Gabby Giffords DNC Speech
Courtesy Twitter

Last night was the portion of the Democrats’ virtual convention that was designated to pay off one of their most important constituency groups, the billionaire-backed efforts to disarm Americans and negate their rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.

The star of the anti-gun show was undoubtedly Gabby Giffords, the namesake of the taxpayer supported gun control operation which, along with Brady and Everytown/Moms, are the biggest names in the civilian disarmament advocacy business.

As Giffords said in her pre-recorded speech, the way to be “on the right side of history” is to “vote, vote, vote” for Joe Biden. If you want to know why the gun-grabbing orgs are so enthusiastic about Uncle Joe, here’s what he says he wants to do about “gun violence”:

  • Ban the manufacture of “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines
  • Mandate NFA registration of all currently owned “assault weapons”
  • Hold a national “buyback” of “assault weapons” for those who don’t want to register their ARs and AKs
  • A national one gun a month purchase limit
  • National universal background checks
  • Reinstate the Obama gun ban for Social Security recipients who seek mental health treatment
  • Ban gun sales to anyone convicted of a “hate crime”
  • Increase the time period the FBI has to make a determination on a NICS check from 3 to 10 days
  • End all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts
  • A national confiscation program for those who become prohibited persons
  • Incentivize all states to enact “red flag” laws by doling out federal funds
  • Incentivize all states to require that individuals obtain a permit to own firearms before being able to purchase one
  • Prohibit anyone under a temporary restraining order or convicted of assault, battery, or stalking from purchasing or possessing firearms, misdemeanor or felon
  • “Put America on the path to ensuring that 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns”
  • Enact a national safe storage law
  • Enact a national stolen gun reporting requirement law
  • Ban “ghost guns” by requiring that “purchasers of gun kits or 3D printing code pass a federal background check”
  • Ban the use of federal dollars used to train teachers to carry in the classroom



  1. enuf: “This is why we should support the group that is trying to get democrats into control of all three branches of government. Don’t even ask me to explain why I’m supporting democrats. You just don’t understand my brilliant plan because you aren’t as enlightened as I am. It’s a burden to be the only educated person on this site.”

    • I won’t even question your educational credentials. It’s a given that you are the most educated person on TTAG, just because you say so. Now, please, just go sit in the corner and enjoy your “enlightenment” while the rest of us tend to real life. And, please, use a napkin, and stop drooling on the floor.

      • ‘It’s better to assume butthurt, than to post under a different name and remove all doubt.

        • democRats will say or do anything to advance a demented Gun Control agenda that is rooted in racism and genocide.
          They prop up a woman who was shot by deranged leftist pos educated in a school where the curriculum was concocted by b.h.obama’s mentor the chicago communist and terrorist “kill your parents” weather underground bomb building, girlfriend killing, comrade killing Bill Ayers et al.
          It’s nothing more than blame others for what your sick and I mean sick party is guilty of…What Filth.

      • Hey notadude, AKA too cowardly to post under your regular name, I’m not the one supporting the Lincoln Project while simultaneously condemning the gun grabbers. I’m also not the one acting like an obnoxious, arrogant know it all, like I’m the only person on this site that understands what’s happening.

        • Dude says:
          August 20, 2020 at 11:07
          I’m also not the one acting like an obnoxious, arrogant know it all, like I’m the only person on this site that understands what’s happening.

          Am I missing something???????

          Dude says:
          August 20, 2020 at 10:35
          enuf: “This is why we should support the group that is trying to get democrats into control of all three branches of government. Don’t even ask me to explain why I’m supporting democrats. You just don’t understand my brilliant plan because you aren’t as enlightened as I am. It’s a burden to be the only educated person on this site.”

          Sounds pretty much like an obnoxious arrogant know it all to me…

        • MADDMAXX,
          You might be missing the part that says enuf, and the quote that follows, as in his words, not mine. It’s calling out a regular here that goes by the name of enuf. When he isn’t flaunting his TDS or making unsubstantiated claims or supporting democrat control of the federal government, he’s lamenting the ignorance of everyone else here at TTAG.

