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The prevalence of the self-defense narrative is part of what sets apart the gun rights movement in the US from similar movements in places like Canada and Australia, according to Robert Spitzer, a professor at SUNY Cortland who studies the politics of gun control.

Self-defense has become by far the most prominent reason for gun ownership in the US today, eclipsing hunting, recreation, or owning guns because they’re antiques, heirlooms, or work-related. That’s also reflected in ballooning handgun sales, since the primary purpose of those guns isn’t recreational, but self-defense.

American gun culture “brings together the hunting-sporting tradition with the militia-frontier tradition, but in modern times the hunting element has been eclipsed by a heavily politicized notion that gun carrying is an expression of freedom, individuality, hostility to government, and personal self-protection,” Spitzer said.

That culture of gun ownership in the US has made it all the more difficult to explore serious policy solutions to gun violence after mass shootings. In high-income countries lacking that culture, mass shootings have historically galvanized public support behind gun control measures that would seem extreme by US standards.

By contrast, nearly a decade went by after the 2012 school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, before Congress passed a new gun control law. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the law passed in June 2022, was relatively limited: It incentivized states to pass red flag laws, enhanced background checks for gun buyers under 21, and closed the “boyfriend loophole,” which allowed some people with domestic violence convictions to purchase guns. But it did not ban any types of weapons, and certain studies suggest that even truly universal background checks may have limited effects on gun violence.

At the same time, many states have sought to expand gun ownership in recent years. At least 27 states have now passed laws allowing residents to carry a handgun without a permit and allow school staff and teachers to carry guns on campus.

, and  in America’s unique, enduring gun problem, explained

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  1. What is truly wild is the actions of multiple levels of government and various social policy oriented private entities continue both the conversion of typically hunting oriented gun owners as well as encouraging new gun owners and it doesn’t show many signs of slowing down.

    • @SAFE

      Happy Monday!

      Fudds are the albatross around the necks of serious firearm owners. Their generalized policy of appeasement only means that they will be the last to have their firearms removed from them…NOT that they will get to keep them in perpetuity.

      My group of retiree shooters tries to enlighten Fudds when we have the opportunity…gently so they don’t startle and retreat behind their shells. Some of The People are resistant to having their views challenged by facts and figures.

      • Inertia can be almost as much a stone bitch to deal with as reality. When they can “figure it out for themselves” it often works better but leading an ass to water comes to mind. Good luck out your way but I think you may have a better starting point than this end of the country.

    • tsb – a BIG thank you for stating the obvious – I haven’t read the rest of the comments yet but to anyone being realistic we Do Not Have a ‘gun problem’ – what we DO have is a criminal problem and second to that a desire by certain elitists to control us mere mortals.

  2. “but in modern times the hunting element has been eclipsed by a heavily politicized notion that gun carrying is an expression of freedom, individuality, hostility to government, and personal self-protection,” Spitzer said.”

    Um, maybe in the heads of Liberals. This is the same idiocy that gives us “deer don’t wear kelvar vests” yet people are buying ARs by the truck load. They should read the Federalist Papers and figure out what our founding fathers said on the matter. The second amendment most certainly was not to shoot at deer wearing body armor.

    They couldn’t comprehend people mistrusting their government (unless it’s ACAB or fascist Republicans) but that’s reconcilable with giving such a government a monopoly of force. Right? Right?

    • They’re very aware of their own hypocrisy, the end goal is to erase their opponents and create a technocratic utopia. Therefore, lying to the public, murdering dissidents, subverting neutral institutions and any other act of social vandalism is justified to them.

    • Can’t speak to outside the regions of PA and NY that I have lived but the Fudd was strong in those and beyond a shotgun and/or a deer rifle you don’t need those assault weapons. Then came the end of the AWB and we got Obama……..yeah big changes in the collections and trust in government regarding firearms and what was considered normal to own.

      • All it would take is that innocent-sounding single-shot ‘Grandpa’s deer rifle’ if things ever went seriously sideways and the government needed forceful replacement.

