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34 thoughts on “Former Secretary-General of Interpol Ronald K. Noble: Armed Citizens Can Help Stop Terrorists”

  1. Didn’t Hillary just tell us this never happens and we are evil and stupid to want to be armed for protection against criminals and terrorists?

  2. What took him so long to figure that out?

    Actually, it didn’t. He said the same thing back in 2013 when the Westgate attack occurred.

  3. “Armed citizens stop terrorism?”

    That’s rich…The real terror groups are idiots that promote heavily debunked garbage about how armed citizens stop crime when there has been no legit cases of a legal gun owner stop crime ever!

    Those who legally own guns are more likely commit suicide or murder their own friends or loved ones than stop a threat.

    The real terrors are idiots like the NRA and GOA that spout bull-puck beliefs that guns make us safe while providing arms to foreign terror groups/

    Yes these same “gun rights” groups were response for arming the paris attackers with guns so the gun lobby can have it’s twisted influence in the civilized world.

    I even find it hilarious that the brainwashed sheep on here say that paris is an example of why gun laws dont work.

    Trust us…They work.

    When the same gun nuts fail to see the numerous mass shootings that happen frequent here everyday in this country.

    • “I even find it hilarious that the brainwashed sheep on here say that paris is an example of why gun laws dont work.

      Trust us…They work.”

      If they work, what killed that 100 or so folks that died in that attack if gun laws ‘work’?

      Or are you a Paris attack ‘truther’?

      Nah. Just another mindless Progressive robot…

      • “If they work, what killed that 100 or so folks that died in that attack if gun laws ‘work’?”

        The laws did work you idiot.

        Armed citizens would not have stopped the attack and it was prove’nt they wouldn’t.

        When french citizens were asked about this, They laughed your idiot beliefs off.

        Foreign law enforcement agencies traced the weapons used in the attacks came from Gun shops in the US.

        And gun nuts like you should be more concerned about the numerous mass shootings that happen here everyday instead of some random RARE once in awhile incident that happens in the civilized world.

        I swear are gun nuts on here so stupid?

        • ‘The laws did work you idiot.’

          Of course the laws worked. The people died. That’s what they were supposed to do, so the laws worked. If the laws were intended to allow people to be free and responsible for their own security they would have failed miserably, but that was never the point.

          ‘When french citizens were asked about this, They laughed your idiot beliefs off.’

          Yes, sheep usually go happily off to the slaughter at their master’s command. It’s so much easier than thinking for yourself.

        • Learn how to beg for your life in Arabic and you might want to brush up on your Koran knowledge a bit too.

    • Not sure if serious

      More guns than people in the US

      Why are you still alive then?

      And what exactly is the logic behind:
      Guns used in Paris were illegal
      The guns were used anyway
      Thus, gun control works

    • This again? Really?
      Listen, the false rhetoric you spew is easily countered and seems more like trolling than an honest opinion. We have a hard time taking it seriously. If you’re a troll, you oughta tone it down a bit and try to find some more intellectually honest material.
      If you’re serious though, then damn. Do some more research and try taking Hillary quotes with a larger dose of salt.

    • This is so similar to a bullcrap comment posted a couple of days ago that it looks like a cut & paste job. You dimwits can’t even be original in the lies you try to spread.

      If I didn’t know better I would think that this is so far off the wall that maybe RF posted it himself to get a lot of people to feed the “Troll”. (Just kidding, RF.)

      The amazing thing is that someone that clueless has a decent grasp of English composition. It’s too bad they don’t have a similar grasp of basic logic.

    • Debunking…….At first, I thought….and hoped….[that] you were being sarcastic. But, now I see; You’re a fucking idiot.

  4. “Former Secretary-General of Interpol Ronald K. Noble: Armed Citizens Can Help Stop Terrorists”

    Note that he is the FORMER Secretary-General of Interpol … no doubt his bold question and proclamation led to his prompt dismissal. And that is why I tip my hat to Mr. Noble for being willing to ask hard questions and proclaim the truth, even if it cost him his job. Too bad he isn’t running for President of the United States. We could use someone like that in that position.

  5. I met Ron Noble years ago when he visited one of our undercover operations (with a different agency).

    He was a political appointee and career management type (even back then) that didn’t have a real clue as to what ops were about or how they were conducted. I wouldn’t have trusted him to find a ham in the icebox at that point in time. I will say that he was, at least, polite and mild mannered.

    I’m sort of shocked (but pleased, nonetheless), that he figured this out but I suppose there’s always hope.

  6. NO law prevents a lunatic from killing you are a fool to think that. Only way to stop an armed attacker is to be armed. Not rocket DAMN science

  7. Debunking_the_lies:

    “Foreign law enforcement agencies traced the weapons used in the attacks came from Gun shops in the US.”

    The Wall Street Journal published an article that said the weapons came from Eastern Europe.

    Are you a “useful fool” believing the lies of the left or are you a full participant, knowing the truth but spreading the lies of sedition?

    Every line you posted is distortion or outright fabrication.

    Maybe someday you will be in the same position as those in Paris, or those in San Bernadino, or those in Fort Hood or any of a thousand other places around the world; begging for your life in front of Islamic Terrorists. Maybe then the truth will come to you……probably not.

  8. Debunking_the_lies proved herself early on to be an idiot, with this statement:
    “The real terror groups are idiots that promote heavily debunked garbage about how armed citizens stop crime when there has been no legit cases of a legal gun owner stop crime ever!”

    There are cases every day. Some of them are even on video.

  9. Some state that the influence in politics by big money sources and philanthropists triggers an uneven balance that we
    reside, and money in politics iss a problem. Without a doubt one of
    the major players in the covr play world, is George Soros.
    The former Nazi collaborator and wizard of fund, funds
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