George Gascon
Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . .

Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) issued the following statement in response to Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón’s letters sent to credit card companies asking them to stop processing payments for select firearm parts, which are legal to purchase under federal law:

When the law isn’t on their side, tyrants will attempt to strongarm the private sector into doing their authoritarian bidding for them. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón’s latest attack on Second Amendment rights, this time coercive requests to credit card companies to stop processing payments for all purchases of gun parts, is a prime example of such an authoritarian approach to regulation. However, it is notable that Gascón’s letters highlight how California’s voluminous and Byzantine gun control laws fail to prevent crime, and again make clear his policy preference of redlining the rights of the People in spite of the Constitution.

Whether Gascón is ignorant or simply doesn’t care, the fact is that it is not only lawful to self-manufacture arms for personal use, but doing so has been part of the American tradition since before its founding. The U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled that the Second Amendment protects all arms in common use for lawful purposes, and self-made firearms, like all firearms, are overwhelmingly built and possessed by law-abiding people for self-defense and other lawful purposes.

FPC has and will continue to pursue all litigation options to defend and restore the right to self-manufacture firearms and other protected weapons. Executive leadership at American Express, Visa, and Mastercard should not bow to a politician in a political-career death spiral who is on the wrong side of the Constitution and history.


    • Too hard. And they have lawyers.

      Easier to change the law so you can punish the previously law abiding.

  1. The finance industry should be prevented from deciding whether to pay ANYTHING. It’s not their job. “Legal tender” is slowly being replaced with electronic transfers. “Legal tender” is good for EVERYTHING, regardless of the legality of the purchase at hand. No financial institution should be enforcing existing law, nor should they be making up their own rules. They transfer funds, for a nominal fee, nothing more, nothing less.

    Congress should make that clear to all the banks, credit card companies, loan sharks, and whoever/whatever else moves funds around the country.

    • If they refuse to process payments for anything, and such behavior hasn’t been forced upon them by law or government regulation, it should elevate them to a position of liability for everything they do process payments on.

  2. Pre-2000 me never would have thought he’d see the day that the left so fully embraced big-banks, big-pharma, big-media, big-tech, big-war. Sure, he knew back then they were a bunch of nanny-staters trying to climb up his ass 24/7 thanks to the likes of Gore, Lieberman, Dodd etc… but they’ve really taken it to the limit with all this corporate, military industrial complex loving they’re into.

    What must all those Occupy Wall Street suckers be thinking?

    • They were the prototypes for present day American Antifa/BLM and were used to disrupt/infiltrate the 99% movement which was drawing a lot of uncomfortable connections with how banking was contributing to the economic downturn(s) at the time. Useful idiots serving the interests of big business and finance goes back quite a ways. As to what they are thinking ……….. probably whatever is trending on their phone lately.

    • The American left is the globalized, naked essence of fascism.

      They were always authoritarian, and always totalitarians at heart. Stripped of historical fascism’s encumbering cruft, they now pursue its true aim: the absolute power of an elite few over *everything*.

  3. Truth be told, it is illegal in California to build a “ghost gun” without first applying to the CaDOJ for a unique identifier (serial number) that must be engraved on the receiver to the federal standard for manufacturers before beginning a build–and although I am unsure of the status of the (proposed) law, California wants to make it illegal to buy “precursor parts” without a mini-background check (against the list of Ca prohibited persons, not a full background check). That bill, I believe, has been cut back so as it only applies to receivers, since the vast majority of gun parts are not serialized. And this demonstrates the stupidity of Gascon’s (who is already under threat of recall after releasing people charged with violent felonies without bail) pseudo demand–most gun parts for repairs and such are not regulated in any way.

    • Correct, Mark. Two versions of the “precursor parts” bill were submitted, but only one passed. The original effective date was in 2025, but that was moved up to July 1 of this year. It pertains only to “unfinished receivers”. So if anyone lives in CA and wants to buy a handgun blank (Polymer80, Lone Wolf) or AR (80PercentArms or any of the varieties available), do it soon before everyone panic-buys. Just buy for now, and put in a safe place without finishing it, as you don’t know what the future holds. You can always buy the parts kits at a later time.