        But that AR will come in damn handy during a civil insurrection after the lights get turned off for an extended period of time for whatever reason… 🙁

    • You mean you DON’T carry as an expression of freedom, individuality, hostility to government, and personal self-protection? That’s EXACTLY all of the reasons I carry, nothing “political” about it, my hostility/distrust to/in government extends to ALL parties and participants therein, the rest is self-explanatory… So, why DO you carry? Cause it looks cool or makes you feel powerful? Those four reasons are why everyone I know is carrying a firearm… I don’t carry TO hunt but I do carry WHEN I hunt, however hunting is not the main reason I carry…

      • MAD – I carry for the same reason I have insurance on my house and vehicles, just in case. Insurance provides replacement if a disaster happens, carrying is likely to allow me to PREVENT a catastrophe to myself or family.

  3. This article is an excellent example of why you cannot trust the intellectual class in this country. With all their years education and a position of authority as a teacher at a university.

    To them the great unwashed masses should not have guns.

    I would think of a number of people with Phd’s and who support the second amendment, could probably be counted on all my fingers and toes.

    • Same goes with bureaucratic class, there are a few with my outlook but good luck with that being relevant let alone in charge.

      • If they were a gun owner, that was something they would certainly not talk about to anyone at the job. Because they’d like to keep their job.

        • Lucked out with my cluster and saw several at the nearest indoor range a few times so was able to vet several….. oddly the most qualified to hire and promote more often than not. With that said I will probably need to wait for the retirement death spiral before I would be considered for promotion when almost half the state workforce will be eligible for retirement (not necessarily able to) as my views while mild polite and discreet are known and not appreciated.

    • Chris – yep, those ‘unwashed masses’ are just so hard to control IF they have the means to resist authoritarians and/or wannabe tyrants.

  4. “all the more difficult to explore serious policy solutions to gun violence after mass shootings.”

    Idiots. Can’t understand that violence is violence. You punish and/or restrict the violent, and the violence subsides. It doesn’t matter whether the violent use their fists, or knives, or clubs, or guns. You punish them for their violence, you restrict their freedom to commit more violence, and the violence starts going away.

    Eliminating guns won’t eliminate violence. “Gun violence” is a mostly meaningless term. A more suitable term might be “violence with a deadly weapon”. Then, you’re back to knives, clubs, etc, and even fists and feet. Violence.

    The difference between a free man and a slave is the right to bear arms, and the right to self defense. If the rest of the world willingly submits to slavery, that is none of my concern.

    • “You punish them for their violence, you restrict their freedom to commit more violence, and the violence starts going away.”

      We have the data to prove that. At this point in time, one has to assume that most of them understand this. That means their priority is disarmament, not reducing violent crime. More violent crime works in their policy favor, so there is no incentive to reduce it. The problem is, the people (voters) who halfway pay attention to these things will think that’s some crazy conspiracy theory.

        • MAD – yep – as stated in another reply it is about control which is hard to force on people with the ability/means to resist.

  5. Yes, it is an unfortunate problem that citizens have a Second Amendment right. That is, a problem for the criminals in Congress who would love nothing more than to shoot all of us when we do not bent over and kiss their boots when they demand it.

  6. The authors have links to the Trace, Every Town For Gun Safety. And the Gun Violence Archive. Those are the sources for these communist college professors.

  7. It isn’t “hostility to government”. So many on the left has this so backwards. It’s hostility by the government that is at issue here.

    The solution to gun violence (if there actually is such a thing) is to lock up the animals and keep them in their cages. Something the left refuses to do. Society breaks down because criminal activity is rewarded, not stopped or put down. This cannot be fixed, properly handled, or dealt with by trying to revoke the second amendment.

    State laws that seek to expand gun ownership including permitless carry are becoming more common because of the Democrat left constantly attacking law abiding citizens while refusing to keep criminals behind bars.

    This is not really all that complicated. The biggest problem here is with Democrat lunacy, biggotry, and hate. It’s all about Obamas push to fundamentally change this nation and the entire Dem party working to that end.

    • You’re both right, there is a prevalent hostility toward government fomented by the government’s hostility toward us… “Ouroboros”, self-devouring serpent… The desire to destroy the very entity that sustains them, proves the mentality of the ruling “elites”…

  8. Not long ago (just two years) a couple of countries rounded up folks and put them in “China Virus” camps and a couple of ‘Blue’ states were threatening the same. Getting shot en-masse has connotations with a certain Messenger RNA vaccine that I would argue has killed more individuals globally in the past few years than any firearm, seems foreign and domestic minds don’t have a problem with it.

    • We just saw a reversal on NY’s ban on the practice due to standing (need to go to the camp first). So more appeals pending.

