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Make that a free Barrett sniper rifle “if” you buy a Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR. I would NOT recommend it. It’s loud, hot and inherently dangerous. The car that is. The rifle’s a big pussycat. I reckon Max Motors of Missouri won’t get much traction on this ad campaign—even if the MSM’s a sucker or antipoliticalcorrectnessdisestablishmentarianism. Who buys a 600 horsepower rear-wheel drive death machine in the dead of winter? Still, “Snipers for Vipers” is one of the catchiest catch phrases I’ve heard in a long time. But shouldn’t that be “Vipers for Snipers”? Or is the idea of a sports car specifically suited to snipers too out there for Mad Max?

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    • That Barret would make a fine big brother to my family of 5oo’s, and that cool viper could take us all to the range.

  1. That would be Barrett with two Ts. And I would use it to blow away that POS Viper. Or just buy the rifle and save a bazillion bucks.

  2. I once drove a supercharged Viper after I got done putting a clutch in it and I agree with RF, you will put your eye out with that thing.

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