Michael Mike Bloomberg black voters
Democratic presidential candidate and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg speaks during his campaign launch of "Mike for Black America," at the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum, Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020, in Houston. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
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Do you get the feeling that there’s an increasing groundswell of opposition to a Bloomberg nomination from, well, every part of the political spectrum?

Bloomberg wants to require “background checks for all gun sales,” a policy aimed at enforcing legal restrictions on gun ownership that have little or nothing to do with public safety. If the system he favors works as intended, it will unjustly and irrationally stop millions of harmless people—including cannabis consumers and people who committed nonviolent drug felonies or underwent involuntary treatment for suicidal impulses decades ago—from exercising the constitutional right to armed self-defense.

Bloomberg wants to create a federal “permit” for gun purchases, which is constitutionally analogous to requiring that people get the government’s permission before they buy books, express their opinions online, or start a prayer group. Such permits would be a vehicle for enforcing the current rules, the new ones Bloomberg favors, and whatever restrictions politicians dream up in the future.

As with [stop and frisk], Bloomberg simply assumes these policies will reduce gun violence, and he does not even consider whether they are constitutional. To him, that question is irrelevant when you are “totally focused on saving lives.”

– Jacob Sullum in Bloomberg’s Constitutionally Oblivious Gun Battles

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    • It will get interesting when Biden and Amy drop out and Bloomberg picks up their followers. Sanders is the only one out of the group that gets dem voters excited. His followers don’t just want to beat Trump. They want a socialist America. Excuse me, *Bernie voice* a democratic socialist America!

  1. “Bloomberg wants to create a federal “permit” for gun purchases”

    Will the courts strike that down as racist? You can’t ask for an ID to vote because it’s racist. So when banks ask for an ID, they’re just trying to keep out the POC who don’t know how to get a government issued ID. If it’s really that difficult to get an ID, then where are the democrat plans to change the system? Shouldn’t this be a priority? It’s weird how democrat voters can’t acknowledge how blatantly dishonest this position is.

    • It says nothing about how insulting it is to POC that the left thinks they lack the intellectual or fiscal capacity to get a state ID or driver’s license.

      • Exactly. It’s insulting, and if it was a real issue, then why don’t they want to fix it? Any real journalist would ask this question every time these lying pols talk about this issue.

        • IMHO the reason varies with the person and the situation.

          Some don’t want to fix it because it would slay a dragon and with no threat of a dragon what keeps the plebs “voting right”?

          Some don’t want to fix it because their ideas are that ID should be selective. You don’t need it for things they like but you do need it for things they don’t like. It’s one part control and one part jabbing their opposition.

          Some see the problem but don’t know how to fix it. Sometimes it’s that a fix conflicts with ideology, sometimes it’s too hard and sometimes they just don’t know how.

          There are some other minor reasons but overall Progressives see it as a minefield to walk through and, if they successfully reach the other side, success undercuts their own position.

          Overall I think it’s a lot like welfare. What scares a Progressive? A white guy with a job and some level of Independence. What scares them worse? A POC with a job who is suddenly demanding to know how and why their tax money is spent. The latter is a twofold loss.

    • I just got a letter about needing to renew my registration and with it a red letter that says I have to get a real ID to enter a federal building or fly in the US by October 1st 2020. I think the real ID should be nesescary to vote in the US because places like NY that issue drivers Licenses to illegals couldn’t use a driver’s license without the star on it for the real ID. It could be a tool to keep illegals from voting for Dems.

      • “It could be a tool to keep illegals from voting for Dems.”

        But aren’t the dems concerned about foreigners interfering in our elections? Oh, they’re down with it when it benefits them. They even set the stage for it. Hypocrites!

      • just got a letter about needing to renew my registration and with it a red letter that says I have to get a real ID to enter a federal building or fly in the US by October 1st 2020.

