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FN at the 2016 Texas Firearms Festival. Come and Shoot It!


FN sells “the world’s most battle-proven firearms.” To satisfy their military customers, the Belgium-born gunmaker’s rifles and pistols are based on first-class designs, built with strict quality control, delivering rock-solid reliability. FN firearms are firm favorites for competition, hunting and personal defense. Not to mention the FN Military Collectors Series. Come and shoot them! Specifically . . .

FN’s bringing FNS-series pistols, the SCAR-16 and SCAR-17 rifles, Military Collector Series AR’s and the M249 SAW to the 2016 Texas Firearms Festival. FN handguns have some of the best out-of-the-box triggers money can buy. Their rifles are straight-shooting ergonomic delights. The belt-fed SAW is a joy to shoot. And if you’re ballistically smitten — and we know you will be — all FN guns will be available for immediate sale at significant discounts.

Click here to buy your VIP, shooter and/or non-shooter tickets to the 2016 Texas Firearms Festival at Best of the West Shooting Sports from October 15 – 16. You pay one price; all your ammo is free. It’s the best way to try-before-you-buy FN’s world-class range of battle-tested firearms. But wait! There’s more!

Click here, spring for VIP tickets and not only do you get a full range of VIP benefits — close-in parking, shuttle service, VIP tent, lunch, FastPass line privileges for all shooting positions, hang time with TTAG staff and an hour of VIP-only range time each day — you also receive VIP-only access to Full-Auto Friday (October 14).

Remember that SAW? How about some serious trigger time with the full-auto version? You have to pay for your discounted Sinterfire frangible ammo, but there’s no limit to how many belts you can feed the SAW. Not to mention all the other machine guns and pistols available from our other vendors for your giggle switch fun.

The 2016 Texas Firearms Festival is proud to welcome FN for its third year. If you’d seen the smiles on our ticket holders’ faces after coming to grips with FN guns under the company’s expert care, you’ll know why FN owners are some of the happiest gun owners in America. Come and shoot it!

4 thoughts on “FN at the 2016 Texas Firearms Festival. Come and Shoot It!”

  1. Are they really bringing the SCAR-17? They didn’t have one to try at the last two festivals.

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