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First, a little background on the the deceased, one Frank Harrison [via]. . .

In 2003, Harrison and Guinn [the woman who eventually shot Mr. Harrison] made headlines when 23-year-old Shane Lani Sampson took a fatal shotgun blast to the stomach at the Zephyrhills duplex where Guinn lived at the time.

Harrison went to Guinn’s home looking for a shotgun to settle an argument with another man, according to Tampa Bay Times coverage of the incident.

While Harrison held the shotgun, it went off, striking Sampson, a husband and father of a girl who was 14 months old at the time.

Authorities picked up Harrison a week later in Hillsborough County on unrelated drug charges. A state prosecutor added a third-degree murder charge.

Although it appeared he had not intended to shoot Sampson, Harrison, a convicted felon, could not legally possess a firearm.

State corrections records show Harrison has served several prison stints since 1991 for charges including robbery with a gun or deadly weapon and cocaine possession. He was most recently released from prison in August.

I guess 14 years in jail didn’t rehabilitate Mr. Harrison. Color me surprised.

According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, Frank Harrison, 45, had reportedly made previous threats to his former girlfriend, 38-year-old Alejandrina Guinn.

When Harrison arrived at her home at 5547 Armstrong St. with the rifle [on Saturday], Guinn opened the door and fatally shot him in what appears to be a case of self-defense, officials said.

Appears? When an ex-con shows up at your door armed with a rifle, having made death threats, I think it’s safe to assume that shooting him is a defensive gun use.

Anyway, this is another case where it’s clear that the criminal justice system can’t keep you safe from a homicidal criminal. As if you didn’t know . . .

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  1. It makes me wonder, just how”law-abiding” this woman is. I mean, you’re known by the company you keep…

    • Former girlfriend. Former.

      From the context, I read this as he wanted her to take him back, she said no, he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and then ugliness happened.

      If so, good on her, for choosing to leave, for recognizing the danger she was in, and for taking steps to keep herself safe.

      • “and for taking steps to keep herself safe.”

        Did she have a restraining order? Because we know restraining orders are for just this type of situation,and will keep you safe.
        What? They don’t?
        Oh. Never mind.

    • This is sorta where I’m at with the story too. Granted, people do make bad decisions and fix it, so it’s possible she made one and fixed it.

    • The weakness of the AR was the loose nut at the end of the stock. She shot him and the situation was over.

      Doesn’t matter what kind of whiz bang gear the other guy has. Shoot him dead at first contact and your immediate problem is over.

      Mike B. beat me to it cause I got long winded.

  2. I am continually amazed by the poor choices some people make in choosing a boyfriend, girlfriend, and spouse.

    • Yep. I blame a lot of it on youth. We start making those choices when we’re too young and dumb to see the right way.

      And our system doesn’t forgive youthful mistakes. Couple of bad choices at 19 and the system does not forgive or forget. Legal or love.

      Legal adult age should be 25 and parents should have absolute life and death power over their kids.

        • Retroactive abortions are more understandable than the other type.

          I hope you understand I was windbagging a little, just a little, about the life and death thing.

        • But you’re right. Not much cute about many PITA 18yr olds. If lucky you can occasionally get more work out of one than a 2month old.

      • The hell with that. My dad tried to run me over with the truck when I was a kid for not playing good enough at a hockey practice. Some parents just need to be institutionalized.

        • “Some parents just need to be institutionalized.”
          And if you’ve never seen such parents, you should probably get outside a little more.

    • I was surprised. You usually get this sort of thing in west Pasco, ZHills is pretty quiet. (Aside from the goddamn roosters)

  3. So we’ve learned a couple of times in the last week that a rifle does not always beat a handgun (although that would be the way to bet).

  4. Good for her. How felonious dead homie didn’t get a life sentence (and stay in the joint) is beyond me…and now he HAS.

  5. WTF?

    The shotgun just magically went off in someone’s stomach? Must have been a Remington then

    He didn’t intend to kill someone he just held them at gunpoint with a shotgun. So unless I’m mistaken you don’t point a gun at something you don’t intend to kill/destroy

    Whoever wrote those statements is a moron, none of my guns magically go off (Remington’s included) and I don’t point it at people unless I’m under grievously bodily harm

    • What i took from it was that he was looking for someone else but, shot someone else by accident. I highly doubt he had any kind of training. … Or Maybe he just got lucky and got the best public defender ever

    • You are mistaken. You aren’t willing to kill/destroy. If I’m pointing a gun at someone, I’m willing, but perhaps not intending, to kill/destroy them.

      • My point exactly, he claimed (or someone else did for him) that he never intended to kill that person yet he’s jamming a shotgun in their gut.

        • I’m just making the distinction between intending and willing. Intending means that the result was the goal. Willing means that the result was not the goal. It was likely to happen, perhaps even probable, but not the intended result.

    • This is the news media, which never accuses anyone of anything (unless it’s to the media’s political advantage).
      Thus, even someone is filmed (videoed) doing something, the perp “allegedly” did something.
      So we hear talking heads tell us that it “appears” the person is shooting, or some similar pablum.
      So, in this case, the gun fired while it was merely being held. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

  6. This woman deserves a medal for not letting this thug with an assault rifle intimidate and abuse her!

    • An AR is not an assault rifle.
      And it’s not even an assault weapon unless it conforms to a specific set of rules, determined by people who perfectly understand the parts of a firearm, including that shoulder thingy that goes up and the difference between a clipazine and a, um, whatever it is.

  7. As mentioned by others, this gem just struck out with dazzling stupidity like a diamond amidst feces:

    “While Harrison held the shotgun, it went off, striking Sampson, a husband and father of a girl who was 14 months old at the time.”

    That’s not how this thing called reality works, that’s not how it works at all. Finger on the trigger = guilty, finger pulls trigger = guilty, going to the house with the shotgun to confront another person = guilty for what transpires after, gun “GOING OFF” without human operation of trigger = continuing stupidity of negating the possibility of being sued for making factual statements, it pervades all these darn stories and it’s just laughably stupid.

  8. Hi Point? Lorcin? Jennings? Whatever it was it stamped “The End” on homey de clowns medical records.

    • I’ll be gracious and guess a SD9ve.
      Though Hi-points do “work”. This may have proved it.

      • I got a sigma. While it’s my least favorite pistol, I much prefer a revolver and my Mak fills my semi auto needs, the ugly thing works. And works.

        I’m in no doubt that it will go bang every time I pull the trigger.

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