          • You might be missing the part that says enuf, and the quote that follows,

            What’s missing is context.. Since the first post in the comments header IS “Dude says:
            August 20, 2020 at 10:35” and there is no comment by ENUF (of whom I am WELL aware) preceding your post it simply appears that you are having an argument with yourself.. However, whatever you say it is must be what it is therefore “it is what it is”

        • Oh yes. It takes great courage to post under your usual ‘username’, which of course is also completely anonymous. Decorated battlefield heroes have nothing in ‘Dude’. What greatness.

        • “You might be missing the part that says enuf, and the quote that follows, as in his words, not mine.“

          But our friend snuffy never said that, those are really your words and you’re just lying.

          “I like to take the guns first. Let’s just take the guns first and worry about the courts later.“
          Donald J Trump

          That sounds like the guy that pro second amendment folks should support, take the guns first!

          Gabby Giffords thanks you.

        • Miner: “But our friend snuffy never said that, those are really your words and you’re just lying.”

          The word you’re looking for is paraphrasing. 😉

          Lying would be pulling a fabricated story out of your a$$ like Adam Schiff did during a Senate hearing when he was pretending to read a transcript.
          Adam Schiff: “I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good, I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand, lots of it, on this and on that, I’m going to put you in touch with people”

        • Regarding Adam Schiff, the word you’re looking for is sarcasm.

          If you think that Adam Schiff was pertaining to read an actual transcript, you were more naïve than I thought possible.

          Fortunately, we have a little information on the subject from the Republican controlled Senate intelligence committee:

          “Among the key findings:
          That then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort was working with Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence officer, and sought to share internal campaign information with Kilimnik. The committee says it obtained “some information suggesting Kilimnik may have been connected” to Russia’s 2016 hacking operation and concludes Manafort’s role on the campaign “represented a grave counterintelligence threat.”
          That Trump and senior campaign officials sought to obtain advance information on WikiLeaks’ email dumps through Roger Stone, and that Trump spoke to Stone about WikiLeaks, despite telling the special counsel in written answers he had “no recollections” that they had spoken about it.
          That information offered at the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting “was part of a broader influence operation” from the Russian government, though there’s no evidence Trump campaign members knew of it. Two of the Russians who met with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Manafort had “significant connections” to the Russian government, including Russian intelligence, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya’s ties were “far more extensive and concerning than what had been publicly known.”

          Really, I think the word you’re looking for is treason, as in giving assistance to the enemy:

          “That then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort was working with Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian intelligence officer, and sought to share internal campaign information with Kilimnik.”

          I have another word for you, irony:

          Getting legions of stupid people to chant “lock her up” and then having your personal attorney, campaign manager, political confidante and chief of staff arrested…and locked up.

        • “Regarding Adam Schiff, the word you’re looking for is sarcasm.”

          Did Adam Schiff begin his monologue by saying the following will be sarcasm or a parody? Did he clarify that while on record immediately after spouting that nonsense? No, he downplayed it later after he was called out for fabricating that story. Despite being “sarcasm”, this is the narrative they pushed for the impeachment. So yes, he had a purpose for lying like that. He knew the media would push the narrative for him since he was a democrat.

          “Really, I think the word you’re looking for is treason, as in giving assistance to the enemy”

          We’ve been through this before, so I’ll make this short. Will someone be charged for treason? Did the senate committee recommend any charges at all?

          Manafort was a piece of work looking to make a buck. He was the campaign manager for all of two months. As soon as his dealings came to light, he was dropped like a hot potato. None of that is new. You have to keep in mind that it was slim pickings trying to find someone to run Trump’s campaign. The vast majority of the political class were aligned with neocons Bush, McCain, and Romney, therefore they despised the man that mocked their stupid policies. The neocons still have a vested interest in seeing Trump fail. If Trump succeeds, then how will they explain away their stupid policies? People are beginning to understand that the establishment in both parties doesn’t put America first.

          Miner: “That Trump and senior campaign officials sought to obtain advance information on WikiLeaks’ email dumps ”

          And? Journalists were also trying to obtain that information. Who wouldn’t? It was a peek behind the curtain, and it ended up being embarrassing for democrats when the truth came out.

          Miner: “Two of the Russians who met with Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Manafort had “significant connections” to the Russian government, including Russian intelligence, and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya’s ties were “far more extensive and concerning than what had been publicly known.”