        What country do you live in and what the HELL is a REAL ID? What kind of registration are you talking about, green card, temporary/visiting worker status, student Visa? I’ve already renewed all the registrations legally required for MOST Americans (cars, trucks, boats, motor homes) and all I have left to do this year is renew my six year drivers license which expires in Oct… However I don’t anticipate any RED letter with that notice either since my wife and my brother have both received their notices already on plain white post cards with black print…

        • Some states issed DL don’t comply with new federal guidlines. It’s possible to have a DL issued years ago that hasn’t expired but is not up to fed standards.

          It’s a thing, really.

          MY DL is in that class but I have other credentials I can show the men in nice pressed uniforms when required.

        • Washington State was a state that didn’t comply with federal standards on ID. It was too easy to obtain a State ID having presented bogus information. In came the Enhanced Drivers License. To get one, you had to PROVE who you were with a birth certificate and other information. That STILL didn’t pass federal piss test and the grace period was over. What the NEW Enhanced license has done is randomized the drivers license number. This was necessary because the old license and identification card numbers was a known algorithm based off your birth date and name. Anyone with a computer could generate a Washington State drivers License number.
          For Example, if I was to use Bloombergs real name and real birth date, his Washington State Drivers License Number would be BLOOMMR582CM if someone shared the same name and birth date, then another possibility would be BLOOMMR582TM. Now with the randomized number, no more faking IDs
          I’m 63 and have had the same drivers license number since I was 15. No more.

        • Washington State was a state that didn’t comply with federal standards on ID. It was too easy to obtain a State ID having presented bogus information. In came the Enhanced Drivers License. To get one, you had to PROVE who you were with a birth certificate and other information. That STILL didn’t pass the federal piss test and the grace period was over. What the NEW Enhanced license has done is randomized the drivers license number. This was necessary because the old license and identification card numbers was a known algorithm based off your birth date and name. Anyone with a computer could generate a Washington State drivers License number or determine your drivers license number.
          For Example, if I was to use Bloombergs real name and real birth date, his Washington State Drivers License Number would be BLOOMMR582CM if someone shared the same name and birth date, then another possibility would be BLOOMMR582TM. Now with the randomized number, no more faking IDs or figuring out personal information. It enhances privacy and security greatly.

        • You are not REQUIRED to get a Real I.D., but you will not be allowed to board an airplane (possibly also trains) or to enter secure federal facilities (court houses) without one or a passport.

        • To Clarify:
          Congress passed the REAL ID Act in 2005. The act established minimum security standards for state-issued driver licenses and ID cards. Starting October 1, 2020 anyone wishing to board an airplane or access certain federal facilities will be required to present a REAL ID compliant license or ID card.

          REAL ID is a law, not an actual piece of ID. Per the law, there are many pieces of existing identification options that will work.

        • Basically CA watered down the value of their drivers licenses by issuing to illegals. Now those of us that follow the law are being spanked for the CA dems using non legit id’s to allow foreign nationals to take part in our elections.

          • so I’m guessing my 2012 issued Fl DL with all the little holograms of the state seal must be a REAL ID and my CCL with the several state outlines w/FLORIDA printed across them should also be acceptable if not more so since it required an extensive background check…. Well alrighty then I won’t have to worry about breaking a leg trying to rush to the mailbox everyday lookig for that red letter.. It really is a moot point for me I don’t/won’t fly and the only way I’ll ever see the inside of a Federal Courthouse is in handcuffs and ankle chains…

        • jwm:

          You had this in NM too but for a different reason.

          Back in the day they started handing out licenses to illegals because illegals were driving without insurance and having accidents. You need a DL to get insurance, so they gave them the DL…. and found out that they’d take the license and not bother buying insurance or would buy the insurance and immediately stop paying for it once they got their registration stickers.

          So they failed to remedy the original problem and created a new, bigger problem.

    • bloomberg, pelosi, the clintons, miner49er. These are folks that think the poc have to have the benevolent guiding hand of the white man to lead them. Or else they can’t have a successful life.

      An update on the ‘little brown brothers’ crap that the noble white man used as an excuse to claim already occupied lands. You know, racism with a smiley face.

