localized, second degree burns, and they are excruciating…..

    • ^^^___ MORON ALERT ___^^^

      Guess what? Republicans are not the only ones who reload ammunition or keep flammable items in their garage.

    • No…. this is what happens when a bunch of morons (definitely new Democrat gun owners) get ahold of things too advanced for their ghetto IQ.

      New DemoRat gun owners with powder and primers= 2 alarm fire!

    • Move along, given “LoL @ folks I don’t agree with (Narcissitic Personality Disorder on Display)…nothing more to see here folks…. Just another paid LibiTard Troll (or Bot) tossing out textual excrement for a “stir” (and if human, likely performing a “Jeffery Tobin” meantime, while bragging somewhere else online “…I make $20 at hour at home doing nothing productive!..” If human, the only rational response is 1) Get out of your mother’s basement and off her Commodore 64 2) Go get a real job, wearing real 9-5 office clothing (not sitting on a couch wearing “Obama-Jamas” as a former 27 year old poster boy for ObamaCare sipping a latte’ waiting for Govt freebees) 3) pay for your own health insurance 4) take a real history course to educate yourself 5) get your news somewhere else besides Facebook, Twitter, etc, and 6) Grow up and get a real life, where your community can expect you can actually contribute something productive to others outside your own short term, narcissistic “anti-everyone” supply …. And FYI, please cease your “post-then-Tobin” behavior – MDs say you’ll go blinder than you already are.

      • Above comment from “Paid-Attention-In-History-Class-And-Earn-My-Own-Way directed solely towards troll “LOL @ Typical Republicans “

      • Hey!

        Some of us professionals do wear our pajamas to work. Of course we call them scrubs because that sounds cooler. But they still feel like PJs to me. And you can get them with everything from hearts and care bears to super heroes and Americana.

    • Yeah. Leftist communists think commodities come from faeries so it would never occur to them to do the work of making ammunition.

    • More like stupid Democrats.
      Smokeless propellants intended for personal use in quantities not exceeding 20 lb (9.1 kg) may be stored in original containers in residences. Quantities exceeding 20 lb (9.1 kg), but not exceeding 50 lb (22.7 kg), may be stored in residences if kept in a wooden box or cabinet having walls or at least 1-inc. (25.4-mm) nominal thickness.

        • I reload. And I read the regulations on powder storage.
          More than 50 pounds and you need a Federal Explosive License and special storage containers out side your residence at some distance away from the main building. Waterproof and locked.
          I don’t usually have more that 15 to 20 pounds at any one time.
          Right now I’m down to less than 3 pounds only because I don’t have the money to buy more brass and bullets.

    • Lol @ Typical Republicans…

      We just know you’re so stupid you have to wear velcro shoes. Anyone who thinks Biden would make a good President has to be mentally challenged.

    • I am glad I did not post a bigoted comment like this and expose myself to a lawsuit for Slander and/ defamation and/or Libel.

  1. “But if we know our readers at all, we’d guess they’ll be most upset over the loss of 10,000 rounds of ammunition given current prices and availability.”

    Karen and the rest of the lefty mob will be the most upset. Expect new residential zoning law soon.

    If oxy and acetylene were truly stored inside the residence (vs. also stored in the garage), one must wonder at the mental capacity of the owner.

    • “Karen and the rest of the lefty mob will be the most upset. Expect new residential zoning law soon.”

      He likely will have legal problems due to the quantity of powder being stored…

      • “He likely will have legal problems due to the quantity of powder being stored…”

        That would be the case if only one pound of powder had torched off.

        • “That would be the case if only one pound of powder had torched off.”

          Not in Florida.

          I *think* the cut-off is 10 lbs. gunpowder, without a a magazine permit…

          • “I *think* the cut-off is 10 lbs. gunpowder, without a a magazine permit…”

            I admit to not knowing the actual law regarding storage/possession, but….

            “Reckless endangerment”, “depraved indifference”, “creating a public nuisance”, “disturbing the peace”, “creating a panic”….