          You realize that Natalia Veselnitskaya was working with Fusion GPS, right? They’re the firm hired by the DNC and Hillary to put together the false Russian propaganda piece called the Steele Dossier. She met with Fusion GPS prior to and after that Trump Tower meeting. The meeting in Trump Tower was innocent. This has been reported to death.

          Miner: “Russia’s 2016 hacking operation ”

          Were they ever able to verify that Russia hacked the DNC or Podesta’s email? Nope. The FBI didn’t even ask to see the computers. Does that sound like serious investigative work to you?

          The report is about 1,000 pages long. Is the entire thing about Manafort? What was the ultimate conclusion? it concluded that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia. Duh! We’ve been through this. The report was also highly critical of the FBI, and their willingness to use the unvetted Steele Dossier.

          • I can’t believe you are still going to such lengths to argue with that moron.. Everyone knows he/she/it just selectively picks through shit to make whatever point he/she/it is trying to sell (always Orangeman bad) to get someone fired up enough to argue, then he/she/it can just copy/paste til you get tired.. I quit responding to their crap (they know who THEY are) and eventually they will go away if everyone ignores their ignorant rants, which can be difficult at first but really gets easier as the days pass… Wait for it……………………….. Now, here it comes..

        • MADDMAXX,
          I agree, I should ignore them more, but I have to punch back every now and then. Silence implies consent.

          • . Silence implies consent.

            It also implies that their opinions are irrelevant, inconsequential, too ignorant/moronic to deserve a response AND if they are paid trolls it leaves them nothing to respond to, hence nothing to get paid for…. They’ve already let it slip that at least two of them are the same person…

      • “I won’t even question your educational credentials. It’s a given that you are the most educated person on TTAG, just because you say so.”

        He didn’t say so, he was quoting little ‘enough’, jackass…

      • Notadude, you clearly don’t get it. Dude was QUOTING what “enuf” has previously said. “enuf” who has such an extreme case of TDS he is willing to vote in the Democrats despite being a gun owner, and not realizing his virtue signaling is all for nothing when he receives “people’s justice” at the edge of the execution pit. At the very least he is a Fudd.

    • quite a “wish list”…now you see why the courts are so important…and the core issue in this upcoming election

  2. I guess if I’d been shot in the head at close range, nearly died, spent years in recovery, still struggle to put a sentence together and had my entire life disrupted by some nutbag fuck with a gun I’d be pretty much where she is.. She’s just going after the wrong thing, the gun didn’t decide to shoot her the NUTBAG did…

    • Can’t help wondering about her. How much of her is still there? Is she just the shell of a human, being used and manipulated by the scum around her? Wouldn’t that be considered abuse of a handicapped person? I mean, she didn’t come across as an evil person before she was brain damaged with a shot to the head. Just wondering . . .

      • I heard she worked for days on her “presentation” (not HER words of course) to be able to do it without a teleprompter, so apparently her cognitive abilities are not impaired, just some motor and speech function… If she can fully understand what and why she’s doing something it’s not abuse.. I actually kind of feel sorry for her, not enough to want to see her idiot husband in the Senate or to agree with those pricks who parade her around as the poster child for gun confiscation… But what happened to her was wrong.

        • What happened to her was wrong. And after what she’s done wrong, systematically and repeatedly, in the years since then, there’s no reason for anyone to feel bad for her. She deserves no one’s sympathy.

          • She deserves no one’s sympathy.

            Guess that’s the difference between you and me…. I see a person who went through a life altering experience and is coping with it the best way she knows how.. I personally know that getting shot is REALLY not a pleasant experience, getting shot in the head and surviving has got to be one seriously traumatic event… The fact that the DNC has chosen to take advantage of that and convinced her that this is the right thing to do is laid at their feet, she’s just another “useful idiot” to them….

        • Ing, that’s your conclusion, and I can understand and respect it. But I can’t agree. Most of what she’s done since, at least IMHO, is not her but her POS husband, I don’t believe there’s enough of her left to independently dress herself in the morning, much less form opinions about complex issues. And, while a Democrat, that did not cause her to deserve what happened to her. I will continue to feel bad about what happened to her, and condemn the asshole who shot her and the asshole she’s married to.