  4. Yes getting banks to deny a purchase is a good idea to stop the lazy hill jack but a real nut case ,as most of them are, will simply send in a check or money order, that is why Biden ordered the ATF to ban ghost gun kits and its basically a done deal.

    The omnipotent ATF can and does rule at 8:00 in the Moring and by 5:00 pm its law. The ATF history proves it beyond all doubt.


    Are ghost guns frequently used in violent crime?????????????????????????

    Yes, ghost guns are increasing being used in shootings across the country.

    In July 2020, an individual who was prohibited from possessing guns allegedly murdered two people in Pennsylvania using a homemade 9mm handgun.9

    In November 2019, a 16-year-old shot five of his classmates at Saugus High School in California—two of them fatally—using a homemade handgun, before fatally shooting himself.10

    In August 2019, a shooter used a homemade gun kit to build a .223-caliber firearm that he later used to fire 41 shots in 32 seconds in a bar in Dayton, Ohio, shooting 26 people and killing nine.11

    In 2017, in Northern California, a man prohibited from possessing firearms ordered kits to build AR-15-style rifles. On November 13, he initiated a series of shootings that began with fatally shooting his wife at home, followed by a rampage the next day during which he fired at multiple people in several different locations, including an elementary school, killing five people and injuring dozens more.12

    In 2013, a shooter opened fire in Santa Monica, California, shooting 100 rounds, killing five people, and injuring several others at a community college using a homemade AR-15 rifle. Reporting indicates the shooter had previously tried to purchase a firearm from a licensed gun dealer and failed a background check, potentially indicating why he opted to order parts to build a gun instead.13

    Law enforcement officials around the country are sounding the alarm about the dramatic increase in the recovery of ghost guns at crime scenes in their communities. ATF reported that approximately 10,000 ghost guns were recovered across the country in 2019.14 Ghost guns have also been illegally trafficked to Mexico.15 In addition:

    In 2019, Washington, D.C., police recovered 115 ghost guns, a 360 percent increase from 2018, when they recovered 25 ghost guns, and a 3,733 percent increase from 2017, when only three such firearms were recovered.16

    In 2019, ATF reported recovering 117 ghost guns in Maryland with almost 25 percent recovered from Baltimore alone. Ghost gun recoveries in the state then tripled in 2020.17
    According to law enforcement in Philadelphia, ghost gun recoveries in that city rose 152 percent from 2019 to 2020.18

    The special agent in charge of the ATF Los Angeles Field Division reported in January 2021 that 41 percent of the division’s cases involve ghost guns, and a May 2019 statewide analysis in California found that 30 percent of all guns recovered in connection with a crime in the state did not have serial numbers.19

    In addition, an investigation by The Trace found that ghost guns are increasingly becoming the weapon of choice for violent white supremacists and anti-government extremists.20

    In conclusion the ATF is a law unto itself and as in the past it rules at 8:00 AM and it is then a new “regulation” (disingenuous term for new law) is now the law of the land at 5:00 PM.

    No Judge Conservative or Liberal will declare the ATF ruling illegal or Unconstitutional because ghost guns are a danger to the people of the country and even the much ballyhooed Scalia decision with the usual double talk and smoke and mirrors declared “The Courts had the right to regulate firearms” (slick disingenuous term for ban or restrict firearms).

    In conclusion your right to own a weapon rests with the rulings of the courts, not the Constitution, and history has proven this reality like it or not.

    No sane person would want ghost guns legal and no other civilized nation tolerates them.

    • dacian;

      two key words “LUNATICS AND CRIMINALS”.

      99.9% of legal gun owners are not “LUNATICS AND CRIMINALS” so they should not suffer loosing their rights by imposition of restrictions and laws focused only on them that 100% of “LUNATICS AND CRIMINALS” would not obey anyway.

      • to Booger Brain

        You advocating making it as easy as punching a computer button for nut cases and criminals to buy ghost guns makes about as much sense as your wish to let everyone build their own atomic bombs or poison gas or buy machine guns over the counter without being vetted. Brilliant idea even a nut case would laugh.

        • Hey, jackass! Tell us how exactly a “ghost gun” kills somebody more deader than any other gun? Serial numbers are supposed to assist you in getting your stolen gun back. Would 4-digit numbers be more deadlier than 5-digit numbers? How many digits are required before the rainbows and unicorns come out to play? Can you possibly BE that stupid?

