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TTAG writer Ron Grobman knows a Texas ranch owner who keep a helicopter for hunting. Heh.

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  1. Kinda over kill if you’re interested in bacon from chopper pig hunting, but it would sure help clean up invasive species!

  2. Wow, which machine gun instills more fear into an enemy? 800 rounds/min of .50 BMG, or 4-5000 rounds/ min of 7.62×51 Nato? I think I would rather have the 800/min of .50 BMG if I was the good guy, but as the bad guy, I’d choose…neither! Sheesh, awesome firearms, and these things have been around a while!

  3. Capped off 200 rounds from a M134 in Las Vegas as a part of my bachelor party. Absolute bucket list item.

  4. Our C-47 “Spooky” would slide sideways when we let all three guns go. I also like the 30mm one the A-10 is built around. Sorta like “Mad Max’s” answer to road rage in LA traffic.

  5. Sight right out of 1917, Would think Uncle could come up with something more effective/efficient today.

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