            I would think it quite likely the local authorities could bury those guys in citations. Not to mention private law suits from “terrified” neighbors.

    • It takes a real fucking idiot not to realize that there are many home mechanics, metal workers, do-it-yourself types etc, etc; who have acetylene torch sets in their home, which also requires oxygen to complete the combustion required for the intended purpose. Some require Argon, or similar gases, depending on the intent…. Tig welding, etc.

      • “It takes a real fucking idiot not to realize that there are many home mechanics, metal workers, do-it-yourself types etc, etc; who have acetylene torch sets in their home”

        If oxy-acetylene is stored in the living quarters, then yes, one would be an RFI. Temp use inside the living spaces not quite the risk.

        Note: this one response is all the respect you get.

        • Eh. Define your terms.

          OSHA definition or Regular Person definition? OSHA rules on flammable gas cylinders are a bit overdone for just having a tank at your house. But if it was in an attached garage most people wouldn’t call that “in the living quarters” but OSHA would.

          Shit, they made me to MSDS sheets for bathroom cleaners because the bathroom on the other side of the house is part of the “work space” and vice versa.

        • “Living quarters”.

          As I said, most people don’t consider their garage part of the the “living quarters” nor do the consider the interior of their house to be the “workshop”.

          However, for the purposes of OSHA regs on compressed flammable gas, storing such in an attached garage makes the entire house a “work space/shop” and, under the rules, means your “workshop” = your “living quarters” and vice versa.

          • Understood. I used “living quarters” as commonly understood by the general population. I imagine the news article used the common understanding, also. It would generally seem reasonable to store gases in a garage, but irrational/irresponsible to store oxy-acetylene in a bedroom, kitchen, or living room. Anyone doing that qualifies as an RFI.

        • There are a whole barge full of regulations just waiting for a person to declare part of their home as business space. Those waters can be navigated, but particular diligence is required. “HC SVNT DRACONES.”

      • The problem is that the people who are going to leap on this are not the kind of people who “weld things”. They have us for that sort of labor.

    • the real idiot in this whole story was the writer he said in one place they were doing all this in a house and then talks about it all in a garage now he needs to make up his mind now myself I keep my oxygen and acetylene in my shop with my stuff for working on cars and trucks and in another section I have my woodworking tools and that building is around 50 foot from the house and around that far away in another direction I have a portable building around 10x 20 ft. big that I have my reloading and ammo storage and my radio shack and am also a Florida Trump supporter not one of those crazy democrats like those in the story

      • You seem to be like my neighbor three doors down who builds hot rods. His oxy-acetylene tanks are stored in a wire mesh cage, padlocked. Anyone keeping those elements inside the living quarters would qualify as an RFI.

        • He just doesn’t want junkies to steal the tanks because he paid a big deposit on them. Or he owns them and doesn’t want them stolen because they’re expensive and he’s also probably paid quite a bit for hydrostatic testing over time.

          A wire mesh cage doesn’t meet the regs for safe storage of acetylene tanks. Such a storage area needs to be outside, concrete, cinderblock or another similar non-flammable material on three sides with a locking gate and appropriate retention devices on the walls to prevent the tanks from tipping over. There are also rules about how close electricity can be run to the storage area.

          Shit, you go try to fill a MC sized acetylene tank (like a Lincoln Port-A-Torch size) at a place like Matheson or Airgas and you better bring a truck or they won’t do the fill/swap for you because you can’t meet the regs to move the bottle.

          • The mesh cage is to keep the guy from damaging the bottles accidentally while doing something else in the garage; locked to keep visitors from screwing things up, as well. I didn’t ask about the legality of the storage, but I am glad he is several houses away.

  2. Id shed a tear for the primers at least, since theyre almost literally worth their weight in gold right now. Ive got 30k SPP I hope I won’t have to make last through a Biden presidency!

    • Thanks for sharing that video. I’ve been paying attention to how my ammo is stored, and have often wondered about the effects of fire. I think they should have done a test of a safe on fire with ammo in it. What happens after the 45 – 60 minute rating has expired? Also, thanks for being helpful vs. all the vitriol that others seem to relish on this site. They seem to find an argument on just about everything.

