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Gear Review: Can Can Big Shebang Hip Hugger Concealed Carry Holster


RF makes a big deal out of packaging. He says part of the Springfield XD’s success is due to the careful and classy way the gun and its accessories are packaged in a sturdy, attractive case – as opposed to the GLOCK’s flimsy “throw it all in” container. As the firearms industry gears-up to appeal to women – who now account for some 30 percent of new sales – a lot of the new, smaller players know that style matters, from start to finish. Enter the Can Can Big Shebang Hip Hugger Concealed Carry Holster . . .


Most holsters are sold in a clear package with no more style than a pack of meat in a supermarket display. Can Can’s wrapper evokes nostalgia and shows the product in use. And despite all the talk of “pinkititis” being a cheap sop to women, I was delighted with the black holster’s pink accents. I wasnt sure I’d like it, being a natural red head with pale skin, but it made me feel good. Who sees the holster once it’s effectively concealed? Me.

When I first put it on, the Can Can Big Shebang was immediately more comfortable than my normal belly band. That holster has a large Velcro patch that must be aligned perfectly to avoid chafing. The Can Can has a three-row hook-and-eye closure for comfortable adjustments; there’s nothing to scratch the skin. Six-inch wide military grade elastic stretches around the body. The Can Can’s similar to the belly band in that you can spin it around to carry any way you wish. It can also be worn lower or higher on your frame depending on your preference and body shape.


Can Can Concealment designed the Big Shebang for female law enforcement officers having issues carrying a larger weapon off duty. My standard concealed carry gun – a .40 cal XD – has a laser dot sight. It fits in this holster perfectly and securely.

It’s summer, or close to it. This time of year, I usually remove my belly band when I get home and open carry. I can wear the Big Shebang all day with no thermal or chafing issues. I wore the BS from the second I got dressed until tyne moment I went to bed. The BS is also washable – a huge plus for anything you wear directly against the skin for long periods of time. I’ve only washed it once, but the embroidery survived and sill looks good.

You can adjust the Big Shebang in a myriad of ways. Although I favor appendix carry, I moved the holster around to try it out carrying on my right hip and back. I mopped the house and did laundry while carrying in this holster in a few different positions. While these carry methods weren’t as comfortable for me personally, if you carry this way this Can Can can, comfortably.


The Big Shebang has three separate holster pockets for a gun, a wallet, extra mags, a phone, knife, iPod, whatever. The website claims that the BS will hold three guns. [ED: no doubt pleasing the Rabbi.] While it held three large handguns securely it printed like the New York Times. The holster contains three “rare earth magnets” in each pocket. I didn’t notice them aiding retention per se, but they provided a little extra (psychological) confidence.

The Big Shebang positions a gun for incredibly easy presentation. Re-holstering . . . not so much. The BS has a tab on each holster (as seen in the photo below) that make reholstering a little easier than it is using a standard belly band. (This will not affect the holster’s final rating. I feel that if you are removing a gun from a concealed carry holster, chances are you won’t be needing to put it back.)




The BS also has two rows of non-slip “Tacti-grip” to keep it from sliding around. I found the holster is snug enough that the Tacti-grip was Tacti-unncessary. Other carriers with a different body shape may need that additional feature. I carried my gun under my belt (as seen in the above photo) with no slippage issues.

I called Can Can’s “contact us” number on a Friday afternoon to get some info from customer service. After a few minutes I was asked to leave a message. Mind you, Can Can has been completely helpful and prompt responding to emails. If I was going to leave a message it would be this: thanks for the stylish, practical, well-constructed holster. Great things come in small stylish packages.

Can Can Big Shebang Hip Hugger Concealed Carry Holster

Price: $95

Ratings (out of five stars):

Appearance * * * * *
It’s a beautiful holster; I can’t imagine a woman disliking the look. Can Can also offers them in all black, tan and a whole lot of other color options. Problem solved.

Quality * * * * *
The military grade elastic makes this sturdy and it’s well constructed. There were no loose hooks or eyes and no stray threads. The embroidery is done well also. I doubt I will ruin the Big Shebang with regular use.

Comfort * * * * *
Nothing compares. I love how I know the gun is on my body, yet I can wear the holster all day with no problems or discomfort.