      • Well, I know I can’t be the only one thinking it…

        So, I’m gonna go ahead and be THAT GUY and just say it:

        “Mike for Black America” … can we even imagine how apoplectic and indignant everyone would be… all the posturing and holier-than-thou self-righteous hypocrisy… if that sign said, “Mike for White America” …?

        As I “happen to be” a non-white “POC” …with actual live, melanin-skinned black people in my family… and Puerto Ricans, and Asians, and even good old-fashioned Old World European barbarians … I have this special force field, where the “Racist!” and “White Supremacist!” +2 Dexterity 9-sided-die magic attacks just bounce right off me like gnats on motorcycle helmet.

        The “gun nut” and “2A extremist” labels seem to stick pretty tenaciously, though… but nobody’s omniscient in this game….

        But anyway, if there was a more smarmy, dishonest, arrogant, myopically hypocritical opportunistic shyster as Bloomberg… I sure don’t know of them. This guy is just Hillary with $62 billion dollars and a shriveled cock. It doesn’t even make sense that he is running for the Democrat party, except that maybe he looked at DJT and felt envious and thought, “I can buy that, too.”

        Be safe… Mort (actual/AZ)

  2. I would say the Constitution is a secondary concern for Bloomberg in general not just the 2nd amendment. Now he has a real hard on for firearms at least firearms that are out of his control. I doubt he would have any issues with his security detail carrying crew served weapons ready to mow down anyone who make him twitchy or who happens to have a 32oz soda.

    • He’s the real wannabe dictator. He wants to throw enough crumbs out to the general masses so they don’t come for the ruling class. But, just in case they get any crazy ideas, he’s much more comfortable with them being disarmed first.

    • The Constitution is NOT a secondary concern to Bloomberg (or any other “politician”).. People like Bloomberg consider the Constitution totally irrelevant, they don’t think it pertains to them, it’s just a minor speedbump in their quest for autocratic rule… I have nothing against wealth, God bless anyone that can amass a fortune and be able to live any way, any where their heart desires, but when they try to use that wealth to subjugate an entire population and overthrow a Constitutional Republic by buying an election I do have a problem with that… Bloomberg and his pals Soros and Steyer have enough money to buy elections all over the country and upset the political balance that has held this country together, they can buy the courts, change the rules, change the laws and bring about the downfall of the U.S. and NO one man should EVER have that much power.. Not to worry though (at least for now) Mini Mike has about as much chance of being POTUS as the self avowed Socialist…

      • “For Bloomberg, the Constitution is a Secondary Concern Where Guns are Concerned”
        There’s talk Bloomturd was disoriented while on stage during the debate last night.
        Seems he bumped his head on a doorstop while heading out to the stage.

        • That glazed “deer in the headlights” look must have been a fairly permanent fixture on his face last night, it’s there in every clip I’ve seen…. Then the little shit went to Idaho or something and immediately made the comment that young people support Bernie because they are just dumb… Way to win friends and influence people mini “no boxes” Mike…

    • In the 1950s, there was a television show with the title Father Knows Best. Bloomberg’s version is Government Knows Best.

      The author C S Lewis had this comment which describes Bloomberg perfectly:
      “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

      I’ve been quoting Lewis at every opportunity to show people what their lives would be like in a country ruled by Bloomberg.

      • That’s a good one. I will use it as well for my religious friends that fear Trump. I don’t really want Trump either but I will vote for him to keep out the paternalists that think government always knows best and has my best interests at heart.

  3. Trump is a racist, sexist billionaire!!!!
    We’ll nominate a racist, sexist billionaire to run a against him.

    • Along the same vein, Elizabeth Warren’s statement during the debate last night was pretty darned funny:

      I’d like to talk about who we’re running against: a billionaire who calls women “fat broads” and “horse-faced lesbians”. And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump, I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.

      • If Mikey had been faster on his feet, he would have cast a sideways glance at the harridan and said “Well, you’re not fat…”

        • Thank goodness he isn’t fast on his feet. If he debates Trump, he will eat his lunch…

  4. I needed Mike Bloomberg’s help just the other day. Stopped for gas at a QuikTrip. Was tempted to walk in and get me a pretzel and a hot dog. Those ain’t on my diet, big mistake. Darn it, I lost that battle and ate excessive carbohydrates. I, I feel so guilty …

    Now if Mikey was President he’d of made that stuff illegal, just like banning ThirstBuster sized cups as he did in NYC.

