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Former NYPD Commissioner Safir: Time to Give Up Some of Our Freedoms

“Let me preface what I’m about to say, so the civil libertarians understand what I’m saying, I believe the number one civil right is to be free from harm.” That’s former New York Police Department Commissioner Howard Safir’s wind-up, via CNBC (video below). Here’s the pitch . ..

In order to do that in a civilized society we maybe have to give up a little bit of our privacy . . . I understand that this individual had posted things on social media [ED: no reports confirm this assertion]. The police need to do more mining of social media.

We need to make people responsible for the guns they own. I’m not saying that we should do away with Second Amendment rights. What I’m saying is, for instance, we should have a required safety check every year of somebody who purchases a gun. Bring in your weapon.

There should be a database for police departments and federal agencies of people who have been sex offenders, mentally disturbed where e before you get a gun these people have to be cleared in order to process them.

I know the NRA will be against it but until we start doing sane things about weapons possession this is going to happen unfortunately again. Up to 99.9 percent of the weapons that are used in these shootings are legally obtained.

A big city police commissioner inventing a civil right, making up “facts,” ignoring the Second Amendment and recommending a police state? Now there’s a surprise. Or not.

99 thoughts on “Former NYPD Commissioner Safir: Time to Give Up Some of Our Freedoms”

      • I second the vote that New York can go fuck itself. I would like to also amend the motion by also suggesting that New York pound sand up its ass with a hammer and also eat shit and die.

    • This, New York, CA, Chicago are not really American at this point. Fuck him, Fuck the votes of NYC, Fuck anyone who thinks such thoughts.

        • At what point is the basement so full of rats and roaches that you give up on the bottom half of the structure and bomb it?

          Maybe there’s a cat or two down there desperately failing to strive against the odds, and I’m sorry for the loss. But when your old position is overrun, there is a specific moment in time where it stops being your position, and starts being an enemy position. You call in the artillery, and figure that any man of yours killed is already surrounded by 1000 of theirs, and is screwed anyway.

    • Anyone in their right mind knows that you can change all of the laws you want about banning any firearms and it’s not going to get them out of the hands of the criminally insane, like this man or even if he was a patsy and somebody else did it!! The only things that need to be changed is FOR YOU PEOPLE to start changing the laws to make it to where once you catch these murderers (and hopefully, before they murder anyone) that their judgement is swift and direct, to be carried out in a manner to send a loud and clear message making anyone else who may be thinking about doing such a thing, think twice! YOU GUYS ARE THE ONES, who have ‘let up on these criminals’, so they know even if they go to prison, they get out in a couple of years, NO BIGGIE!! START WORKING ON REAL LAWS TO USE ON REAL CRIMINALS and ENFORCE THEM!!

  1. Why is it whenever something horrible happens, they do everything they can to come up with knee-jerk solutions that wouldn’t have solved the problem that inspired the knee-jerk reaction in the first place?

    • “Do something!! Do anything!! People who don’t DO SOMETHING are heartless, non-human, ‘afraid to have a conversation,’ and are in the pay of the gun industry.” That’s the coordinated gun-grabber talking points today. See the Grabien video.

      Do not give into them. Do not relent.

    • People like that are giddy with joy for what happened. They see it as a great opportunity to push their agenda. They are happy it was a white guy that did it so no terrorist rhetoric gets in the way of pushing gun control.

    • Such “reactions” are not “knee-jerk” but rather have been ever present in a roster of statist agendas. These things need an event that draws mass public attention in order to be perpetuated and prospectively come to fruition. Not letting a good tragedy go to waste and what not. After all, who listens to such inane blatherskite when events are in a state of normalcy?

    • Because introspection is difficult and unpleasant. Blaming the blameless (The gun owning citizens his bigotry is directed at) and inanimate objects means they won’t be forced to reflect on the ugly truths of human nature: we all have the capacity to commit great evil and once in a while, a few out of so many millions actually does so.
      This is Truth: there was absolutely no way to have prevented this tragedy from occurring without the forfeiture of our civil rights. Full stop.

    • They are playing an obvious psychological game. A large percentage of the population tend to make decisions based on feelings rather than logic… and make subsequently poor decisions. And another segment of the population are sheeple and go with whatever is popular (lessons learned from social media).

      The Left knows this and they wait for any emotionally charged event and push their “solutions” they rush out the door to try to get things passed by a majority of voters before logic plays a role after the emotions die down.

