Snagmag concealed magazine holster

Some people carry two guns, but I’m pretty happy with just one: a Wilson Combat 1911. The only exception to my contentedness is the short supply of ammunition that my gun accommodates. Eight rounds might be enough for the statistically average gunfight, but I don’t plan for the statistical average. I plan for the outliers.

That’s why carrying an extra magazine is something I’ve intended to do for some time, but every option I’ve investigated so far sucks. Until I found the Snagmag, that is.

Traditional spare mag carry methods include either in a holster on your belt or buried deep in your pocket. The belt-based solution is easy to use and quick to access, but it’s uncomfortable and adds bulk to your belt.

The pocket solution is comfortable enough, but the mag can be damn near impossible to grab, extract and correctly orient for insertion quickly while under pressure. The folks behind the Snagmag have addressed all of that, designing a comfortable yet secure way to carry an extra mag with you every day.

Snagmag concealed magazine holster

The device itself is wonderfully simple. It’s just a bit of molded thermoplastic and a pocket clip. Your magazine slides into it comfortably and it’s secured to your pocket in the right orientation for a quick draw and load. With the clip, it looks to all the world like you’re carrying a pocket knife. The design isn’t exactly groundbreaking, it just works.

Snagmag concealed magazine holster

Here in Texas, damn near everyone carries a knife, so seeing someone with a silver clip on the outside their pocket goes completely un-noticed. Even my friends at the range thought I was asking them to take a picture of a knife when I handed them the camera and asked them to snap the above photo. It was only when they snapped the next one that they realized what it really was.

Snagmag concealed magazine holster

When you need to access your backup magazine, the Snagmag ensures it’s right there, easily accessible and in the same place every time. It makes training easier and gives me peace of mind that if I ever run dry, I know where my next magazine is coming from.

Snagmag concealed magazine holster

The Snagmag keeps your extra mag in place, but releases it easily and stays behind in your pocket as you draw the magazine. In addition to weighing almost nothing, the Snagmag has an Emerson wave-like “hook” (see above) that ensures that when you pull your magazine, the carrier stays put in your pocket.

A Snagmag isn’t a one-size-fits all deal. They’re molded to fit specific magazine types and will cost you between $22 and $35, depending on the model of your carry gun. You also need to designate right or left side carry (that determines the side the hook is on when it rides in your pocket).

I’m a fan. The only bad news: the Snagmag removes the objection most concealed carriers have to toting an extra magazine. For me, it’s the perfect way to carry a spare mag any time I’m carrying a firearm.



  1. That is a great solution, for sure. Now the issue becomes how much stuff do you want to have clipped to your pocket? I have a tac light on the left pocket, and a folder on the right.

  2. My father just got himself one of these things, and I borrowed it for a spell to see if I liked it. I ordered three of them, if that tells you anything.

  3. I have been looking to free up belt space to add a first aid kit. This might be worth trying.

  4. I had one of these for a couple years, and moved away from it. After awhile the clip gets a bit loose and can easily rotate, letting the mag holder fall into your pocket. You have to religiously check for lint and other pocket detritus that finds its way into the magazine. It doesn’t take much to jam up your gun.
    I love the concept and if these issues were solvable, I’d be carrying one again. That said, I think if the owner treats these as expendable items (in that they don’t expect it to last forever) and is good about keeping it clean, it will serve them very well.

  5. I love the idea, but my pockets are near capacity right *now*, so even a pocket knife takes a bit of planning.

    I *really* need to move to cargo pants and shorts, it will make life a lot easier having the lower pockets to stash smartphone and other miscellaneous ‘stuff’ I keep adding to my daily loadout… 🙁

    • never looked back.
      work required basic ppe kit [eyepro, dogspray, totes umbrella (again, ostensibly for dogs)] at all times. those big thigh pockets became de riguer.
      you can take it with you…

      • Do dogs use umbrellas? I didn’t know that was a thing. Raining here right now and I just now took out the one that HATES the rain. She is pretty smart and if she would carry one of the silly Obama POS, she could go out by herself. I think my (Male) dog is going to just have to get his head wet.

  6. Foghorn, good review. Congratulations on carrying a Wilson 1911. Have one myself. The Wilson Rogers magazine is absolutely the best. i bet I own 50. However, in my opinion the 7 rd mag is best. Anyway, the spare mag carrier. Good for you for carrying a spare mag. When I first began to comment on this site I was ridiculed for suggesting that a person carry a reload, light, or God forbid, a second firearm. Knives were ok as long as they weren’t too expensive. Thing is, I have only two front pants pockets. I have 30″ of belt space. I did the the math. So most stuff is on the belt. Or, it’s a rifle laying beside me on the seat of the truck. Loaded. Yes, in plain sight. The last young state trooper I spoke with (a couple of months ago and he didn’t know me) didn’t bat an eye. God bless Florida, but stay where you are. Unless you’re invited. Possum is the only one invited.

    • My blade clips to the right pocket. My light clips to the left one. My EDC gat and extra mag go on the belt.

      Once I finally tried Sticky Holsters (at the recommendation last year of fellow TTAG’er ‘MLee’), I never looked back.

      • Haven’t carried spare magazines generally but more because of dress code at work than any aversion to more ammo. Flashlight and pepper spray are more often what makes the pockets as overly aggressive homeless/druggie/current thing protestors (during legislative session) are more commonly what tend to be in my face day to day. Should probably have a spare or two in bag or briefcase though.

    • I will carry an extra mag if I’m carry a 1911.
      I have a bunch of Wilson 47DC 8 round Rogers magazines and they are great.
      I like the extra round, start with 9 with one in the pipe.
      For $8 you can get a rebuild kit and for a $41 magazine that’s pretty good.
      Think I have about 20 and have rebuilt them a few times in 25 years.
      If I carry a extra 1911 mag it goes in a back or jacket pocket.
      I rarely carry a 1911 in the nicer months, Illinois is concealed carry only,
      which is hard to pull off with a 1911.

  7. I’ve been carrying a Neomag for 6 or 7 years now. No complaints. Similar idea, smaller footprint. Deep clip for those extendos.

  8. Nice. I was looking for something like this. I didn’t like the magnetic options because they are bulky and I have moved away from the mag pouch AIWB rigs simply because there are less options out there especially once you put a WML on it.

    Checking the site I see it has a black pocket clip – check for me.
    Options for carry on either side – check for a lot of other people.

    I might end up sanding down the clip portion a bit to where the mag is easier to grab though. Not worried about it “showing” in the pocket but we’ll see how it looks once I get it. For the price, it’s worth a try. I also see they don’t have a 15 round p365 version so we’ll test that too. Probably due to the extendo’s size.

  9. I would love to deploy something like this, but my left side pocket is my location for my flashlight which I seem to use a lot. Still I may be able to work out something since a spare mag seems more advisable with the uptick in crime in the nearby metropolitan area and the belt carry mag I have is less than ideal.

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