        • “I heard she worked for days on her “presentation” (not HER words of course) to be able to do it without a teleprompter,”

          Perhaps one day, after much preparation, Donald Trump will also be able to speak without a Teleprompter.

          Maybe if they cut back on his uppers, he wouldn’t have such strange behaviors, even be able to pick up a glass with just one hand.
          You know, he uses two hands because when he’s all jacked up his hands shake far too much to use just one.

        • Another fantastically stupid comment, Minor. The man’s never had a drink or a smoke, that dog won’t hunt. He and I are the same age, and these days my hands shake, too. It’s a pisser but that is life. As you will discover if you’re lucky.

        • If she’s being manipulated by people whose actions she can’t understand because of her brain injury, then I’ve got some sympathy for her.

          But she’s gone to so much effort to do the anti-gun dance for so long that I find that highly improbable. Whatever natural sympathy one might feel for someone who is victimized like that, it can’t last forever. It’s not a permanent shield.

          If she’s able to act on her own — and it looks to me like she is — then she’s culpable for all the crappy things she’s done. Therefore, no sympathy remains. None. She’s just another snake in a great big nest of them.

      • “Can’t help wondering about her. How much of her is still there?”

        The brain has a remarkable ability to ‘re-wire’ itself to regain some lost function after traumatic injury. And an FMJ projectile passing trough-and-trough qualifies for that.

        Let’s just say I doubt she’s capable of driving a car on a freeway at speed without crashing (and not being in an auto-drive vehicle).

        Parroting gun control propaganda? She’s good for that…

        • Her mental faculties almost without a doubt exceed those of the guy she’s endorsing for the office of POTUS. She’d actually have been a good VP candidate on the ticket, but she’s melanin deficient – certainly smarter and more moral than Harris.

        • Depends, I am amazed at your ability to assess cognitive acuity from a distance.

          Unfortunately, it seems your ability does not extend to your own spelling accuracy.

      • I agree, but he will most likely take McSally’s Senate seat because of her making two Dem Senators from RED(?) Arizona, just as sad that the DNC and little “Napoleon” Bloomberg use her the same way…

    • When she was shot I was appalled and I prayed for her recovery. Now she mis-focused her time given to her by blaming innocent people that had nothing to do with her injuries. Why didn’t she focus her time and energy into getting a death sentence for this nut case and ensuring that similar crimes are dealt with severe penalties. Now I hope that my prayers had nothing to do with her recovering. Seems that her traitor husband has forgotten his oath that he took when he joined the military.

    • Prior to being shit GG was ok with gun ownership. She wasn’t a gun grabber and her astronaut husband wasn’t particularly political.

      After the shooting they couldn’t come to terms with the mental health issues the shooter had and the fact many people around him didn’t do anything. Most had no legal responsibility although a few should have gotten him psych help. But sometimes you just can’t stop bad people from doi ng bad things.

      The truth is we live in a country of laws and a constitution that prevents acts by one from stripping everyone of their rights. Personal tragedy no matter how broad doesn’t green light abusing innocent citizens , especially when it’s not going to work out the way they plan. And their plan to disarm us all will guarantee many victims of crime otherwise protected. They of course have security to insulate themselves.

      So sad to see them using her like this.

      • Could not agree more.

        Even so, we used to put people like Loughner and others like him into itutions before they acted out the full insanity in their heads. We tore all that down from the late 1950’s into the 1980’s, declared victory.

        And still nobody listens. It’s so much more fun to bury the dead and fight political battles over guns.

      • She wasn’t a gun grabber and her astronaut husband wasn’t particularly political.

        No, but you can bet some asshole progressive has been whispering in his ear working hard to MAKE him “political” ALL just to turn that Senate seat Blue.. and they WILL succeed because of her… Wait til he finds out they actually expect him to DO the job…

        • Mark Kelly is campaigning as a moderate centralist. Using health care as his main topic and leaving his anti-gun views out of sight.
          If he wins, he will be Pelosi’s favorite puppet.

          • If he wins, he will be Pelosi’s favorite puppet.

