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Gear Review: LaRue Quick Detach Scope Mounts

The key to accuracy is repeatability. Doing the exact same thing each time the exact same way is how you get many many bullets to pass through the exact same hole. But even if you do your part, if you’re using shoddy equipment you’re still going to miss. That’s why people pay the big bucks for scope mounts like those made by Warne and LaRue, companies that talk the talk of accuracy and durability. But do they walk the walk? I asked LaRue for some of their scope mounts to try out, and I have to admit I’m rather impressed . . .

Being a cheap bastard, I’ve had my share of cheap scope mounts, including the latest mounts for my Rem 700, which were so terrible that I actually had to chop them off with a Dremmel.

Yep, not exactly something that gives you confidence.

Good rings, on the other hand, will not only be properly threaded for the screws included with them, but hold the scope firmly in place and keep it form moving about on the rail. The recoil of a gun might not seem like a lot of force to you and me, but small pieces of metal have a habit of changing position when subject to massive instantaneous forces. Good scope mounts shouldn’t do that.

LaRue’s QD scope mounts definitely fall into that category. Round after round downrange, these things held stiff and never budged. Part of their success lies in their QD nature — the same mechanics that allow them to grip the rail allow them to be tuned to match your specific rail’s dimensions, even if it is a little out of spec. So even if your rail is no bueno, the rings can compensate.

But that’s not their claim to fame. While the rings are good at their job for the normal stuff like holding your glass, what makes them special is what happens when you start moving them around.

This was the real reason I wanted to get my hands on these rings. With the number of scopes that I test out for this site, having to re-zero my gun every time was getting to be a pain in the ass. I had heard that LaRue’s rings are known for returning to zero when they’re popped back on the rifle, and it seemed like the answer to my peculiar problem.

When I tried the rings for myself, removing them between each shot, I was able to keep a 3-inch group. At 250 yards. In my book that’s pretty darned good, considering whenever I’ve removed my scope rings in the past I was almost off paper when I tried to re-zero the gun.

This is going to be a short review, and the reason is pretty obvious: these might be the perfect scope rings. Not to go all Ted Nugent over LaRue or anything, but these rings met and exceeded every expectation I had for them.

LaRue Tactical QD Scope Rings

Tube: 30mm or 1 inch
$189 – $210

Overall Rating * * * * *
Sure, you can pick up some rings for $20 online. But they will suck. Take it from someone who has made that mistake way too many times. These might just be the perfect scope rings.

8 thoughts on “Gear Review: LaRue Quick Detach Scope Mounts”

  1. Doesn’t take much time and ammo re-zeroing a scope with crap rings to add up to the cost of a good set. This is firmly in my “buy the good stuff once and enjoy it for years” category.

  2. I agree 100%. I had a hard time swallowing the price, but once you use them there is no going back to $20 (or even $100.00) rings. They pay for themselves by lowering ones blood pressure dramatcially. They aren’t quite up there with a tax stamp as the best way to spend $200.00, but they are not far behind.

  3. I think I’ve touted these before but I like the GG&G one piece bolt action height QR rings. You need to use them with a scout rail (again, I like theGG&G rail, it’s much,much lighter than something like a UTG) on an AR platform but they switch across all my platforms beautifully. Pricey, but since you get to use your best glass on every rifle you own, well worth the investment.

  4. Nice shooting and good test!

    “Sure, you can pick up some rings for $20 online. But they will suck. Take it from someone who has made that mistake way too many times. These might just be the perfect scope rings.”

    Very, very true… but also more that a little ironic given that the $210 rings are being tested with a $230 Chinese scope.

    • I ran with some Leupold QRWs for my Primary Arms scope because of the “cost of scopes vs cost of rings” issue. They don’t set the world on fire, but they mount real nice and supposedly return to zero.

      I have mixed feelings in general about the super-pricey QD mounts. I own a couple through happy accidents, and they do make maintenance and installation a lot easier, due to ease of use. But unless I’m going to be swapping a single scope from rifle to rifle without the need to rezero, it’s hard to see the money as well spent.

      I could almost get behind these a bit more with weaponlights. Swapping those isn’t a big deal.

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