      • Curious if anyone has recommendations for safe storage, not just of cartridges which are pretty safely inert, but reloading supplies and/or black powder? I got into black powder a little bit this summer after building a kit rifle (works great!) and I’m not especially confident about my black powder storage setup (Pyrodex, actually). It’s cool and dry and not near any combustion sources, but maybe I could be doing more? If anyone has thoughts, I’m interested and I’ll check back!

        • Ammo cans. They’re designed to stack and contain combustion, but to also blow the seals and vent DOWNWARD in case of cookoff. No pressure, no boom.

        • “Curious if anyone has recommendations for safe storage, not just of cartridges which are pretty safely inert, but reloading supplies and/or black powder?”

          Lower the better. I speak from experience of a house fire.

          In ammo cans as low as possible, even better…

    • If I’m understanding the report correctly, this isn’t the same. Dropping and burning closed boxes of factory cartridges is one thing. Open handling of large amounts of powder is a whole different animal. If a cartridge cooks off and detonates, its effect is limited due to the fact that nearby powder is encased in separate brass cases and may not detonate, limiting the overall spread of the problem. Loose powder will continue to ignite for as long as there’s more powder.

      • “Loose powder will continue to ignite for as long as there’s more powder.”

        I didn’t take the recommended link to downplay the danger of loose gunpowder, but simply as an interesting look at fire and ammunition in common incidents.

        • You are correct Sam, I have no agenda other than to share a video that I remembered watching many years ago that was apropos to the article.

  3. From a firefighter’s perspective, this is just an accelerated structure fire. There’s no real danger from the ammo in that fire. There’s a real issue with the ox/acetylene tanks, however. An acetylene tank that cooks off has the gas, and then it has the acetone media that flashes off…

    But loaded ammo that isn’t in a chamber? No big deal. Bunkers will stop just about anything that emits from the ammo.

    • The recent SSAA (Sporting Shooters Association of Australia) magazine had an article on the risks of ammunition and reloading components in a fire. Mower fuel and pool chemicals were considered a much greater risk.

      • Pool chemicals are oxidizers. Most homeowners don’t know that ABC dry-chemical extinguishers are not to be used on dry chlorine-containing pool chemicals, per NFPA 43.

        • So how come no one sells carbon dioxide fire extinguishers any more?

          Speaking of, one of my high school teachers would sneak up to students who fell asleep in his class and dispense a short burst of carbon dioxide from a fire extinguisher into their head/face from about four feet away. He only had to do that two or three times before everyone decided that they should stay awake in his class — which was incredibly disappointing because EVERYONE looked forward to someone falling asleep.

          For those of you who are unaware, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are quite loud and forceful — and the gas which they dispense is quite cold to boot. As you can probably imagine, it really gets your juices flowing when you nod off and a loud, forceful, and cold blast of harmless gas reaches your head/face from a few feet away.

        • “Halotron extinguishers too.”

          I had a Halon extinguisher hanging on the wall when my apartment burned. Was told Halon is now banned when I went to get it serviced.

          Is Halotron another legal version of that?

        • TL;DR: You can buy Halotron extinguishers at the link I provided. I have a few of those exact 5lb and 2.5lb models around my house/shop.


          Halon (Freon 12B1) was banned because it is an ozone depleting agent and there were some claims that it was dangerous to airline passengers when deployed by fire suppression systems on board aircraft. The latter claim is probably technically true but… well, spin.

          Halon fire extinguishers run strictly on Halon which is a single compound consisting of two Fluorine atoms, a Bromine and a Chlorine around a central carbon. A true CFC if ever there was one.

          Halotron I is two compounds, two Chlorines bound to three Fluorines and a separate compound of four Florines bounds to a central Carbon. This mixture does have some ozone depleting effects but they’re on the order of a 95% reduction vs Halon. When mixed like this and deployed under low pressure as a liquid they produce a fire-suppression gas shield similar in effect to to Halon, from a practical point of view, identical.