  9. This was not the first time college professors started killing each other with guns. These people harbor deep resentment and anger. When they’re not given the tenured positions they believe they deserve. Years ago a college student killed his professor because he kept giving him bad grades.

    That student did over twenty years in prison. And when he was released, he stated he wasn’t sorry he killed his professor at all.

    • Impossible to know for sure but would wild ass guess it would double then data would be difficult to compare as the incident rate would change as would targeted areas.

    • “Thanks for reminding me to never vote for Joni Ernst again.”

      A Democrat would have been better?

      How, exactly? 🙁

      • Either way it’s a vote for gun control. At least if a Democrat gets in you can hopefully put in an actual conservative in another 6 years. Ol’ Chuck’s been there since 1981.

      • So replace that old POS prog Tom Harkin – so a low bar to improve. I’m not surprise. Most women Army officers I worked with have no business being there and that Ernst claims to be a “combat vet” (rode on a few convoys/perhaps heard gunfire or an IED) is total BS. Now she follows McConnell around like a puppydog. Any TV presser, Ernst is two steps behind Mitchie to the left. Pathetic.

        • She thought we’d forget about her unconstitutional stab in the back by 2026, but I won’t.

      • True. MAGA Republican is more of a pejorative now because making your own country great is apparently a horrible thing to do. Doing everything in your power to destroy your country means you’re an accepting, virtuous person according to the brain dead libs.

        • Accordingly “brain dead libs” in other words “red diaper doper babies” believe cutting off body parts (especially for adolescence) is considered virtuous.

  10. “America’s unique, enduring gun problem, explained”

    ‘America’s unique, enduring “gun problem,” sensationalized’

    FIFY, Vox.

  11. Re: Hostility to gubmint. ILLANNOY Dim goons are mighty hostile to legal gat owner’s. On my birthday in 2020 I was happy I had a fun-gun for the mostly peaceful BLM. Now they’re importing who knows whut from south of the border🙄

    • “Now they’re importing who knows whut from south of the border.

      An interesting number of military-aged Chinese men, that’s “whut”.

  12. “…and closed the “boyfriend loophole,” which allowed some people with domestic violence convictions to purchase guns.”

    The easiest way to deal with that is through NICS. Just flag those with convictions. If this system failed then that is where to look. No one wants to actually fix NICS though. Yet we are all forced to have it in our lives.

    • NICS is easily bypassed by women buying guns for their prohibited partner; yes, the same partner who beat them up. Many women actually prefer bad boys over boring decent working stiffs, especially in the hoods and trailer parks.

  13. gun carrying is an expression of freedom, individuality, hostility to government, and personal self-protection,

    Exactly that…

  14. The Leftists see anyone who opposes any of their core positions as the enemy and the average gun owner opposes more of their core positions than any other easily defined group. Vox being loyal little Leftists feel compelled to trot out their entire anti-gun screed on a regular basis. It is a complete waste of time to point out their failures of logic and fact since gun control is an article of faith of their secular woke culture.

  15. That culture of gun ownership in the US has made it all the more difficult to explore serious policy solutions to gun violence after mass shootings.

    Why? Because the “serious policy solutions” ALWAYS gravitate to the “control” of the gun and ignores the REAL problem being the person USING the firearm to perpetrate the crime… Education, enforcement of existing laws against MURDER and use of a firearm in the act of committing a felony (usually the FIRST charge reduced or dropped) would go a long way in deterring SOME individuals, however there is nothing that will stop a determined “nutcase” from fulfilling their perceived “destiny” and no amount of gun control will ever change that… Take away all the guns they’ll use a car/truck, firebomb, knife, hammer, machete, chemicals or whatever else is handy at the moment as witnessed by numerous acts committed throughout the various Asian and European countries that practice strict gun control…

  16. theyll finally get it
    when whatever it is thats coming
    eventually gets here
    it will be exactly like the epiphany meme
    “when you suddenly come to the realization that the crazy guy with all the guns down the street isnt so crazy after all”

    • sound – the likelihood of them surviving long enough “to come to the realization” is pretty small. Remember what has happened in numerous countries thru history, those tyrants who took control usually eliminated the other ‘elites’ that enabled them to seize that control.

  17. So the authors and fellow leftists don’t understand American gun culture. That says nothing in particular about American gun culture, as the things they don’t understand fill quite an extensive list, and include pretty much everything outside their cozy little urban bubble.

