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GA Dad Vows to Pound Home Point to Son: Guns Are Dangerous!

“DeKalb County School Police arrested Mustapha Dukereh, 21, after they say security officers found a gun inside his car at Elizabeth Andrews High School in Stone Mountain,” reports. “School sources say Mustapha playfully pointed the gun at a student on Monday.” Playfully? What game might that be? Anyway, the Georgia report focuses on Mustapha’s father’s reaction to the his son’s arrest and incarceration. “‘How he get that gun?’ Mustapha’s dad repeatedly asked. He plans to pound home the point to his son when he sees him that guns are trouble. ‘That’s not our culture. Our culture is respect another brother. Love yourself.'” Quick question . . .

What’s Mustapha’s home life like? I mean, if we’re going there, why not provide a snapshot of the lad’s environment and background? Does he come from a single parent family? Is his father and/or mother employed? Does Mustapha have a history of criminal behavior?

Providing a platform for Mr. Dukereh to tell the world that he’s [not entirely credibly] bewildered and pissed off and into that whole “tough love” thing doesn’t strike me as particularly enlightening, educational or even interesting.

Classmate Omar Tune’s comment – “People have such easy access to weapons that it’s like anyone get a gun in a matter of 10 minutes if you know the right people” – reveals the Peach State media outlet’s real reason for hitting-up Mr. Dukereh: guns!

My main point: while there are plenty of good parents with bad kids, there are more bad parents with bad kids. I don’t know if that applies to Mr. Dukereh and Mustapha’s Mom, but I wouldn’t bet against it.

43 thoughts on “GA Dad Vows to Pound Home Point to Son: Guns Are Dangerous!”

  1. Something doesn’t add up. They say he pointed the gun at someone but then say they found it in his car.
    I’m thinking the allegations are either false or that the handgun was returned to the car before someone notified a school official?

    • The latter seems more likely than a false report that just happens to coincidentally find a handgun in there.

  2. So… obvious question, but what is a 21 year old doing at high school? Shouldn’t he have been cut loose into the real world already?

  3. Not to be a dick, but I live way up here near the Quebec border; aren’t DeKalb and Stone Mountain in GEORGIA?? So wussup with all the Mustaphas and Omars and so on?

    Other than that, yeah, the story is a little fishy. A 21-year-old high skool student points a gun (what kinda gun?) at another kid, playfully? And this:

    “Our culture is respect another brother.”

    Really? How’d that work out for the former Army Ranger who was over there, having left the Army and converted to Islam and doing humanitarian work and then got himself beheaded?

    • The answer to your question- this whole situation is what we tax payers call our tax dollars at work, since white guilt is strong and multiculturalism is much better than a homogeneous culture that cares about its nation.
      “our culture is respect another brother” unless they look at you wrong, dis you, or they are a nonbrother then you point guns.

      • Ah yes, the “melting pot” that became the “gorgeous mosaic” and is now becoming a de facto Balkans. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. And we’re apparently in the business of reaping the whirlwind to come.

        I assume he was waving around some kinda handgun; wonder what it was, but I doubt we’ll ever find out from the nooz media or cops.

        • Nice to communicate with a northern brother-But at least our whirlwind will be filled with clouds of sulfur just like in some book I’ve read. No useful information will come out of course except that he was a good kid at 21 and the availability of those evil guns made him do it. Best outcome could be a gun owner gets his stolen gun back.

        • The beauty of the ideal of freedom and the liberty from the unconsented rule by others is unfortunately highly concentrated in particular regions, which is sad since only parts in America can still be classified as a free country. Free country is supposed to stand for the laws enshrined in the Constitution, but it really stands for we Americans will sacrifice our posterity and freely give it away out of cowardice exhibited through political correctness and state dependency.. Showing pictures of destructive tornados to a south dakotan is called an insurance claim in late July, but I enjoyed reading the meaning between the lines.

          • “…which is sad since only parts in America can still be classified as a free country.”

            And those parts become fewer and smaller by the year. Leviathan Writ Large.

            Believe it or not, we see the occasional tornado here in New England, including the monster white tornado that whacked Worcester, MA over six decades ago. But not like out there.

    • “Not to be a dick, but I live way up here near the Quebec border; aren’t DeKalb and Stone Mountain in GEORGIA?? So wussup with all the Mustaphas and Omars and so on?”

      What does this even mean? There are no people named “Mustapha” or “Omar” in Georgia? You should probably get out more.

    • davidx says:
      December 12, 2014 at 19:10

      Not to be a dick, but I live way up here near the Quebec border; aren’t DeKalb and Stone Mountain in GEORGIA?? So wussup with all the Mustaphas and Omars and so on?

      Well, as your from up north, I’ll explain a little Southern Culture. Its not at all uncommon for for black Southerners to name there children Arabic-(ish) names. I know an Omar, two Mohammad’s and I just hired a guy named Al Dean. There all regular church goers. Think of it like not wanting to name your kid as common of a name as Alice, but not wanting to go with Apple either. Remember that it was not that uncommon in white communities a hundred years ago. Remember Omar Bradly from World War II?