        • Behold the magic powers of the background check and the serial number.

          Crime will stopped. Social Justice will be achieved. Prosperity for all.

          All pigs fed and ready to fly.

        • to Larry

          quote————–Hey, jackass! Tell us how exactly a “ghost gun” kills somebody more deader than any other gun?————quote

          The Brady Bill stopped over 2 million people in 20 years from getting guns that were criminals and lunatics and if it had not been gutted by the NRA it would have covered second hand guns as well and probably stopped 10 times that many felons from getting guns. Have a 5th grader explain this all to you.

          Ghost guns let criminals avoid the Brady Bill on new gun purchases and often avoid prosecution for their crimes. Now what part of this do you not understand junior boy..

        • dacian;

          “You advocating making it as easy as punching a computer button for nut cases and criminals to buy ghost guns makes about as much sense as your wish to let everyone build their own atomic bombs or poison gas or buy machine guns over the counter without being vetted. Brilliant idea even a nut case would laugh.”

          I’m not advocating any such thing you idiot. Seriously, your reading comprehension skills are below moron level. It seems like all of the English language is unknown to you.

        • dacian;

          “The Brady Bill stopped over 2 million people in 20 years from getting guns that were criminals and lunatics and if it had not been gutted by the NRA it would have covered second hand guns as well and probably stopped 10 times that many felons from getting guns. Have a 5th grader explain this all to you.

          Ghost guns let criminals avoid the Brady Bill on new gun purchases and often avoid prosecution for their crimes. Now what part of this do you not understand junior boy..”

          The stupid was really strong with you on this.

          Over 20 years the Brady bill provisions has only stopped an average of 4.29% of prohibited persons (under the Brady Bill) annually from purchasing a gun, and over 50% of those will later have their gun rights restored by the status of the case being changed to dismissed or ‘nolle prosequi’ as a condition of serving probation. This is because the Brady bill relies on conviction to determine if a person is prohibited under the Brady bill. The majority of what would be prohibited persons under the Brady bill are never convicted of the level that triggers the Brady bill provisions, rather they are dismissed or pleaded down or given lighter sentences if convicted or ‘nolle prosequi’. In short, the Brady bill does nothing really.

        • In all calculations the ATF uses a base figure of 7.5 million firearms sold annually for Brady bill purposes. If 20 million firearms were sold this year, the ATF still uses 7.5 million, if 1 million firearms were sold the ATF still uses 7.5 million.
          In 2020 it was 79.3% that got their gun rights back because their cases were changed to dismissed or ‘nolle prosequi’ as a condition of serving probation, and another 15% that had their cases flat out dismissed. In other words, in 2020, 94.3% of people who were initially stopped by the Brady bill provisions, who should not have a gun according to the Brady bill, got their gun rights back by their cases being changed to dismissed or ‘nolle prosequi’ by the legal system, and are still able to purchase firearms. It runs about the same each year, +/- a little.

          In short, the Brady bill does nothing really yet costs the tax payers millions for no substantial return.

    • The actions of a few do not disparage the rights of the many.

      Some of what you post about the ways rights are discriminated against sounds like a call to revolt against those infractions. You try to play like you’re on both sides. Neither side finds you useful. Pick a lane and stay in it.

      • to Wannabe paratrooper

        quote————–The actions of a few do not disparage the rights of the many.————quote

        Your nut case response would therefore eliminate the Brady Bill as well or perhaps let people build their own atomic bombs or poison gas. Or perhaps sell machine guns over the counter to anyone who wanted one.

        And only the dogmatic Far Right see everything in black and white with no varying shades of grey in between. That is the difference between someone who is educated and someone who is uneducated.

        • “Your nut case response would therefore eliminate the Brady Bill as well or perhaps let people build their own atomic bombs or poison gas. Or perhaps sell machine guns over the counter to anyone who wanted one.”

          The Brady Bill is just a revenue source, it does not provide anything more than kabuki theater. The only metric that can be quantified by it is how many firearms are bought thru FFL’s. It does not stop criminals from being criminals.

          Atomic bombs are the weapons of States, not the People. Storage, manufacturing and use are not within the reach of individuals. That argument is stupid. Seriously stupid.