    • .40 – ya gotta wonder how long it will take ‘them’ to block his number and then sic the ‘authorities’ on him for phone harassment.

  18. As a design and build engineer-type, I cringe at these”holier-than-thou” treatises that are not based on fact, but opinion, yet they pass this information off as fact. In my work, facts and statistics matter alot. Truths derived from tons of data and physics modeling helps significantly reduce the risk of our buildings collapsing or planes falling out of the skies. Yet somehow these “intellectual” folks ignore facts, data, and statistics (not to mention causality) when it comes to U.S. citizens uninfringible right to own, wear, and use firearms. Now when you are talking about changing laws that infringe on a Constitutional right, you’d better have damn good reason with alot of data backup and reason to change or amend it. The objective is plain when you make the very serious and logical case that 95% of these “solutions” will not make even a 1% dent in criminals being able to use and access guns. So then you see the true colors in that their next argument is to eliminate or make it very difficult to own firearms at all as well as confiscating all the firearms out there (over time). Yeah, you need to go no further than our southern border neighbor and ask Mexican citizens how well that is working for them. Literally, the citizens are disarmed and only the cartels and the government have firearms (of any consequence). All you have to do is look at history to know what a government becomes when it has the superior weaponry. You think any government with that kind of power can overcome the “chipping away” of citizen rights and remain in service of, by, and for the people?

    • “As a design and build engineer-type,….facts and statistics matter alot.”

      Just a minor historical note….amateurs built Noah’s Ark; engineers were responsible for the Titanic.

  19. When “free” societies have genuine freedom incrementally eroded, they fail to understand (and even comprehend) what genuine liberty means. Such is the case with the USA and most of the world. So long as the people are well armed with effective weapons, we have the option (if necessary) of defending and preserving our nation and our freedom, from whatever threat may arise. Our liberty is genuine, theirs is symbolic and basically a fantasy.

  20. “That culture of gun ownership in the US has made it all the more difficult to explore serious policy solutions to gun violence after mass shootings.”

    Completely untrue. The culture of gun ownership in the U.S. has made it difficult to explore *gun control* in the US. Serious policy solutions abound but half the body politic doesn’t want to hear them unless they include banning or confiscating guns. Neither do they want to admit that their notion that all the hundreds of millions of guns *not* used in crimes are the problem is specious. In excess of 99.9% of guns and gun owners are not involved in violent crime each year. Policies that impact them do not impact violence because they are not committing the violence. Want to impact violent crime? Stop focusing on the guns (the overwhelming majority of which are never used in a crime) and start focusing on the violent *people*.

  21. I simply don’t care what the intellectual class or any other liberal/progressive group of people think. Even more so, anyone from across the pond and especially anyone that considers the united nations a viable organization. These people, that deserve nothing more than the vitriol they spew towards their enemies. Shall be returned 7 fold upon their house, with no quarter or mercy given.

  22. Australia is not that gun free. Officially there are more firearms than before the 1996 gun grab. Three more gun shops opened in towns near me in the last two years.

    As I’ve mentioned many times I am not a fan of our current laws but if you are a law abiding citizen it is not that hard to get long arms. Pistols are more paperwork but still available. Less paperwork here than California the last time I was there.

    No licenses or permits before the 1996 semi auto gun grab.

    • Depends on which state you’re in. NSW had firearms licenses since the 1970s. I remember getting my first license in 1988.

      • Yes I had to convince NSW cops a few times in the 1970’s that Qld did not have licences except for pistol.

  23. America’s gun culture arose from complex political and societal issues during the early days of settlement in North America.

    The westward expansion resulted in mass genocide of the American Indian (the only true Americans). Pioneers (land grabber, terrorist’s) also needed guns to supplement their diets with wild game, especially when crop yields were low and livestock died off to soon.

    Later in time the gangster criminal merchants and landed gentry became so greedy that they refused to pay a few pennies in taxes to Britain that was actually the nation that was making American prosperous through international trade so they conjured up an ill conceived revolution which resulted in setting America’s economic progress back by decades and saddling it with a corrupt form of government that rivaled anything ever seen before on the planet in its long sordid history.

    Too carry out this ill conceived revolution guns of course were needed and lots of them.