          Halotron I is currently legal for use as a firefighting agent and is used all over the world, particularly in aviation or places with sensitive electronics because it leaves no residue and is ejected as a liquid which makes it easy to use and requires little pressure to move around. A CO2 extinguisher is regularly pressurized to around 800PSI in most cases where a Halotron I extinguisher can do the same job around 100PSI.

          However, there is an issue that American Pacific doesn’t really like to talk about.

          They claim it’s “safer for people” than Halon. I would highly doubt that this is technically true though I may well be making a distinction without a difference here. Halon was, and still is, a simple asphyxiation agent. It displaces Oxygen in the air just like a CO2 extinguisher and doesn’t have any known physiological effects outside of this, it’s not a preferential binding agent or other toxin. The only symptoms of overexposure are those of general hypoxia. If you leave an area with a high(ish) concentration of Halon and start breathing regular air again you’ll rapidly be fine, kinda the same as how it’s impossible to kill yourself with a balloon full of nitrous oxide unless you like, I dunno, huff the balloon at the top of the stairs, knock yourself out and fall down the stairs…. in which case the nitrous didn’t kill you the fall down the stairs did. You would need an attached mask with consistent flow to actually asphyxiate yourself with nitrous.

          Halotron I on the other hand is a mild cardiotoxin with affects appearing at around 2% concentration by volume. It has an LD50 at 3.2%/vol at four hours and IIRC has an actual lethal dose of something like 10g/kg in people. But it doesn’t preferentially bind to anything either so removing the person to fresh air, maybe giving them a oxygen mask for a bit and they should be fine if they didn’t get a big enough dose to give them an arrhythmia. It does have some interesting anesthetic effects though which strongly suggests that it is significantly more bioreactive than Halon is but I have no idea what that mechanism is and, honestly, I’m not sure that anyone does (I haven’t really looked past reading the MSDS when I bought the extinguishers). Removing the person to fresh air clears these problems up too, so like I said, based on the dosage and time requirements it may be a distinction without a difference here unless you have some biological oddity that makes you super susceptible to its cardiotoxin properties.

        • My analytical chemistry (industrial) leaves me very leery of fluorine compounds, and that stuff you mentioned looks loaded with the damn things. Yeah, I’m familiar with symptom-free asphyxiation agents like N2, so no worries there. Good thing about CO2 as a fire agent, you absolutely *cannot* mistakenly asphyxiate your ass…

  4. I wonder what the cause was? There are reasons why reloading manuals say don’t smoke while reloading.

    • Back in the day of tube TVs, a small, portable TV on the reloading bench gave you a great surface to put an ashtray and a drink.

      Yes, I’m kidding.


    • I was taught to reload when I was about ten and I’m now 62. Nothing better than smoking a good cigar and drinking good bourbon while reloading. In fact, I’m doing it right

  5. Whoops:,
    Now the whole town knows what you got,,,
    NO FUBAR…🔥🚬 🚒 🚑

    “””FREE KYLE”””

  6. Unless they had quantities of black powder on hand, no worse than most garage fires . Sad to see all those rounds and components never to be shot !

  7. Big hairy-ass deal…. storing oxygen and acetylene in the garage. It’s called a CUTTING TORCH SET, I have one in my garage, betting a quarter of you on here do also. You’re at way greater risk from those 2 nato gas cans and full generator in the garage…. betting close to half of you have that also. Oh, and for shits and giggles, throw a handful of 22 l. r. live rounds in your buddies campfire and just sit there watching for them to go off (pffffut) and have someone bring you a beer when they return from the ” safety” of wherever they ran to – point out that the bullet made it about a half inch from the case and is melting as they watch. Manufactured News. Garage fire was probably a pretty green color, though.

    • Watch what happens when an acetylene cylinder blows out in a fire:

      When the valve body blows off, the cylinder vents. When the pressure is dropped suddenly, and the valve body has come off, it isn’t just acetylene that comes out, the acetone comes flying out of the cylinder as well.

      The other thing about acetylene that worries firefighters is that acetylene is explosive over a rather wide range of fuel:air mixtures 2.5% to 81%, by volume).