  2. Dang. What a dystopian tyrant. These people should be shamed and ostracized. If they gain power and try and force it on the citizenry they should be hung by the neck til dead.

  3. Bunch of civilians brining in guns to a police station……..I’m imagining nothing going wrong…..ever


    • its a new york police station. what are the odds the officers could hit you to start with? as long as you don’t come in dressed as a dog you would probably be safe. on the other hand they would find a way to blame you for everyone else in the waiting area who got caught in the crossfire

  4. “Up to 99.9 percent of the weapons that are used in these shootings are legally obtained.”

    A) And if the shooters passed the vetting process the first time, what would keep them from getting through the new vetting processes? Just knowing, in your heart of hearts, that the next time will make a difference?

    B) If registries aren’t about confiscation, then how does this ‘annual safety check’ have any use, if it doesn’t result in confiscation of guns from people who don’t pass?

    • Precisely, the NICS was merely a statist means to an end. It wasn’t set up to prevent dangerous people from obtaining lethal arms, but rather to document transfers to law abiding gun owners for inevitable targeting for confiscation of their firearms. Fortunately, it has not been fully implemented and with enough foresight and contingencies from pro rights advocates, never will.

  5. Perhaps he should give up his citizenship and leave this nation for what he considers a safe space,oh and don’t let the door hit him on the way out

  6. “Let me preface what I’m about to say, so the civil libertarians understand what I’m saying, I believe the number one civil right is to be free from harm.”
    Ok, please tell this to Eric Garner.

    Every socialist / leftist attack on freedoms is wrapped in propaganda that the government knows better than you and will take care of you.

  7. Similarly, given that it has been PROVED in court that there’s a “blue wall of science” in the Chicago PD (and doubtless other departments), I propose that:

    * Cops give up the right to remain silent.
    * Cops give up the right not to incriminate themselves.
    * Cops be exempted from the prohibitions against double jeopardy and cruel and unusual punishment.

    Seems fair to me… unless some of the animals are more equal than the others…

    • Any government employee who needs to “remain silent” should automatically lose their job and pension. If they are going to commit acts that might lead to criminal charges then they do not need to be living off the tax payers.

  8. I’m not surprised. In NYC criminals own guns while the law abiding citizen can’t obtain a Conceal Carry Permit. The law abiding citizen in NYC has become a target, a victim because of people like this individual and his asinine recommendations.

    Gun Control laws only affect law abiding citizens.

    Firearms don’t kill people, people kill people!

  9. Yes, people exercising their 2nd Amendment rights should be treated exactly the same as sex offenders.

    • I’m effectively a convicted pedophile sex offender that’s guilty until proven innocent. In his eyes at least. This just reminds me why I have no desire to go to the Empire State, although that gorgeous statue would be amazing to see.

  10. So this racist former police commissioner supports slavery? After all, a slave owner’s priority is to protect his or her property from any harm.

  11. More data mining? Will said data mining be used to determine who can or can’t own a gun? I can see it now…. “If you regularly post in the comment sections of more than 2 gun websites in a given week, then you are an extremist and the Confiscation Storm Troopers will be….” And then your freaking front door blows off the hinges

  12. Kinda like losing a cup of blood every day. Soon, there will be nothing left and the body dies.

  13. “the number one civil right is to be free from harm” That is nuts! The guy doesn’t know what “civil rights” are!! Harms are INEVITABLE. As long as we making Invulnerability a “right,” hell, give me the right to be Omnipotent and Omniscient too!

    I understand the anguish going on right now. I’m actually LISTENING to what the gun-grabbers are saying. It boils down to three things:

    1) Insane unclassifiable nonsense like Safir’s.
    2) Do something! Anything is better than nothing!
    3) People who like and own guns are subhuman fiends.

    Gun-grabbers HATE US! Don’t give them a damn inch!

    • I live in CT and was here when the Sandy Hook Massacre took place. I watched as my gun rights were stripped away by a rabid bunch of left leaning weenies who HAD TO DO SOMETHING even if it saved just 1 child. Adam Lanza and his mother obtained all the guns used in the Newtown event legally JUST LIKE this POS in Las Vegas. NONE of the bans put in place would have stopped or will stop what is happening in this killings. We live in a free society..or used to. Saying we have to give up our Liberties to be a little safer plays right into the phrase, “Those who give up their liberty for safety deserve neither and will receive neither.”

      • Mr. Franklin was such a clairvoyant as were the founders as they studied and learned from history,too bad the excuses we have now can’t do the same.