    America also became a nation of immigrants. After the Revolution of 1776 millions of Germans came to the U.S. and would come to dominate its economic and political landscape for decades to come and they were then more wary of other immigrant nationalities and religions that were coming to the U.S. which drove up their desire to arm themselves against “the other”.

    When the slave trade was introduced the Whites then constantly feared a Negro slave uprising which further entrenched the desire to arm up against “the other”.

    As one can see Americas desire to be armed stemmed from genocide, racism, mass murder and xenophobia.

    The fanatical “gun culture” is one of America’s very sick legacies despite Far Right Warped Fantasies of the evil British Empire that would have civilized America decades ago if the break with them had been peaceful as it was with Canada.

    A peaceful break with Britain would have resulted in the slave trade ending years earlier and America receiving a truly democratic government with multiple political parties and a parliamentary government and of course America would never have suffered the mass murders it is having today if guns were highly regulated as they are in the civilized countries of the world.

    With the rise of Donald Trump who ran on racism (much as Hitler did) and gave a promise of a return to prosperity for the working man along with economic isolationism the Far Right felt again a need to “arm up” against “the other” which was the mass migration of immigrants from South of the Border despite the fact that almost all were Christians but they were brown instead of White and this the Far Right cannot tolerate or acknowledge that their behavior is a blasphemy of their own Christian religion.

    • Wow.

      I didn’t think you’d both be able to spew bullshit and chew gum at the same time.

      I was wrong.

      You’re entire SCREED is full of distorted history, outright lies and pure unadulterated idiocy.

      /slow clap

      You’ve really outdone yourself.

      Your Marxist handlers must be so proud.

      Oh, wait…

      Did you cheat and buy time on an AI platform?

    • So to right the wrongs of the past the people of today need to be punished? The North Koreans only extend guilt to the third generation.

      You will punish people today for crimes committed by others in the past not even remotely related? Your desire for s0cial justice is a thin veneer to hide your real goal of mass murder to bring your perceived ut0pia.

    • dacian. Where on the spectrum are you? I have a step son that is severely autistic and he makes comments just like yours.

      As for the genocide of the natives. To atone for what your white ancestors did when are you going to migrate back to Europe and cleanse yourself of the stain of being a white colonizer?

      • jwm,
        BTW have you ever seen the map with the arrows drawn in scale showing where the slave population was captured and showing where the slaves were actually transported too?

        If people like dacidiot were TRULY trying to help the largest population of slaves, they’d be going after the governments of SOUTH America, AND going after the decendents of the countries where they were CAPTURED..

        • I am well aware of the sordid history of slavery. It still happens. dacian may be mental. It’s my belief that he is. But he isn’t stupid enough to go on an anti slavery crusade in Africa. He talks a big game. But he’s a bench warmer.

          I helped a Sudanese get his first gun in America. The stories he told about Africa would curl your toes.

        • Ex sister in law was Afrikaner. Her family was still living there the last time I talked to her, but that was about 10 years ago or so. It was getting bad back then, I’d hate see what it’s like now.

        • SC
          Gotta love Sowell.
          Especially the info about the Barbary pirates having MORE WHITE SLAVES in North Africa than were in N. America around 1776..

      • to Jethro

        I do believed that your denigration of your step son’s intelligence is false and your statement is probably a reverse Freudian slip.

  24. Gun ownership is the canary in the mine of people’s individual liberties. It’s an indicator of how free you are.

    Elites distrust ordinary people, they view them all as potential criminals who have yet to commit a crime and therefore have to be subjected to government control for their own good.

    • To the Liberal/Progressive leadership. Criminals are a necessary evil to justify their ideology of gun confiscation and the elimination of the 2nd Amendment. Why else would they turn a blind eye to all the violent crime being committed by criminals with firearms and put the focus on law abiding citizens Rights. It is necessary, to control the narrative that guns are the problem. Not the criminals using them. With Liberalism it is necessary to condemn the action and the tools it was committed with, without condemning the person. Because in holding the individual guilty they must face up to the wrongs and injustices they have and continue to commit. Their ideology and it’s use can never be held accountable, because it is always someone or something else’s fault for it’s failures. Liberalism/Progressivism is just another religion. That cannot be held in question by either it’s acolytes or it’s enemies. An undying adherence even in the face of it’s own destructive actions. Much in the same vein a Fascism was to the people of 1930s-1940s Germany. To their own destruction.