          A machine gun is no more dangerous they any other firearm. They were sold in the mail and across the counter. The only misuse was by criminals, like any other object. You can still by a Gatling gun, trying to remove those too?

          You can buy the components for a poison gas device in any grocery or hardware store. These components are not regulated. Do I advocate for the general population to use or possess them, no. Again another seriously stupid argument.

          “And only the dogmatic Far Right see everything in black and white with no varying shades of grey in between. That is the difference between someone who is educated and someone who is uneducated.”

          Presenting nuclear weapons and chemical weapons into an argument is how I know you are not educated at all. You missed biological weapons. I do expect those to brought up by you in the future.

          You cannot comprehend freedom or that people who are not harming others are not the problem. Firearms, whether homemade or commercially manufactured are not the problem. People who misuse them are the problem. Getting that thru to people like you is difficult as you do not have a level of maturity that logic can penetrate.

        • to Paratrooper wannabee

          quote—————-The Brady Bill is just a revenue source, it does not provide anything more than kabuki theater.———-quote

          No one but a uneducated idiot would denigrate the Brady Bill nor fail to understand that it was gutted by the NRA when it was originally written to include all gun purchases. To be fully effective this is why we must restore the Brady Bill to the way it was originally written i.e. Universal Background Checks. Even a Moron knows that if he is rejected by the Brady Bill he can then go out and buy a second hand gun with no paperwork. And any 5th grader can understand this.

          quote————-A machine gun is no more dangerous they any other firearm.———–quote

          Only a demented far right nut case would make such an asinine statement. If fully automatic weapons were not more dangerous the worlds militaries would still be using bolt action rifles. And dear Genius, Steven Paddock would never have been able to slaughter 58 people and cripple over 400 in only a few seconds with a bolt action rifle. Again even a 5th grader could understand this.

          quote————-People who misuse them are the problem.———-quote

          And only a demented far right nut case like yourself would prevent laws being past to keep these people from getting weapons in the first place because you are too cheap and stingy to pay for a background check or be inconvenienced with a background check.

          Try again you only made a complete fool of yourself as usual.

        • Militaries still use bolt action rifles for specific roles. Semi autos fill other roles and automatics fulfill other roles. They are equally dangerous, and neither is more or less dangerous than the other. Had you not been either unqualified or a coward, you may have learned this in BCT.

          No proof exists that the Brady Background checks work. There are many examples where people were denied in error.

          Better than a background check, violent criminals, pedophiles, rapists, murderers and the like should be locked away. Or would you be personally affected being one or more of these?

          Better ten guilty men go free than one man being wronged.

          Only fool is you. You are not even smart enough to know what you don’t know. Stay away from children.

        • DACIAN;

          Over 20 years the Brady bill provisions has only stopped an average of 4.29% of prohibited persons (under the Brady Bill) annually from purchasing a gun, and over 50% of those will later have their gun rights restored by the status of the case being changed to dismissed or ‘nolle prosequi’ as a condition of serving probation. This is because the Brady bill relies on conviction to determine if a person is prohibited under the Brady bill. The majority of what would be prohibited persons under the Brady bill are never convicted of the level that triggers the Brady bill provisions, rather they are dismissed or pleaded down or given lighter sentences if convicted or ‘nolle prosequi’. In short, the Brady bill does nothing really.

          In all calculations the ATF uses a base figure of 7.5 million firearms sold annually for Brady bill purposes. If 20 million firearms were sold this year, the ATF still uses 7.5 million, if 1 million firearms were sold the ATF still uses 7.5 million.
          In 2020 it was 79.3% that got their gun rights back because their cases were changed to dismissed or ‘nolle prosequi’ as a condition of serving probation, and another 15% that had their cases flat out dismissed. In other words, in 2020, 94.3% of people who were initially stopped by the Brady bill provisions, who should not have a gun according to the Brady bill, got their gun rights back by their cases being changed to dismissed or ‘nolle prosequi’ by the legal system, and are still able to purchase firearms. It runs about the same each year, +/- a little.

          In short, the Brady bill does nothing really yet costs the tax payers millions for no substantial return.

          The Brady bill really does nothing substantial except allow for some of the ATF budget, its a money making operation to keep budget money flowing to the ATF, its political theater.