  14. “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” – ben franklin

  15. Mr. Police Commissioner said “..a hundred rounds a second..” in the audio clip.

    He’s one that needs to be checked for mental clarity to own a weapon since it’s his idea.

    And his big idea of yearly mental checks is a rabbit hole that no rational person wants to pursue.

  16. More data mining? Some nerdy cop sitting at a computer figuring out who should and should not have guns….based on social media. Fun times

  17. “VRI helps clients identify, mitigate and respond to threats and vulnerabilities that place people, property and operations at risk.” – So, he wants to limit the ability of the unwashed masses to present a possible threat to his precious elite clients.

  18. So what he is saying is that we should go through the inner city, round up known gang members and put them in preventative detention so people can be safe from harm?

    I don’t think making people safe from harm means what Safir thinks it means.

  19. This is another example of why the police should never be allowed to regulate anything. They should only enforce the laws that civilian authority creates with the will of the people. We don’t need “professionals” to guide us or instruct us on how our society should be managed. We’re in a republic.

  20. Does this guy think the government is not already mining comments on the internet?

    That’s cute.

    As to gun checks… say what now? Are those to ensure that they are fully functional and well-oiled?

    You cannot legislate the elimination of evil.

  21. While you are at it, consider limiting the 1st Amendment to limit the MSM’s fake news and the mainstream TV channels insulting our President and FLOTUS during their daily/nightly shows.See how you like that one Mr. Former Police Commissioner.

  22. So tired of government thinking they can fix everything… Sometimes it’s just a bit being a nut.. Since the left want guns gone they can’t have armed guards anymore and they can’t carry either. What makes them better then WE THE PEOPLE… FOD gun grabbers

  23. I must have missed that “freedom from harm” part in the Bill of Rights. As long as we are making up civil rights, I would like “freedom from harm from deranged leftist lunatics” and “freedom from socialist utopian police-state tyrants”

    • You have it…it’s called the 2nd Amendment. It guarantees that the state will not infringe on your right to defend yourself using arms that go BANG!

  24. …I believe the number one civil right is to be free from harm.

    There is no such thing as a right to freedom “from” anything. Such talk is pure, Marxist pablum.

    On the contrary, I *do* have a right to *defend and protect* myself against would-be harm against me, as a manifestation of my right to life.

    Those who would give up essential liberty to gain temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

  25. Howard Safir was a strong proponent of NYC’s “stop and frisk” policy. This guy never met a civil right he would not gladly trample for his own misguided belief that security theater makes us safer.

  26. Time to not have such a high risk from dying from medical mistakes. Some estimates which are under-reported put that number at 400,000 a year. Time to reign in the news media and social media. Those are the real reason we are having such a spike in these type of shootings. The MEDIA!!

    There is NOTHING that is going to keep everyone safe, everywhere all the time. If someone has the will, they will carry out a method. Any crowded venue and a can of gas or an IED, which are pathetically simple to manufacturer, or did we all forget about pressure cooker bombs? My we all have short memories!!

    All these politicians crawling out of the woodwork to get their shallow agenda heard. We’ve heard it before and nothings going to happen. If little kids can be mowed down in school and nothing happens, nothings going to happen this time either.

    You can’t protect everyone all the time from the crazies. That’s all there is to it.

  27. He wants gun owners to show on an annual basis that they know gun safety? Ok, how about start with your own (former) department, bozo, including Peter Liang, who’s negligence (ie, booger hook on the trigger) lead to the death of an innocent man.

    • Better yet, how about some cowboys wearing plates and chest rigs while carring M-10s and acting as insurance against domestic/democrat terrorists like paddock?
      Had there been ONE thusly equipped cowboy able to return fire at the smoking room….the the swatfail of 72 Mikes may not have been so egregious.

  28. Surprising nobody, Commissioner No Safir asserts a “right” (to be “free from harm”), then doesn’t even try to connect what he proposes to being “free from harm.” Indeed, he proposes imposing harms on people who have done nothing wrong, making us No Safir.

    Explain how any of this helps, in your own terms.

    Oh, wait; surveillance, registration, restrictions don’t have to do any good when they are the point, themselves.

    In order to do that in a civilized society we maybe have to give up a little bit of our privacy . . . I understand that this individual had posted things on social media [ED: no reports confirm this assertion]. The police need to do more mining of social media.

    We need to make people responsible for the guns they own. I’m not saying that we should do away with Second Amendment rights. What I’m saying is, for instance, we should have a required safety check every year of somebody who purchases a gun. Bring in your weapon.