      • “explosive over a rather wide range of fuel:air mixtures 2.5% to 81%”

        Holy crap, even Mythbusters could have managed to get something in that range.

      • It’s not just your fuel/air mix that should worry you, though that’s a problem without a doubt.

        Acetylene is pretty unstable, particularly under pressure. When it undergoes a large change in pressure very rapidly it can decompose and essentially self-ignite on exposure to a variety of other compounds and even carbon in its elemental or various compound forms. This ends up being essentially the same thing as not dissolving it in acetone on a sponge and then whacking the bottle with a really big hammer. If the tank is ruptured in the wrong way just the expansion of the gas through the hole can provide enough of a shock to light the stuff up too.

        When it comes to fire spreading to a tank (and having seen that video before) you often end up with a rocket because the increase in internal pressure blows the brass valve off the tank before the tank itself hits its burst point which can spread your fire pretty far, like a few hundred yards. Of course, this assumes you don’t have fire get inside the tank, in which case you have a bomb. Check valves are there for a reason along with your instructions not to flow acetylene at more than 20PSI off the 1st stage reg. And of course if the tanks are properly chained up and pointed at the ground you end up with a rocket that can’t go anywhere which is nearly as bad, touch a match on a pole to a small balloon filled with acetylene to see why.

    • By the way, I’m not insinuating that torch tanks aren’t crazy as fuck dangerous in a fire ( mine are chained to the wall as far away from other flammables as possible), just that the ” news” thought they were an oddity. Wish I could come up with 100 pounds of propellant right about now.

  8. Oxygen and Acetylene, “Hold on Bubba, stop reloading a minute and help me cut this piece of steel.”

    • “The only way to set off a primer is to hit it.”

      “I bet I can light it off with this torch. Hold my beer.’

  9. Come on man! I’m having trouble stocking up on ammo and these numb nuts do this. I’m down to about 2,500 rounds!

  10. An interesting but fairly pointless note that the acetylene didn’t go up. As others note, having it isn’t unusual. Yeah, if one of my tanks went it would suck but I’d probably be standing next to it and never know what happened. Which is essentially the same for the argon and CO2 tanks too. While not filled with flammable stuff if they do pop it’s probably not survivable if you’re with 20 yards of the tank.

    A side note: This is a great way to introduce kids to physical chemistry. The ignition and subsequent propagation of ignition through a portion of gunpowder, even modern powder, is a geometric spacing issue rather than a purely chemical one. The growing base of knowledge from the 1400’s to modern powders, the experiments conducted on this topic and the chemistry are covered in relative depth in Weapon and Warfare in Renaissance Europe by Bart S. Hall. Serpentine vs. Corned powders, glazed powders chemical composition, original writings on manufacture and studies on modern powders from as recently as Vietnam, pressure curves etc are all covered. It’s fascinating.

    • “While not filled with flammable stuff if they do pop it’s probably not survivable if you’re with 20 yards of the tank.”

      Yikes. That makes the rather pedestrian tank falling and having the valve knocked off turning it into a pressurized flying steel torpedo punching holes in cinder block walls seem tame.

      Chains on pressurized tanks aren’t optional or a suggestion…

      • Hydrostatic testing is done regularly for a reason. If the tank loses its elasticity (yes, steel has that and can lose it) it becomes extremely dangerous when you’re pressurizing the tank to thousands of PSI.

        It essentially becomes a really big frag grenade. You don’t want to be near a tank that fails catastrophically like that. Which is exactly why the valve is brass, so that hopefully that fails before the tank. It’s also why such tanks are often filled in water. Not only does it help keep the tank cool but it also helps to contain/slow the fragments if one of them pops.

        Now, if you’re into dangerous fun… take expired but still filled tanks of compressed non-toxic gas and carefully set them on a ramp so that the bottom of the bottle is angled upwards towards the top of the ramp with the valve pointed back towards the ground. Now take a sledge and knock the valve off the tank. See how far you can launch that sucker. Compete with your friends!

