(courtesy The Truth About Guns)I’ve been a big fan of appendix carry in a belly band since I began concealing some four years ago. I found it to be the most comfortable and efficient way to hide my Springfield XD-Sub compact in the clothes I normally wear (mostly jeans and T-shirts). Now that it’s a little cooler, I’ve been wearing sweaters, or at least a looser blouse over a more summery top – an ensemble that allows more options for concealing. When I encountered a Galco Stow-N-Go holster in small gun store in Idaho I decided to try a new concealment method . . .

Galco sells the Stow-N-Go in a simple plastic baggie labeled “Galco leather holster.” There weren’t any pictures revealing whether it’s an inside- or outside-the-waistband holster. After looking online, it’s either. I would call the Stow-N-Go ambidextrous, depending on your needs. A lefty could open carry with the holster; a righty can put inside or outside the pants (conceal or open carry).

I tried this holster in a few different positions before deciding it fit perfectly inside the waistband of my jeans. (I buy a size 4 jean instead of a 2 so that I can put a gun inside the waistband of my  jeans.)

Galco Stow-N-Go left-handed holster for Springfield XD (courtesy midway.com)

For whatever reason, the” right handed” version (as labeled on the package at the gun store) pulled on my belt and pants enough to make it uncomfortable. I don’t like constantly pulling at my pants. If I chose to let it go, the holster would eventually pull enough to be visible beneath my shirt. So I chose the soft leather and a left-handed holster. Note: I’m not left handed, but I can shoot that way if I must.

I can wear the Stow-0N-Go in an open carry position on my right hip between my belt and pants, or inside the waistband of my pants clipped onto my belt. It also works for appendix carry, although not comfortably. The Stow-N-Go holster is softer than the plastic holsters I’ve worn inside my jeans. While driving, I hardly notice my gun.

Sara T. Galco review, driving

The Stow-N-Go also makes me a little more confident carrying concealed. Not that I was uncomfortable with the belly band, but it would sometimes scratch me if I didn’t line up the velcro perfectly. Drawing from the Stow-N-Go is quick and effective. I can re-holster with a little bit more effort than I would with a stiff plastic holster. Retention is also good an I’ll even demonstrate (FR style) by going upside down.  And yes, those are high-heeled boots.


I never thought I would own a left handed holster as a righty. The moral of the story: try different holsters.  You never know when you could come across a winner like the Galco Stow-N-Go. They could be labeled wrong, and even if they aren’t they could still work for your personal needs. Sometimes, going left is the right decision.

Ratings (out of five stars):

Comfort * * * * *
The leather is soft enough to be worn inside the pants against the skin. It feels great and doesn’t need any additional effort to enhance comfort. It simply works.

Retention * * * * *
This gun is secure.

Appearance * * *
The Stow-N-Go isn’t the best looking holster out there, but who cares if it’s concealed? (

Concealability * * * *
I have holsters that will conceal this gun better, but for the hip carry position, this one is the best I have.

Value * * * *
I’ve spent more money on a holster – only to relegate it to the “not this holster” drawer. At around $30 (depending on the make and model of your gun) the Stow-N-Go is well priced, especially when considering the comfort factor.

Overall * * * * *
Quality, comfort and utility in a reasonably priced package. I’ve found my new moving buddy.


    • Never liked those. If the holster’s on your strong-side hip, and you draw the gun with your strong-side hand, how are you supposed to get at the spare magazine when the balloon’s gone up, and you need a fresh magazine?

  1. Going inverted like that is risky business. Tried that move with one of my holsters (not Galco). Gun slipped right out, smashed pinky finger. Went all black. Lost fingernail. Injury was difficult to explain to wife and others.
    Zero stars.
    Would not recommend.

    • “Zero stars.
      Would not recommend.”

      I’m damn sure not gonna tell an attractive woman to not do a handstand on camera.


      Psssst – Sara

      Show your young camera-person how to hold the phone *sideways* when shooting videos….


    • Yes and no. There is support sewn into the top hem that keeps the opening available for re-holstering but the majority of the holster is soft suede that will collapse upon drawing.

  2. I’ve been using the Galco pocket carry that looks similar for close to a year now.

    The major difference to the one shown is a kind of hook below the trigger guard that
    allows it to pull away as I remove the Sig P938 from my previously under-utilized
    front left pocket.