    There should be a database for police departments and federal agencies of people who have been sex offenders, mentally disturbed where e before you get a gun these people have to be cleared in order to process them.

    I know the NRA will be against it but until we start doing sane things about weapons possession this is going to happen unfortunately again. Up to 99.9 percent of the weapons that are used in these shootings are legally obtained.

  29. But of course we carve out a nice fat exemption for law enforcement, right? They are better than the average citizen right? Then who protects us from corrupt LEO’s? Trust you, you say? Hahahaaa

  30. Wait — is this the same Howard Safir who once backed his SUV into a pregnant woman and then fled the scene? The same Howard Safir who avoided criminal charges because he was the former PC of NYC? That Howard Safir?

    I don’t need any lectures from that turd.

  31. “Inventing a civil right”

    4th Amendment: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    Sure sounds like a right to privacy to me.

    • “I believe the number one civil right is to be free from harm.” That’s what I believe he was referring to.

  32. “There should be a database for police departments and federal agencies of people who have been sex offenders, mentally disturbed where e [sic] before you get a gun these people have to be cleared in order to process them.” It sounds like he’s suggesting some sort of national instant criminal background check system. He clearly doesn’t understand that one already exists.

  33. “There should be a database … of people who have been sex offenders, mentally disturbed where before you get a gun these people have to be cleared in order to process them.”

    That sounds great until you realize that fedzilla can declare political enemies (such as Republicans, conservatives, Christians, people who believe in the U.S. Constitution) to be “mentally disturbed”.

  34. “Let me preface what I’m about to say, so the civil libertarians understand what I’m saying, I believe the number one civil right is to be free from harm.”

    I agree, Mr. Commissioner.

    The ‘Boston Marathon’ bombers learned how to make their bomb from the terrorist magazine PDF named ‘Inspire’ they found on the internet.

    If the police were aware a terrorist instruction manual was “in the wrong hands”, the 3 people killed, and 16 people maimed for life with arms or legs BLOWN OFF forever.

    Remember, Mr. Commissioner, “the number one civil right is to be free from harm.”.

    If the police were provided a list of every web page, every IP address of EVERY American on a regular basis, that tragedy may never of happened. LIVES would be saved. People would still have their arms and legs today!

    After all, if you’re not doing anything *wrong* online, you have nothing to worry about, RIGHT?

    Tell us when your representative will introduce the “Keep Americans Safe Act of 2017” please?

  35. Let me preface what I’m about to say, WITH SOME FACTS.

    NY doesn’t even make the top 25 in land area of U.S. states. Regardless of how many illegal sanctuary city sh_theads they can stack within their piss ant borders it will not equal one more square inch of America.

    NY is full of liberals, progressives, socialists, communists, globalists, and climate-change-ists. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

    Problems don’t get to dictate the solution to anything.

    Therefore my statement is: F OFF NY !

    When we want something out of you will come kick your stupid a _ _ es to get it.

  36. And if I happen to state my disagreement with this policy on social media? Well then I guess I have to give up that freedom also, cause it’s that time. What a lovely little tin pot fascist POS.

  37. And if I happen to state my disagreement with this policy on social media? Well then I guess I have to give up that freedom also, cause it’s that time. What a lovely little tin pot fascist POS.

  38. And if I happen to state my disagreement with this policy on social media? Well then I guess I have to give up that freedom also, cause it’s that time. What a lovely little tin pot fascist POS.

  39. When Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” I don’t think he followed it by saying, ‘you know as long as liberty is super safe and cuddly with like kittens and stuff…’

    Give me liberty. Or give me death. No security threat is worth the soul of this nation embodied in those words.

  40. “Let me preface what I’m about to say, so the civil libertarians understand what I’m saying, I believe the number one civil right is to be free from harm.”

    Nobody with good intentions has ever made this assertion.

  41. I’m not sure how any of what he proposed would help except for looking at social media. And frankly, you’re putting it up on social media, and not restricting it, then you’ve made it public and therefore I don’t get what sort of violation it would be. The Israelis have been using social media to develop profiles of potential attackers that has allowed them to intervene before attacks. If its out there in public doma8n, why shouldn’t we do the same.

  42. “… the number one civil right is to be free from harm.” But when the victim of a violent crime defends himself against his assailant, Safir and his minions try their best to punish him for injuring his assailant. Such hypocrisy.

  43. “Let me preface what I’m about to say, so the civil libertarians understand what I’m saying, I believe the number one civil right is to be free from harm.”

