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Kentucky’s profile Bill Elliott, an IRS agent/tax collector turned tax adviser. Clearly, Elliott knows the value of firepower. In fact it helped start his career. Huh.

Elliott talks about the government career he had for 36 years and the private career he has had for the last few years with equal enthusiasm. Both come from the same “fascination.”

“I had a Sunday school teacher who was a revenuer with the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms), and one of his jobs was cracking down on moonshiners,” he says. “He was a little guy, and I wondered how he could handle men much larger than him, especially angry ones that were breaking the law.”

While visiting his Sunday schoolteacher’s home one day, Elliott got his answer.

“He said he didn’t carry any revolvers with him,” he says. “He then pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and said, ‘This is the only weapon I packed, and it usually got me instant cooperation.’”

From that time on, Elliott was “totally fascinated” with careers that would involve some kind of public service and at least an element of law enforcement.

But wait! There’s more!

Occasionally, Elliott, who did not carry a firearm, requested help from IRS personnel who did. He recalls one case in which he confronted a person whose business was involved in illegal activity. In the back of the man’s pickup truck were several men wielding baseball bats.

“When our armed IRS personel showed their sawed-off shotguns, the men with the bats quickly saw no value in resisting,” he says.

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  1. It doesn't have anything to do with shotguns, but the first AK-47 I ever handled belonged to my Sunday School teacher at the time.

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