    Concur on the left hand versus empty handed, but practice makes perfect!

    I hit a home run on the first pitch in getting this…

  3. Two major problems with that design. 1. The gun sits too deep making it difficult to get a proper grip while still in the holster. 2. Will not remain open for reholstering. Zero stars- do not use.

  4. You might try it for appendix carry. I know a couple dudes who use those exclusively in the AIWB position.

  5. Hey all,
    I carry a mp shield 9 in one everyday I like it a lot I use the righty version. It does remain mostly open to re holster as there is a metal or plastic bar where the leather is folded over at the top but it does close a little. No issues with retention or wear after 6 months not the best I’m sure but for the price it’s nice I don’t find it to carry too low to grip well bit ymmv by build and gun as I have small hands for a man

  6. Use my SR9c almost every day for a few years. Worn smooth no nap on the swade leather. Just got one for my LC9s but it is not a snug. It works though. I have other holsters but I come back to it due to the easy on/off. I was afraid the plastic clip would break but never has.

  7. Re: left holsters for a righty:
    I use a ‘left handed’ hybrid IWB positioned at the small of my back; I find it more comfortable to reach around to my back with my palm out than my palm in. It is also more natural if you intend to hold that position for more than a second, such as if you are concerned about a sketchy situation.

    • Drawing from the small of the back, palm out, there is almost no way not to muzzle yourself with your gun. That’s why SOTB holsters are designed for you to draw palm in.

    • Not only printing, but give that wonderful woman a few sandwiches…. that gun from top of the slide to the butt (of the grip) appears almost 2/3 of her “depth”,,,

  8. Sara, as much as we love to see you in a video. Can you please to learn to hold your camera in only a landscape mode when you are filming video. Its a bit more “journalistic-ey”


  9. I have used one for a couple years as IWB with my Shield. Perfectly acceptable, and while some folks may find leather to be a little rough, I like it.

    As an aside, I’d love to see a review of some nice concealed magazine holsters. I’ve had trouble finding ones that I really like.

    • The guys here have reviewed a few pocket magazine holsters: I think the SnagMag is still their favorite. If you keep your weak side front pocket empty, they are arguably the best way to carry a spare mag. If you use that pocket, though (I do), things can get problematic.

      Best one I’ve found is a “wrong” hand (I grab with my left hand, but I use the right hand model) MagHolder carried weak side. The horizontal orientation means I don’t get tangled up in an untucked shirt trying to draw one-handed (as happens very often with vertical belt holsters), and positioning the mag butt-forward makes it accessible even when seated or otherwise confined/constrained. And it conceals effortlessly, even with double stack mags.

  10. I have one of these for my Glock 42. Its in my box of unused holsters right now. I got it to AIWB carry but it just didnt feel comfortable enough and it left a bruise on my lower stomach and below the hip. Just couldn’t comfortably use it… Unless I’m doing it wrong??

  11. Based only on the pictures on this page, concealability sucks because it’s very visible. Maybe in real life or under different lighting it isn’t, but again, based only on what’s shown here….

    Printing gives me away, so I’m not interested unless it does a good job not printing. But I’m thinking a slightly larger shirt would prevent that.

  12. I use this holster for my smith 640 (.357mag, j-frame, 5 shot, stainless steel, snub nosed, hammerless, revolver) for appendix carry. Not allowed to carry into work so lots of “put-it-on-take-it-off-yada yada”. It broke into the shape of the gun in about two weeks of constant wear; it now locks the gun in place nicely. I ride motorcycles extensively and this allows me to be very discreet when unzipping my jacket and stowing my “gloves” in the tail or saddle bags. The holster rides a bit low with the revolver in place. The grip behind the triggergaurd basically rests on the top of my belt. However, I found that this is a quick little holster to draw from, and the reinforcement loop at the top edge stays open enough that I can reholster one handed without looking (practic is key). I do appreciate the ability to easilly put the gun on and take it off without drawing the weapon, and doing so very discreetly. The pictures show the holster in use with semi-autos, but the rounder contours of my revolver disappear with a t-shirt.
    Highly recommended for little wheelguns in appendix position inside waistband.

  13. I been using this Galco for appendix carry. Very versatile at different carrying positions thanks to its small profile. Easy to insert/remove or re-adjust. Stays in place well as long as you use a quality gun belt.

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