  6. How does a credit card processor know what is actually being purchased? All they see is the merchant and the amount of sale, not? Or am I unaware of something?

    • Actually when the card purchase is attempted the computer will toss out any attempted sales to certain condemned companies.

    • Ignore dacian, hes an idiot. that’s not how it works.

      Credit card companies can receive four different levels of data from merchants for items you purchase with a credit card (which also includes those cards you buy at the store for some amount and debit cards and gift cards backed by a credit card company) for every thing purchased with card:

      Level One Data: Typical consumer data such as amount of transaction, the time and date the transaction was processed. Cardholder generally using a personal credit card issued from a US bank. This is generally point of sale card machine only, non-chain merchant smaller places for generalized merchandise like independent convenience stores.

      Level Two Data: Used to be cardholder generally using a corporate or government credit card but this changed and now can be any type. Data includes category of product purchased but not itemized. This is used to deny purchase of categories of items. Also collects level one data.

      Level Three Data: This level is also known as line item detail, the same information that is found on an itemized invoice is communicated. Used to be cardholder generally using a corporate or government credit card but this changed and now can be any type. This is used to deny purchase of specific items and categories. Also collects level one and two data.

      Level Four Data: Also known as bespoke data. This contains specialist information that is captured and delivered outside of level three. Not much is known or published about this data type. This is used to deny purchase of specific items and categories. Also collects level one and two and three data.

      denying purchase of of specific items and categories requires the merchandise to be coded as a specific item or category – this is done via an SKU code with a product. When that SKU code item is purchased the code data is sent with the credit card purchase info. The SKU is composed of an alphanumeric combination of eight-or-so characters that represents various data for a product item or category, at a minimum the characters are a code that represents the price, product details, and the manufacturer for a product item or category of product. Credit card companies receive, at a minimum, the minimum amount of data for an SKU and that contains the product type or category. If the merchant were to ‘mis-code’ the SKU for something that is purchasable via a credit card the sale would go through and not be blocked.

      Most large ‘merchants’ today use a level four account. Most ‘really small’ merchants use level 1 or 2 (with level 2 being those most used, level 1 isn’t used all that much any more really but its still there for those independent mom-n-pop places) but it depends on the agreement with the card processor as to what data they include but all the levels can be used to deny purchase of an item or a product category at a minimum.

      • Note: the sku code sent to the credit card company is with the merchant info. This is how they deny purchases of items or category of items from a specific company

  7. Just look at George Gascon. What a clown. In fact, he looks like a younger, slightly less weasly and more virile version of that insufferable clown Geoff the (fully vaxxed and boosted) Florida Pervert. What a buffoon he and his master Lamp the Fake Attorney are lol.

  8. Ran an experiment recently. Tried to purchase a gun, various ammo calibers from 3 vendors, and some magazines for my rifle. Attempted these purchases using each of me 3 Visa cards. Every single attempt was declined (and my credit rating is over 800). Ran the same transactions through Mastercard, all approved. As soon as I use up my hotel points (Marriott Visa) and my airline points (United Visa), I will replace those cards.

  9. This has been going on for many years. They don’t have to face any scrutiny if they don’t bother with the courts. As long as there are a few massive payment processors (mastercard, paypal, visa, discover) any business is in danger of being shut down on a whim.

    The scary thing is that the solution will never, ever be allowed to happen by the very people who need it the most (like those here): regulate the banks. At least in one very simple, very key respect: that they must process payments that are not illegal. They should not be able to shut down payments online because they do not agree with the politics of something (see: the Kyle Rittenhouse defense fund)

    Until and unless that happens, this will get worse and worse. It may have been hoped that crypto-currency would solve the problem. It has shown that it cannot.

  10. I like to make sure to pay for my gun parts with paypal whenever possible; because they hate guns and fuck them.

    Bitcoin for everything else. It’s not an investment. It’s an unregulated currency. Use accordingly.

  11. Why don’t gun owners write the big banks and Credit companies and tell them to stop handling money for the liberal idiots like George Gascon and other who are anti-constitution and anti-rights?

  12. How is this not tortious interference?

    The FPC should go after Gascon PERSONALLY….interfering with lawful business contracts between banks and businesses is not part of the role of a DA

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