Gear Review: AGP Arms Folding Stock for Ruger 10/22 Takedown

Ruger’s latest version of their iconic 10/22 autoloading rimfire rifle, the 10/22 Takedown, was designed to fit into places other rifles can’t. Since the barrel slides off the receiver, the limiting factor on how small you can make the thing becomes the National Firearms Act and the mandatory 16+ inch barrel. But for those who prefer a different stock, or are looking to go the SBR route with their rifles, AGP Arms offers a folding pistol grip stock for the rifle . . .

First and foremost, as tempted as I am to make a joke about AGP being obsolete since PCI-E was released, I think I’ll pass. Try the veal anyway.

AGP Takedown stock, c Nick Leghorn

But seriously folks, when I got the stock in the mail, the instructions seemed a bit short on detail. But in fact, they were overly verbose. Replacing the factory stock is a breeze — pull one screw out and the entire receiver assembly comes free. Once the stock is in place, you’ll notice that it operates much like a folding skeletonized AK stock — there’s a large hinge on one side, and a hefty latch on the other. It’s a tried and true design, and gives you a solid-feeling stock without all that bulk.

The stock also integrates seamlessly with your existing forend, matching the color and texture pretty closely. It’s not exact, but it’s close enough. It’s actually a slightly darker black color, somehow.

AGP Takedown stock, c Nick Leghorn

The overall design of the stock appears to have been influenced by the Magpul school of tactical awesomeness, and features a clean looking exterior with plenty of attachment points for quick detach (QD) sling mounts. The stock only comes with one QD cup adapter, but you can either move that cup to your spot of choice or get more and install them yourself.

To find out how well the stock feels, I handed the gun to a couple complete newbies. And out of all the guns I brought on that range trip, including my SCAR, my AK, and my 300 BLK AR-15, they liked this one the best. Even I have to admit, the pistol grip does add a bit of extra comfort when firing the gun.

However, with my massive hands, I had a bit of an issue gripping the rifle. It felt like the grip was just a touch too small, and was cramping my hand. I chalked it up to the chunky latch mechanism eating into the available space for the handgrip. It’s not painful, just slightly annoying.

And yes, the gun operates just fine when firing with the stock closed.

AGP Takedown stock, c Nick Leghorn

As for the folding stock, it does decrease the overall length of the rifle, but the barrel is still the longest part by far. Which is why it might make sense to turn this into an SBR — cut the barrel down to just in front of the barrel band and add some threading for a silencer, and you’d have one heck of a plinker on your hands. Plus, it would roughly fit into a clutch purse.

For what it is, AGP’s folding stock for the 10/22 Takedown does its job well.

AGP Arms Folding 10/22 Stock
Price: $99

Ratings (out of five stars):

Feel & Function * * * *
Everything works and it feels solid. Knocking off one star for my massive hands having some issues.

Overall Rating * * * *
If you absolutely need a folding stock or a pistol grip on your 10/22 Takedown, this is the best out there.

29 thoughts on “Gear Review: AGP Arms Folding Stock for Ruger 10/22 Takedown”

  1. A joke about an outdated computer part AND a reference to Archer in one post?! You just made my day Mr. Leghorn!

    “… and now I’m out a slightly darker black. Thanks CAROL.”

    • Yes and no. Under current procedures, the BATFE (and RBF) measures OAL with the stock fully extended. I believe that this has to do with the definition of a rifle being fired from the shoulder, and you cant shoot a folded stock from the shoulder. However, some states, like Michigan, define any weapon with a OAL under 26″ with the stock folded as a pistol. So…as long as you’re not in MI, it SHOULD be legal.

      • In CA, too, the minimum OAL is 26″ on any rifle. With my just-barely-over 16 inch TS barrel, it comes to about 25 3/4″ with the slimmer of the rubber butt plates installed. Not a problem for me since I use a Volquartsen muzzle brake on it. Really like this stock.

  2. SBR that with a integral suppressor. If the suppressor/barrel assembly isnt longer than the receiver, it would be a awesome plinker.

  3. I wish they made a version with the full stock like the Butler Creek folder. I’d buy one today as the cheek weld would probably be much better then the BC folder that I’m running.

  4. Oh, that would make my sometimes-too-short rifle cases suddenly just dandy.

    Alas, I live in a state that is convinced a folding stock will allow me, somehow, to threaten the public. Or, more accurately, the Ruling Class.

    Thus am I ever attuned to rifle bags that are, say, 52″ in length.

  5. How is the length of pull compared to the factory stock? I find that the factory stock is way too long for smaller framed women and kids. I was looking at maybe modifying an ATI adjustable stock but it would be nice to buy something that fits out of the box.

    • It’s a LOT shorter, like 3″ or 4″ shorter. Without the 1″ spacer it actually feels like a stock for a child’s rifle, so it might be what you’re looking for.

  6. This is a cool setup, and I’ve had a chance to shoot it and like it. But everyone keeps talking about paying to convert it into an SBR to make it smaller. If you want small, buy a Ruger charger, swap the barrel out for a light Tactical solutions threaded 5-inch, stick an archangel stock on it and you have a very short light 10/22 without all the licensing fees. Just sayin…

  7. Couple of questions:

    1: Can you still fit the receiver in the bag? I put mine in the large pocket and I’m afraid that pistol grip would become in issue storing it.

    2: What part of the 10/22 is considered the firearm? I’m assuming the receiver which means you can do whatever you want to the rifle without having to get a new tax stamp every time you get a new major part (barrel, trigger group, etc).

    3: This is kinda an odd one, but how different is firing a gun like this with a pistol grip from one without one? I’ve never used a rifle with one believe it or not and I’m wondering if there’s any major difference in feel or ease of use. Any reason to have one on a plinker?

    • Pistol grip instead of monte carlo grip Q. There is a reason every military weapon in the world has a relatively-vertical pistol grip: Better grip while aiming and firing. You want this.

      The “firearm”, for BATFE purposes, is the receiver with the serial number on it. This is what you fill out a Form 4473 to get.

      Why do you want the bag? It’s shiny Chinese junk. Put the child safety lock and unwanted stock parts in it and sell on Craig List or garage sale. Use the $30 to buy a BX-25 magazine (if that’s legal in your location). Find some non-descript waterproof bag to enclose your 10/22TD (with folding stock) and put that in your backpack with tent poles. Invisible!

      Show no political or gun mfg. stickers or logo on car/backpack or clothing, unless at a gun show. Blend. Concealed Carry Permit means you should hide the weapon in your clothes so as not to curdle the milk of the sheep.

  8. Is it possible to shoot it with the stock folded?
    Is it easy to shoot it with the stock folded?
    Is it comfortable to shoot it with the stock folded?

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