            Just another go along… It amazes me that the people of Arizona can’t put 2 & 2 together (Gabrielle Giffords & Mark Kelly) Surely it’s not a secret inside the state that they are married… Yet Kelly has a “comfortable” lead of 7 to 13 %.. PEOPLE, HE’S GOING TO VOTE WITH THE GUN-GRABBERS!! They used that same health care bullshit in 2018 to get the house and GUESS WHAT? They didn’t do a DAMN thing about health care, they wasted their 1st year on Trump/ Russia and EMPEACHMENT and the last 8 months running for reelection by politicizing Covid AND “Orangeman bad”… If somehow Biden manages to get elected and the Senate goes Blue with the House “it’s fucking ON”.. The courts will be stacked up for a year with law suits and then…….. What?…….. the bullets start flying?….

  3. Yeah, we already know what goal is! Shut up and go away, maybe you should lobby FOR capital punishment instead of harassing us!

  4. “vote, vote, vote” for Joe Biden”

    So Kami Hairyazz can gut the Constitution,to destroy our rights and the nation,YuP vote Commicrat, NOT.

    • How come I only get one vote…. how does our side get three votes each? One mail in vote, one in person vote, one voting as a dead person? I think that we need to adopt the Demwits strategy before, during, and after election day

  5. I support this completely. We have to destroy gun rights to save gun rights. Now vote democrat because orangemanbad and don’t you dare ask me to explain my logic!

  6. Poor thing was never very smart in the first place, then she was shot in the head by a crazy person. Now she is a meat puppet for her nasty manipulative husband for his own personal political power. Arizona has declined substantially as more and more leftard former Californians have invaded. Bad things are coming if the rest of us sit back and let the Democrats take control of the entire federal government.

    • She was a gunowner & you are a nasty piece of crap.
      WHY, because you hide behind a computer saying things you do not have the guts to say in person, which make her far better than you, even now!

        • You have made it in TTAG, Russ. You’re very own pet troll to abuse anytime it pops up… 🙂

        • Like all insufferable Keyboard Commandos, neither ‘Rusty’ nor ‘Goof…PR’ have ever known the pleasures of a woman

  7. I can understand why someone who was shot in the head for no reason wanting gun control.
    That does not mean I will agree with him/her.
    At some point we need to inact laws to control mentally ill, yes it is a slippery slope. Someone going to say anyone who thinks they need a gun is Mentally ill, but we are going to have to go down that rabbit hole first so to guard against A worse law.
    The lesser of two evils.

    • Best thing we can do for the “mentally ill” question is to ignore it, both before and after a crime. We will never be able to fairly lock someone up because he might commit a crime, but at the same time there is no requirement to release a criminal deemed “not guilty by reason of insanity”, either.

  8. I will not comply. I will not come quietly.

    Their is nothing to discuss about gun control anymore. They’ve almost dropped the ‘safety’ act but it doesn’t need to drop completely to see this is about political ideology. Considering how they’re dealing with riots in their cities, these people are either evil or completely incompetent.

    Any police officer who would enforce their nonsense after this whole debacle hate themselves.

  9. The best part of their plan is how utterly reasonable it is and it’s ability to end gun crime and ensure lasting peace.

    Oh I’m sorry I was reading some B.S. from their propaganda sites and thought it was the Onion.

  10. The Democrats say they want the US to be “on the right side of history.”

    They also tell us that the Nazis were history’s ultimate right-wingers.

    Therefore, they must want the US to be on the side of the Nazis. (A context in which their gun control mania makes perfect sense.)

    Therefore, the Democratic National Committee are fascists, and a new Hitler is waiting among them.

    • and a new Hitler is waiting among them.

      Put them ALL in one big room a toss a penny, I guarantee you will hit at least one, two if it bounces… A new form of government awaits they call it TOTALITARIAN-FASCI/SOCIO-DEMOCRACY… Kind of like China and Turkey had baby and they named it Iranazuela… They support themselves on the N. Korean (citizen slaves) model where the Deplorable, Despicable, Smelly, Unwashed, Bible Clingers are held in one camp (hardcore 2A people will all be dead, either from resisting or believing they’d be treated fairly) and the Intellectual, Enlightened, Tolerant, Morally Superior, Useful Idiots are held in another and they are rented out to the Wealthy Ruling Class around the world as laborers and “Entertainment”…

  11. This looks like a padded resume, half of that shit is already on the books. I noticed that there’s nothing that addresses police brutality, imagine that.

