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FNS-9 Content Contest: And the (First) Winner Is…

The time has come to announce the winner of the first of two FNS-9 pistols we’re awarding in our first TTAG Content Contest. And the first winner is…Jessica J. for her post, “A Mother’s Armed Self Defense Autobiography” in which she recounts her journey from casual gun owner to concealed carrier. In it, she eloquently explains why concealed carry should be important to every parent, and does so without beating them over the head with Second Amendment bromides: “I carry a gun because my child’s safety is paramount, and because my own life was given all-new value the day that she was born.” . . .

Congrats Jessica! In the mean time, stay tuned because next Monday we’ll pick from the best of the rest and award a second FNS-9, courtesy FNH USA. Until then, we’ll continue to post more of the excellent articles that have been flooding our inbox.

50 thoughts on “FNS-9 Content Contest: And the (First) Winner Is…”

  1. Congrats Jessica! Well-deserved… quite an accomplishment given the large number of quality pieces.

  2. Called it!

    Congrats, a well deserved trophy for a well written piece.

    But making us all wait a week for the second winner…that’s just cruel.

  3. Aw Damn! But no shame at all in losing to such a fine editorial. Enjoy that victory pistol!

  4. Yes, well deserved. A well-written, thoughtful, powerfully personal story that taps universal emotions.

    Seeing how how many good articles have already been published (and knowing how many more will be waiting in the wings) I have a sneaking suspicion I’m not going to win that second FNS-9. 🙁 On the upside, this contest has helped reaffirm why this is the only gun site/blog I read regularly; TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia are worthy of the name. Just getting published this week would be almost as big as winning the pistol.

  5. Nicely done, and congratulations!

    Hope you can get the ammo to run it! One more “mouth” to feed. 🙂

  6. Well done, Jessica.

    I just hope the second gun goes to the write up about gun control in Iraq.

    I hope we can do this again some time soon. The fresh viewpoints were awesome to read

    Anyway, congrats again, Jessica. Well done.

  7. I agree with the decision, but I really enjoyed every single piece, and I look forward to more contributions from the readership. I certainly wouldn’t mind a regular feature of a reader’s contribution – weekly or even more often.

    • No, not at all. Many of us greatly enjoyed her story, and many expressed appreciation.

      I’ll not resort to insults, Mr. Hole, and will even address you formally until such a time as I feel comfortable addressing you by your first name.

  8. If ammo is an issue, just say the word. I’m sure I can send a couple of boxes to feed that new FNS-9.

    • Thank you so much for your generosity! We have a few rounds stockpiled, but the offer is still so greatly appreciated.

  9. Very nice work Jessica! Congratulations! You truly deserve to be the winner. Will you be carrying the FNS-9?

    I think the author of the guns in anime entry definitely deserves to be the second winner though! The article was original, informative, interesting, very fun to read, and nostalgia-inducing. After reading, I immediately started to watch the anime shows listed on there, and they made me feel like a kid again. Plus, the article was able to draw me in and not stop reading until the last word, even without bringing up controversial content. I think that kind of article is definitely the stuff of second place.

  10. Thank you all for your kind words and support, both here and on my original article. I’m deeply honored to have been chosen from all of the uniquely qualified entries. Thanks again.

    • Its a great article. It hits all the points that the gun control advocates don’t want to talk about. It’s well deserved. Congrats. There is no way I could have written one better.

  11. Bravo! Enjoy the FNS-9, and may it serve you well. Your article was outstanding, and I sincerely hope you’ll keep writing for us here at TTAG.

  12. As a new father with a now toddler-age daughter, your words totally resonated with me. Congrats, JJ.

  13. Congratulation Jessica J. glowing earn…award for a sound written piece. Take pleasure in the FNS. Your piece of writing was exceptional and I genuinely look forward you’ll continue writing for us at this point at TTAG.

    Well done.

  14. Congratulations on a well-written piece that garnered you a new piece! 🙂 That child of yours is one lucky kid to get you for a mom!

  15. It’s been a real treat, reading all of these contest entries. Hopefully we’ll do this again, maybe annually or something?

    Thanks to all the authors, and congratulations Jessica!

  16. This was the best article by far. It asks the question: “How much are you worth?”
    Answer: “Everything!” This was what Jesus gave up for you, and you should value yourself no less. We are expected to try and make the best of our lives and the lives of those dependent on us. Surrendering to violent criminals is not part of that plan.
    Anything you can do to protect yourself and those you love is your natural right, and must not be affected by any form of authority. Your children and spouse deserve to have you around – anyone who tries to take your life has already forfeited theirs. In saying that, life is full of joy, and should be lived to the fullest extent possible. Enjoy your FHN-9, and God bless you!

  17. Very well written, congrats! Enjoy that new, FREE pistol, you earned it! BTW, you need to keep writing, you have a real gift!

  18. Thank you all. I do hope to continue writing for I already have ideas in mind for a few new articles, in addition to a review of the FNS when it arrives. Thanks again!

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