Retention * * * * *
Especially with this “hip hugger” low rising design (meaning it’s under my belt) the gun isn’t going anywhere until I draw it. It’s firmly in place. The gun stays secure in the elastic.

Accessibility * * * * *
Since the gun is worn low on the midsection, it can be spun to be worn anywhere you wish. Clothing doesn’t need to be taken off to accommodate a draw; the entire grip of the gun is left exposed.

Overall * * * * *
It’s the best deep concealment holster I’ve found. Well worth the price of admission.

18 thoughts on “Gear Review: Can Can Big Shebang Hip Hugger Concealed Carry Holster”

  1. Cool! Anything that will help women to carry more is a step forward.

    Meanwhile I hope you’re getting better.

  2. Sara, excellent review. I bought one for my wife and unashamedly stole it back for my PPQ/appendix carry.

    Personally, I’d knock off a star for the MSRP. $95 for $4 worth of fabric (Before production costs, marketing, etc) seems a little steep. I can’t remember what I paid for mine, think it was around $40. Well worth that price range.

  3. I bought a $12 iwb holster to tide me over until I could get a good one. This is one that I’ve been looking at. It has great reviews so far. But one thing I want to know about is longevity. If I’m paying that much, it better last because I can’t get another one, so after you’ve had it a while, could you give us an update?

    • My wife has had hers for just over a year now, carries with it 4+ times a week (depending on her dress attire) and has washed it probably 6 or seven times (always in an undergarment laundry bag) and it still function like brand new.

      (Edit) She also uses the pockets with rare earth magnets to carry extra mags – it makes a difference (so she says) especially when the previously the floor plate of the mag would get caught above her belt and wiggle loose. When she uses the magnet pockets on with the magazines this is a non-issue.

    • I honestly have a Can Can thigh holster and it has lasted three years. I have had it long before I started working for ttag and it is still in perfect condition. My She Bang is new, but as far as I can tell, longevity won’t be an issue.

  4. I love mine!! I got it a size smaller and got the extra pocket so I can carry at my hips or higher up across my abdomen where it is easier for me to conceal due to my chest.

  5. I see an alarming trend building here.

    I was recently hunting for a B.A.D. lever type device for an AR (not mine, one a long-lost uncle of mine who became a monk after his terrible fire at sea took all he had, except for his love for JESUS). Due to particular characteristics of said burnt/lost AR it needed to be a product formerly marketed by Tactical Link. Due to an intellectual property dispute that Tactical Link had with MagPul (that doesn’t market a replacement product [no, they don’t, shut-up]), Tactical Link cannot sell me one, I had to buy a previously purchased one for a little more $ from a hawker on an online bidding site. The only color available was PINK.

    • Sorry to hear you can’t find what you’re looking for, but honestly…. an alarming trend? Most of the world of guns is geared towards men so spare us.

  6. “…part of the Springfield XD’s success is due to the careful and classy way the gun and its accessories are packaged in a sturdy, attractive case…”

    I have literally never looked at a gun’s case in advance of purchasing one. Does anyone? How could this possibly be a significant factor?

    • I gotta say, when I was shopping for my first 1911 it was between a Springfield 1911 Loaded or Kimber TLE2, both guns had same features, both had similar reputation, etc etc… The fact that the SA came with two spare magazines, mag pouch, ok paddle holster all in a form fitted Pelican case vs the Kimber with a single mag in a cheape glock stile case with egg crate lining, played a non insignificant part in my deciding. All other things being equal wouldnt you rather the one with more swag?

      You are right that its less of a factor in the Glock vs XDM because the glock is 100 cheaper and comes with 3 mags instead of 2. Maybe if the Kimber came with 3 mags I would have gone with that instead.

  7. While I love the idea behind this thing, and I’m glad it works and fills what is obviously a gap in the market for women who carry, does everything marketed to women have to be named like someone let their twelve year old son into the marketing department that day? I mean, really, the Can Can Big Shebang? next Colt will be coming out with a pink Mustang called the My Little Pony.

  8. I have looked high and low for a carry holster that doesn’t make me look as if I have a VW Beetle stuffed down my pants but so far no luck. Even Thunderwear didn’t work for me and I don’t carry a big gun (either a .38 or a Makarov).

    This holster looks fairly promising. I’m going to investigate their return policy because my hesitation is springing for a hundred dollar holster and having it not really work and then being stuck with it. Thanks for the review!

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