    Spoken like a typical authoritarian bureaucrat. The Soviet Union was famous for having safe streets but that safety was attained only through the loss of personal freedom. Being free from harm isn’t quite the same as being free, it is Mr. former Commissioner?

    • Not coincidentally, the Soviet Union was also famous for bringing harm to its citizens on an industrialized scale.

  44. The idea of a “right to be free from harm” starts to look a little ridiculous once the SWAT teams start busting down doors and putting people in cages. I’d say that counts as harm.

    Violence by the State is still violence, harm by the state is still harm.

  45. This guy’s just a useful Idiot / crash test dummy for the international fascist / powers that be. Good reason to support your U.S. Constitutional elected Sheriff. (1) Former Satanic Secret Society Member opens up about The Elite’s thinking of YOU. /   Mark Passio on Satanists Total Contempt for Humanity + Mind Control + The True Great Work. /                     (2) Politician insider Newt Gingrich claims Donald Trump not accepted because not a member of a Satanic Secret Society. /                (3) President Donald Trump stepping up the arrests of Pedophile Rings.  X- U.S. Navy SEAL and law-enforcement officer Craig Sawyer and Secret Society historian Leo Zagami on the arrest of the pedophile rings in the Vatican and worldwide.                (4) One of the Historic European Black Nobility Crime Families. Sworn to the destruction of America’s US Constitution. Talks about the use of Scorched-Earth Military Tactics.         Massimo Crime Family    (5) “Spiritual Protection” Christian Church Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger  

  46. Surrender my rights? You first asswipe. And may Hillary Clinton use your mouth as her cock-holster.

  47. Lets break down his proposals effectiveness vs the Las Vegas shooting.
    1. “we should have a required safety check every year of somebody who purchases a gun. Bring in your weapon”
    What are yo even checking for? That the weapon has gotten its need maintenance and is in proper working order? Obviously the murderer’s weapons where. Effectiveness: 0

    2. “There should be a database for police departments and federal agencies of people who have been sex offenders, mentally disturbed where e before you get a gun these people have to be cleared in order to process them.”
    You mean like the one that already exists? Since the Las Vegas mass murderer had no criminal or psychiatric record. Effectiveness: 0

    “Up to 99.9 percent of the weapons that are used in these shootings are legally obtained.”
    So basically you admit that all your vaunted plans will have almost no effect. We are to take the advice of a person who is clearly delusional or lacks the mental capacity to remember his own statements utter a mere couple of minutes before.

  48. Remember the Movie, “Demolition Man?” Sly Stallone is a cop who is frozen and defrosted to catch Westley Snipes in the future? Cars were driver less. Guns were in Museums & toilet paper replaced by sea shells???? I think this is what is coming in my lifetime.

  49. The moment somebody violates the constitution he should get a bullet to the head. Directly, no further questions asked. That is what constitutions are made for.

  50. *** NEWSFLASH: From the media desks of the Fake News Network…Because of this mysterious mass shooting event…Our Law Enforcement specialist has determined that No citizen can be trusted with any freedom NOT approved by the Government..That all US citizens will be perceived “as guilty till proven innocent” by any Law Enforcement officer… (Police will have special privileges over a citizen….) Any US citizen who has an interest in any form of weapons, and has ownership of them…Will be considered ” Guilty by association” of criminal intent…For NO citizen should possess any WEAPONS : “Restricted, For Law Enforcement only….!” All Constitutional-Bill of Rights amendments will be changed for the betterment of the citizenry…Per Fake News Network…..[I have Only , 2 statements for fake news, while allowed …F@$& You, Fake News! There WILL be another Civil War if this Anti-American/Anti-Freedom crap keeps going!!! ]

  51. This shooting incident DOESN’T jive….Our own government has lied to the citizenry! Its engaged in spying, and secret intelligence gather against the US citizenry in clear violation of the constitution…It just so convenient for statists, globalists, Liberals, and all manner of want-to-be Authoritarians in the name of public safety…To rush forth to abolish our US Constitutional-Bill of Rights…Over this incident….An incident that has more questions than answers….

  52. As an OFWG once said…
    “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
    So GFY New York. Where is the outrage of 57 killed and 273 injured in Chicago last month? How about a little stop and frisk there? After all what’s a few liberties?

  53. Of course, we should note the increase of skepticism of law enforcement due to the #BlackLivesMatter and #TakeAKnee movements.

    What? these same brutal, racist cops are supposed to enforce gun control laws in an even-handed manner?

    That is a self-refuting statement if I ever read one.

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