  4. 21 and still in high school. I must say, he is a persistent lad. I mean man.
    Taking Winston Churchills advice to heart.
    “Nevah give up”

  5. I know the guy at the local gun store pretty well, and it takes more than ten minutes for me to get all the paperwork filled out. Most likely that “ten minutes if you know the right person” means some punk in an alley, selling illegal, stolen firearms out of his trunk.

    Who knows? Maybe Mustapha was born here, and went into his local gun shop, was background checked, and bought it? He’s 21, he’s allowed to do that at 21, you know.

    There’s a word for someone who reaches the age of 21. It’s called “adult”.

    • And ‘Adult Education’ classes, then a GED. Maybe they do things differently where this took place.

      Since we don’t know all the details, it’s just speculation.

  6. ““School sources say Mustapha playfully pointed the gun at a student on Monday.” Playfully? What game might that be?”

    Why, the very game that you can win stupid prizes!

    • In this case, not all of the interviewees are to blame. In the quotation “that it’s like anyone get a gun in a matter of 10 minutes,” the student speaker actually did have the “anyone can get a gun” tucked into it (on the video) but it was evidently transcribed incorrectly. It was spoken quickly.

      As for Mustapha’s father: Barely discernible at best.

      But learning to speak well-articulated, correct American English is frowned upon by too high a percentage of those in the black culture in this country. As Jason Riley noted, he was accosted by his eight-year-old niece and a similarly aged friend: “Why you sound white? Why you try’n sound smart?” Riley is the author of “Please Stop Helping Us.”

      Another related book was written by a friend: “He Talk Like a White Boy.” It is actor Joseph Phillips’ struggles as an articulate (and conservative) black man in Hollywood. At one point he was asked to play a med-student working on neurology, but the director kept asking him to “sound more black” and street-wise. Joseph responded something like “if I’m spending 100-plus hours a week studying medicine, when am I supposed to be hanging around on the streets?”

      The United States has, by far, the largest cultural divide on spoken English, and this divide is being supported by cultural norms. If anything, there is a lowest-common-denominator effect going on, with the entrance of black gutter/gangster words from rap and film productions into popular English. This must irritate those who intend this language gap to keep their fellow blacks entrapped as victims.

      It was interesting for me to meet a group of black men from Fiji. Their English was excellent, with a slight trace of Chinese accent.

      As to Mustapha’s age, I found this: “The oldest age a student could be enrolled in a high school program was 20 prior to 2009. Following the 21st birthday, the person was considered no longer eligible. A new statute was passed in 2008 that raised the age to 25.”

      Now they have to enroll in high school by 21 (!) — though there is a record of a woman graduating from high school at 97.

      ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

  7. apparently they don’t teach English at Mustapha’s high school. Classmate: “it’s like anyone get a gun…” Nor do they teach English at Mustapha’s father’s alma matter. “how he get that gun?”

    good Lord.

  8. Black Muslims, I would comment but probably be censored for profiling.

    Truth is the young men today are either gang affiliated, act like it, or take Prozac and play HALO and Doom while binging on code red mountain dew for days on end. They all worship any movie where people are mowed down or blown up. Any wonder they end up acting out violent fantasies?

    • Truth is, too many morons make broad generalizing statements that don’t reflect reality because that would upset their narrow worldview.

      What was that you were going to say about black muslims?

    • What about the old meme that violent media including films and video games don’t make us violent IRL?

      • I don’t think that he was suggesting that violent media turn them into black Muslims (i.e., Nation of Islam members). Just noting what he perceived was a correlation.

        ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

      • Video games don’t “make” you violent anymore than bad heavy metal makes you off yourself.

        The vast majority of cocaine, heroin, meth, and whatever users never become addicts. Just like back when you could order drugs from the Sears catalog.

  9. The fact that he’s pointing a gun at someone “playfully” tells me there’s definitely something wrong here but it’s not the gun.

    Dad seems like he’s trying hard to avoid whatever the real problems are with his son.

  10. 21 in high school huh. I guess when they call adults in college kids it makes sense. Yeah I had a kid in 8th grade who had a heavy beard and was 16. No real special education way back then. And another kid married a TEACHER-he was a held back 18 year old. She was 23…no scandal. Man things have changed. And my middle-aged geometry teacher got a student pregnant, married her and kept his job. Seriously.

  11. Jesus, man, and I thought this might have been an IGotD or something.
    No, it’s about an idiot with a gun being stupid and pointing it at people… With a TWIST!
    Something’s wrong here, yeah, and it isn’t just the son. I said it. Yeah, the dad seems to have a slipping grip on reality, and/or is ignoring the fact that you get shot for being a Muslim in some countries, and that religion.. Doesn’t matter. Someone will drop you for the hell of it.
    But my point is– It seems the son isn’t ENTIRELY at fault for his actions. Mostly, he is.
    But the father seems rather avoidant in terms of the problems that his son has, and that if he parented his child better, the kid could probably be in college working on a midterm right now instead of in high school goofing off.

  12. I see we all caught on to the fact that the high school student was 21. Did anyone else catch on that the TV news reporter was the first to inform the father that his son was arrested for a felony? “You can imagine how angry he was when I told him school police arrested his 21 year old son….”

    “…The father says he’s going to have a long talk with his son…”
    If your son doesn’t make his first call to you when he’s arrested, what makes you think he’ll listen to your long talk?

  13. I predict this will work about as well as parents who tell their kids that alcohol and sex are dangerous.

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