    • I noticed that there’s nothing that addresses police brutality,

      Pay ATTENTION: Police brutality is NOT a gun control issue, THAT comes under the more narrow Defund/Abolish (Police, Ice, Border Patrol).. GOT IT?? YOU may be asked to turn in your card if you can’t recite THAT off the top of your head…

      • Sure it is. Cops carry guns with zero restrictions, police brutality has been a problem since the 1960’s, unions and qualified immunity protect them. If it wasn’t a problem, people like Daniel Shaver and Breonna Taylor would probably still be alive.

        • I’m not getting pulled in to another long winded back and forth by some idiot that hasn’t a clue about anything…. A-C-A-B says it all, YOU hate cops, one must have ticketed you for riding your bicycle without a helmet, boo-hoo… Gun control and cop issues are two very different and separate things, what’s the matter not on the BLM/Antifa mailing list? too bad.. That’s ALL I’ve got to say about that except, learn some new names, like all the kids under the age of 18 that have been murdered in NY and Chicago this year BY THEIR OWN FUCKING PEOPLE for NO reason other than wrong place wrong time… And unlike some folks on here I don’t NEED nor do I WANT my own personal TROLL, so do your stupid little rant and then just go away, apparently your ignorance is boundless… Moron..

    • And states will be “incentivized” by withholding federal money.

      No gun control measures, no federal money.

      • It worked for the drinking age. But then again it was up against the constitution. I’m sure they’ll ignore it anyway.

      • Feds have no money other than what they print. The Feds control the states with the states own money.
        States should start withholding money from Federal Government….strangle the Feds… money, no power. Only send money to Feds with chocking stipulations….like they have done to states for decades.

        • Excuse me, you think that states send money to the federal government? What country do you live in? Because it is not America.

  12. In Charlotte, NC, a Democratically run city, last year: 13 young men of color were arrested for illegally carrying guns. They were released before their trials, all were picked up again for killing someone else with a gun.

    Typical Democrats

    • Charlotte is a city run by Democrats, not Democratics. And there is little democratic about it.

  13. Read through that list and notice how little democrats care about states rights (not to mention the Constitution). Who’s the wannabe authoritarian again?

    • notice how little democrats care about states rights

      WHAAATTT? States don’t need no stinkin’ rights, and what’ a Constitution? Oh yeah, you’re talking about that crap document signed by all those White Supremacist slave owners in 1787… THAT thing has been declared null and void, we’re writing a NEW more ENLIGHTENED Constitution, Bernie, AOC and Barack have been working on it for days now, if Hugo Chavez could do it why can’t we? Don’t WORRY about it, trust me you’ll just LOVE it…

  14. 1) this list is laughable if not downright destructive. It would be easier just to repeal the 2nd.

    2) I find it funny that the left have pushed so hard for so long to keep guns out of everyone’s hands and yet there are no more guns out there than ever before. It’s like the more they squeeze, the more slips through their fingers.

    3) it makes no sense to be a gun owner and still vote for this craziness.

    • Actually, It makes no sense for any freedom loving American, whether gun owner or not, to still vote for this craziness.

      • as long as they leave my video games alone, and can ride my nude midget, and get to marry my non gender Goat, yeah.. ,,,,,,The values of Freedom are changing

  15. Hey Dan Zimmerman,

    All the fake posts are why this forum should look at changing to different forum software. One example I have seen good results with is the Simple Machines Forum. While no forum package is perfect, it does a far better job of providing tools to ban fake users and mass spammers.

  16. -female politicians like Gifford’s, Harris etc.
    -the 19th Amendment

    I’ve said this before, if the 19th amendment was cancelled, perhaps support for gun control would drop massively
    Also support for “LGBT” caca might drop massively too

    On another note, I’m thinking of building a mk12 mod h inspired AR-308, but PRI parts be expensive
    -Mateo the Loco from North east Los Angeles

  17. Two brain-damaged politicians working together don’t add up to one normal person. At least Giffords has an excuse, kinda sorta — she took one to the computer. Biden is just a horse’s @ss with dementia.

  18. Even with only half a brain, Giffords is now smart enough not to travel without armed security.

    Her gun confiscation agenda is absolute and ultimate hypocrisy.

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