        This was actually kinda common at the end of WWII when the US was in the process of greatly reducing its bomber fleet and had to decommission a ton of compressed gas tanks that were still filled at the end of the war. My grandfather watched young, drunk Airmen do this at what is now Davis–Monthan Air Force Base. He was horrified.

        • I’m familiar with hydro-ing tanks from hanging around buddies who worked in dive shops that did the periodic hydro-test in a giant tank of water.

          I really oughtta get back into that. Florida reefs are kinda pleasant in the wintertime down here. Spear fresh fish and chill…

  11. Reloading under the influence of intoxicants

    It could have been worse. Imagine the explosion from a politically correct Tesla with its lithium ion battery fully charged.

    Indoor marijuana grows can also be an extreme fire hazard.
    Don’t get me started on butane Hash Oil explosions.

    • Elmer Fudd,

      If you want to explore bizarre explosions, how about grain silos filled with grain dust?

      • A really big bang there.

        The Tidewater Grain Elevator that blew up in 1956 in West Philadelphia was felt 20 miles away.

        Makes Timothy McVeigh’s truck bomb look like a firecracker.

        • I’ve always said that grain elevators are the biggest terrorist target nobody thinks about.

    • The Tesla battery thing is kinda’ rare so far. What bugs me more about the Tesla is the center entertainment console is the dashboard instrument panel. Nothing in the driver’s line of sight about speed for example. And the fool thing is designed to play video games. With more than one player! And the vehicle controls are the game controls while not in motion.

      Combine that with autopilot self driving techno stupidity and I see a new and improved form of automotivewreckology coming at us.

      Along with dead people and lawsuits where nobody actually had hands on the wheel or was paying any attention anyhow.

      I like the idea of electric cars.

      But Tesla is just plain scary.

          • “I’m getting in the plane”. George Carlin.”

            Bet when he arrived at his destination, he “got off” the plane.

        • Having a PhD in English Carlin would probably argue that he “got out of” the plane.

          More than half the reason the guy was so funny was because he actually understood English on a level 99% of public-school graduates after 1960 can only dream of.

          • I really miss Carlin. His humor could be causitc, without being gratuitously mean.

            But even Carlin could not avoid his plane being taxied to “the terminal”.

        • “More than half the reason the guy was so funny was because he actually understood English on a level 99% of public-school graduates after 1960 can only dream of.”

          Cheech Marin has a master’s in English…

        • George Carlin’s” new 7 words you can’t say on TV ” — white, gun-owner, Trump supporter, …..

  12. The “exploding” ammunition isn’t much to be concerned about. The bullet will tumble off at low speed. The normal gear worn by firemen is perfectly excellent protection from rounds popping off with no gun around them to contain and direct the pressure.

    The house fire, now that’s the scary part.

  13. I am amazed that I got this far down and no one has simply said “O.K. Florida man again. I thought he died from Darwinism already.”

    • I think it’s just been said too many times already. Nobody has the energy to even entertain ANOTHER Floridian doing stupid things lol.

    • Perhaps I’m mistaken. I seem to remember he got a G.E.D. while in the Air Force and went on to school later on.

      I dunno, I could be wrong. It has happened before. Half his “life story” before becoming a comic is questionable at best.

      • he went to two more schools after being kicked out of the first. did not graduate, pretty much chased out of the air force, three court martials etc.

  14. I have been reloading for over 40 years now, there in no way this happened from just reloading. Drinking, and or smoking(dope)? That is the only reason this could have happened, lived in Florida for awhile I can see this happening there.

  15. I wonder how many Fire Depts. have seen this or are aware of this information. I have read 2 articles (in the last 10 years) of FDs backing off and allowing the house to burn down fearing a major explosion.

  16. “Brian May of ‘Queen’ has a PhD in astrophysics from Imperial College London in 2007”

    Had a co-pilot back in the day, with a PhD in Astrophysics from MIT. When he was flying the aircraft, you could almost see the wheels spinning in his brain while he calculated all the factors required for any maneuver of the bird. Nice guy, but we never saw him display a sense of humour.

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