      • Darkman – our current progressive/leftist/statist “vein” IS Fascism. Call it what you will, it all springs from the same dark roots in the make-up of the human psyche – progressivism/ socialism/fascism/communism – it’s all about attaining and maintaining power by any means necessary, usually while preaching to the masses about how you’re going to “save” them from their oppressors. So worse than most of the mainstream religions since those folks are mostly just trying to save your soul, not grind their opponents into the dirt.

    • “Elites distrust ordinary people, they view them all as potential criminals who have yet to commit a to be caught committing a crime and therefore have to be subjected to government control for their own good.”

  25. I have made it a personal mission to educate those who are not educated in firearms, their use and ownership. I have in the last decade turned 3 antigun adults into not only firearm owners, but enthusiasts who now own multiple firearms. As long as someone is willing to take the time to understand the concept, they are worth the effort to convert into, for lack of better terms, a believer in your right to own, carry and use a firearm.
    I have also run into those who won’t even let you get a word in, whom I don’t usually waste more than a 10 minute window on. There were even a few who wanted me to bring them into the world of firearms, but they weren’t willing to learn basic concepts and thus I refused to assist them. A person needs to be able to learn, at a bare minimum, Colonel Jeff Cooper’s 4 rules of firearms safety. If they can’t memorize and recite those, then they aren’t worth my time. And I’ve had a few like that as well.

  26. one thing the authors mentioned that gun suicides are higher in the US. OK. But what are the suicide rates in other countries? Last I read, Japan has the highest rate of suicide in the world.

  27. The Second Amendment is in place for the citizens to reign in a government that has gone tyrannically rogue.

  28. Seedingthat over half of all privately owned firearms ar held illegally is mthere any woder that legislation regarding fitness is totally ineffectyal. > Can anybody telol me that withnthe ,cash in the pocket that anybody regardless of fitness could not access any weapon of choice and no questions asked Some time back a friend of mine FTER BEING DISCHARED AFTER 28 YEARS INTHYE uk mILITARY pOLICE TOOK HIMSELF OFF TOMTHE usa FOR A PROLONGED STAY WITH HIS SISTER IN i THINK kaNSAS [or it could have been TEXAS] and he was offered all manner of weaponry even by his Bro-in-law for Self Defence [all, One of the reasons he supposzed was that nobody ever seemed to stick with nthe saame wepon off the book I might add] Tho0ugh nhe did not take up any noffer. Being ex-miklitraynthiough he did go with bro-in-law and e3ven entered a few competitions He brough home some pics with him at a table full of Prizes cups etc.He reckon the standard of shooting and some of the guys he met were ex-Miolitary and Police was diabolical.
    One of the reao0ns he though this was so was thatnobody ever seemed to stick with the simple stuff like using a single weapon and ammunition . A bit like those people who,think that buying the same runjnibg shoes as worn by a Olympic Champion will make them a Champion as well ]

    • Hey, lookie at who just crawled out from under the Stone of Scone – our favorite fake Pom! Full of tea and crumpets, as usual…

    • Well, if it isn’t Prince Albert, the Fake-Limey, Fake-ex-military, Wanking Poofter!!!

      Prince Al, could you do the rest of us a favor, and at least MAKE AN EFFORT to learn spelling and learn to type?? (Grammar, sentence structure, and actual meanings of the words you constantly misuse is clearly ‘a bridge too far’.)

      In its own way, however, it is oddly symmetrical; your spelling, typing, and grammar skills are ‘of a piece’ with your total ignorance of firearms, near-total ignorance of the US (sad, considering you’re no more a Brit than am I), and, well, pretty much everything else you attempt to pontificate upon. Thou art a clown, Prince Albert, and thou seekest to disguise thy clownishness with (poorly) faked erudition. Prince Albert, thou art a clown. Thou art a liar, Prince Albert. In a roomful of politicians, Prince Albert, we would all know and recognize thee to be the singular greatest prevaricator in the assembly. Prince Albert, thou art a liar. Prince Albert, thou are an ignoranus (an ‘ignoramus’ is merely an ignorant and unschooled person, Prince Albert, but thou art an ignoranus (a stupid @$$hole). Thy lack of even any semblance of any actual knowledge, education, or learning, and your deliberate refusal to even attempt the acquisition of any knowledge prove you to be an ignoranus.

      I don’t away mad, Prince Albert, just . . . go away. Get thee gone, thou lying, ignorant clown!!

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