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Fun on the Range with FNH USA’s Guns

There’s a group within FNH USA that focuses on bridging the gap between operators and engineers, training end users on the intricacies of their firearms. Part of that mission also includes doing live fire demonstrations to prospective customers and other VIPs. I tagged along to a special range day that was set up for the U.S. Naval Academy French club (complete with authentic French navy officer) to join in on the trigger time. I figured I should share some pictures I snapped . . .










18 thoughts on “Fun on the Range with FNH USA’s Guns”

  1. The thing I dislike most about the SCAR’s aesthetics is it’s clunky looking stock, but I have to admit those bad boys are starting to look pretty cool.

    • It sorta looks like an AR that’s retired from its job and developed cankles. (Dont get me wrong, I’d LOVE to own one of them, but the looks bug me. And how a gun looks is waaaay more important than how it shoots)

  2. Nick, you have to get in on one of the ones they do with EVERYTHING they make. They’ve used our ranges a couple of times to do those. Nothing like getting trigger time on the full layout of pistols, shotguns, rifles AND crew served machine guns all in one day!

  3. Dear FNH please start selling SBR kits. having High desert dog being the only supplier sucks. and not just cause of the wait time to get your barrel. Love all of my FNH products just wish I had better options.
    Thank you.

  4. gotta admit I cringe everytime I hear “FNH”; our local gendarmes just bought two “sniper rifles” (local newspaper terminology), to handle hostage situations… of which we haven’t had one….

  5. Must be nice to be able to have free FNH guns and free ammo to shoot. I paid full retail for my FNX9 early last December and can’t find ammo for it anywhere at any price. I get a lot of “your product is available for ordering” notices but by the time I get home from work, sometimes only ten minutes after the email was sent they are already sold out. THANKYOU Hoarders and black market jackup the price re-sellers. Five months and not a shot can be fired. The weapon appears to be a finely made piece of machining.
    Anyway I am jealous of your sweet deal!

  6. Glad to see my alma mater’s even making French Club look bad@$$.

    Now if that could only leach into some other universities…

  7. I was lucky enough to get invited to that very same range and fire the P90, SCAR light and SCAR heavy, SAW, Five-Seven and other handguns. Great firearms, superb people and plenty of ammo. That’s also a darn impressive facility where they store those guns- I felt like a child in Santa’s workshop! Was the range officer that day Jim the former Marine? That man was great! Never cracked a smile, very polite , hollering instructions in a Northeast accent and punctuating his pauses with ” Ya, ya?”

  8. I was lucky enough to get invited to that very same range and fire the P90, SCAR light and SCAR heavy, SAW, Five-Seven and other handguns. Great firearms, superb people and plenty of ammo. That’s also a darn impressive facility where they store those guns- I felt like a child in Santa’s workshop! Was the range officer that day Jim the former Marine? That man was great! Never cracked a smile, very polite , hollering instructions in a Northeast accent and punctuating his pauses with ” Ya, ya?”

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