    Yup, we need Bloomberg to save America from large soda pop portions and late night snacking!!!


  5. I don’t believe Bloomberg thinks about the Constitution much at all. I suspect in the company of his friends he would say it is a foolish relic from the ancient past and brilliant men of property can do better.

    • Ironically, it was written by brilliant men of property, however they believed that liberty was worth more than safety.

      • They weren’t perfect. It is a shame they weren’t better prepared to put those beliefs in full practice.

  6. The Message Of Bloomberg has given The People hope for a change.

    If you deny the MOB, you will be resigned to the dustbin of history.

    The MOB speaks for the oppressed, and the MOB shall not be thwarted.

    Let the MOB carry you forward.

    • “Let the MOB carry you forward.”

      I had me a ‘Movement of Bloomburg’ last night in the can.

      It was nice to flush, just like we will in November to whatever worthless piece of shit the DNC is stupid enough to run against Trump… 😉

  7. This isn’t just about gun control. Sure, sitting here and doing nothing, the liberals jackoffs will get their way and we’ll lose our rights, but if we do that we deserve to lose them. But they aren’t just going after the guns, they’re also going in the backdoor and going after ammunition. California now requires a background check to buy ammunition, and there was a story in the news yesterday that they’ve denied thousands of people trying to buy ammo. Just like their prohibition on guns, prohibiting ammo is a violation of the 2nd Amendment. The Supreme Court has already ruled on that. So, don’t get complacent. If they’re going against one they’re going against everything, and they don’t give a damn how they get there, or whether its legal or not. If nobody calls them on it, and hauls their asses into court, the fact that what they’re doing is illegal won’t matter much will it?

      • Nobody cares what you think, OR have to say UNDERTHEBRIDGE.
        You done sucking that sack of dicks already?
        See if your mom can spare another one.

  8. So how exactly is Bloomberg different from a Nazi? He is convinced of his supremacy; he is convinced that others are born with mental and physical defects that need to be managed; he is convinced that racial attributes determine a person’s behavior and mental abilities; he is convinced that Socialism is the future. So, how is he not a Nazi? Ironic, isn’t it?

    • AND like Hitler, Bloomberg has that same inferiority/Napoleon complex, so, yeah you could say Mini Mike fits the mold of the cookie cutter Nazi….

  9. If you think that all Bloomberg has an issue with is the Second Amendment, then you don’t know Bloomberg.

    It came out a few years back that Bloomberg spies on the users of his Bloomberg terminal service – and that all his reporters/analysts have access to what you’ve been looking at on your terminal in near real-time access.

    So if you have people in your investment bank looking into a particular set of securities or looking at yield curves to set up a swap or something similar – guess what? You have Bloomberg’s minions looking over your shoulder all the time.

  10. Michael Bloomberg is the David Duke of the Democrat Party. Especially since the Democrats put him on the stage with the rest of their candidates. Something the Republicans never did.

    • And he spent 200 million so far to have Elizabeth Warren rip shreds off him in the public debate.

      Bloomberg now has to be very generous with the superdelegates to have any chance.

      • Last count yesterday was 247,000,000 and he’s not even appeared on a ballot yet, and will not until Super Tuesday. Steyer has dropped over 128,000,000, Bernie is in at around 112,000,000, Warren has spent 68,000,000.. Biden about 50,000,000, Buttigieg is out 48,000,000, and Klobuchar about 24,000,000

      • I wonder if Michael “david duke” Bloomberg is spending as much as the other billionaires who spent big $$$ and lost??? Like Steve Forbes and Pierre Samuel “Pete” du Pont IV. Or even billionaire Ross Perot.
        At the end of the day you still have to get the votes to win. Can Bloomberg afford to pay 300 million Americans, 10 million dollars each to vote for him???

        Some people might want more money for their vote.

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