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From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . .

Yesterday, the Supreme Court announced its refusal to grant certiorari (review) in three Second Amendment cases, Holloway v. GarlandFolajtar v. Garland, and Flick v. Garland, all challenging the constitutionality of federal lifetime firearm bans that resulted from prior non-violent convictions. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC)’s FPC Law were counsel on the Holloway and Folajtar petitions, and filed a brief in support of the petitioner in Flick.

“While we are disappointed the the Supreme Court chose to allow grossly improper lower court rulings to stand, FPC will continue our aggressive litigation strategy and immediately move forward to litigate new challenges in various circuits to address serious constitutional questions including the proper test for Second Amendment cases, unconstitutional lifetime bans, and other restrictions not supported by history, tradition, or evidence,” said FPC’s Senior Director of Legal Operations, Adam Kraut.

Individuals who wish to be considered for participation in a federal lawsuit in support of Second Amendment rights and human liberty can review FPC’s current list of targeted issues at Individuals who want to become a member of the FPC Grassroots Army and fight for human rights can become a member for just $25 at

Firearms Policy Coalition and its FPC Law team are the nation’s next-generation advocates leading the Second Amendment litigation and research space. Some FPC legal actions include:

  • Challenge to New Jersey’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” (Kashinsky v. Murphy)

  • Challenge to Maryland’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” (Bianchi v. Frosh)

  • Challenge to California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” (Miller v. Calif. Att’y General)

  • Challenge to Maryland’s ban on handgun carry (Call v. Jones)

  • Challenge to New York City’s ban on handgun carry (Greco v. New York City)

  • Challenge to Pennsylvania’s ban on handgun carry by adults under 21 (Lara v. Evanchick)

  • Challenge to California’s handgun “roster”, microstamping, and self-manufacturing ban laws (Renna v. Becerra)

  • Challenge to the federal ban on the sale of handguns and handgun ammunition to adults under 21 years of age (Reese v. ATF)

For more on these cases and other legal action initiatives, visit and follow FPC on InstagramTwitterFacebookYouTube.


Firearms Policy Coalition ( is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization. FPC’s mission is to protect and defend constitutional rights—especially the right to keep and bear arms—advance individual liberty, and restore freedom through litigation and legal action, legislative and regulatory action, education, outreach, grassroots activism, and other programs. FPC Law is the nation’s largest public interest legal team focused on Second Amendment and adjacent fundamental rights including freedom of speech and due process, conducting litigation, research, scholarly publications, and amicus briefing, among other efforts.

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  1. FPC is a direct result of the failures of bigger lobbying groups. They’ve done a fantastic job thus far, hope they continue.

  2. I haven’t seen an analysis of why SCOTUS punted this one…does anyone have any insight? IIRC ACB was disappointed with this precedent in the past…

    • From what I have read, there is a big concern that Kavanaugh has gone full Judas Roberts

      It is also possible that on these three cases, Alito might have been weak on anything that would restore rights to felons — apparently that’s one of his hot buttons.

      Tale of the tape will be what they do with the NYC carry case (just relisted for the 4th time). Thomas, Alito, and Goresuch are locks on that, and I strongly suspect ACB as well. If they deny cert on that case, it almost certainly means that Kavanaugh has joined Roberts in going wobbly on 2A cases.

      • “From what I have read, there is a big concern that Kavanaugh has gone full Judas Roberts”

        He has young kids.

        I wouldn’t put it past Leftist scum to play dirty pool, seeing as how they consider gun control a major part of their “All the marbles” game plan…

      • I had the same question as D Y so thank you for the reply.

        Though not directly related to the 2nd Amendment, I’m surprised hasn’t been more uproar (particularly from the left) in regards to the SCOTUS rejecting the appeal of Gerardo Serrano over his truck being seized for 2 years by the Feds.

  3. When ever has NRA published a list of planned, or active challenges to gun control laws?

    Asking for a friend.

    • The NRA doesn’t even publish their schedule for new custom made suits for Lord Wayne. Why would they waste time and effort on Gun Rights when Wayne needs new pants and a sweet deal on a mansion in Texass?

      FPC is doing a very good job, $100 donated to them last week.

      • Now, Wayne is going to have to replace his suits for western cut suits, shirts, and ties. I am sure he can find an expensive tailor, custom boot maker, and custom hat maker to make him look like the important person he thinks he is. Maybe he could start with 20 of each. That should get him through next month, if he is planning on economize.

    • SCOTUS is reacting as they have in the past when threatened with court packing; with cowardice. FDR threatened to pack SCOTUS when they stood in the way of his “New Deal” and massive expansion of the government and government powers. SCOTUS should have stood up to him then, as the roots of many of modern society’s ills can be traced to their dereliction of duty. Biden and the Democrats are threatening to pack SCOTUS now that they don’t have control of it for the first time in almost 50 years.

      Roberts thinks he’s buying SCOTUS legitimacy with the left by refusing to give out any rulings that would make the Democrats unhappy, but fails to realize that he is destroying the standing of SCOTUS with conservatives.

      The soapbox: Our opinions are censored, penalized, and ignored.
      The ballotbox: The rest of the world is laughing at our last election and the most popular American President ever elected. After all, if more votes than voters were found in PA, that just proves how popular, free and fair our elections were.
      The Jury box: Jury trials are are by and large a thing of the past, even mentioning Jury Nullification will get you disqualified from serving on one and judges play the role of unelected legislators for the neo-marxist left.

  4. We have three branches of Government. Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The Judiciary is the only branch that requires its membership to be one of the elites. Does anybody really expect that they are going to come down on the side gun rights for the common citizenry?

  5. With everyone becoming a felon who’s going to fight Their next war?
    Maybe they’ll have a carve out, like for cops with DV charges.

  6. avatar The more I see how little these “supreme assholes “ play god with our rights by not defending them are a waste of space time and our needs!

    This court is so apparently compromised like Lynn Wood exposed in numerous whistleblower accounts that they have grossly underestimated the stand on our constitutional rights we will take when and as need, no matter what “they won’t do” to support the oaths they use as toilet paper on our liberties! 🖕them!

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