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Gear Review: Timney Trigger for the Remington 700

When I purchased my Remington 700 AAC-SD, I knew immediately that the trigger needed to go. Sure, the break was pretty crisp and the shoe seemed polished enough, but Remington had decided to set the adjustment screw directly into the blade of the trigger in an insanely annoying manner. Every time you pulled the trigger it rubbed against your finger and I wanted none of that. So I went to my go-to manufacturer of awesome triggers and asked for a sample — Timney Triggers, that is . . .

When I first looked into swapping the trigger on a Remington 700, the process it looked a little daunting. The same pins that hold the trigger assembly to the receiver also are themselves integral parts of the trigger assembly. Pushing them out causes the trigger to partially… um… explode all over your workbench. However, since once you install the new trigger you’ll never want to go back, we can safely discard all of the old trigger components and don’t have to worry about finding the springs as they fly away.

Installation of the new trigger is actually a snap. The included instructions are sufficient to get things rolling and the Timney trigger actually comes with a small pin already inserted into the trigger pack to hold everything together during shipping and installation. Once the trigger is properly installed the small pin drops free and can be discarded. Compared to swapping triggers on an AR-15, I’d actually say that it’s easier.

Once in place, what you will have is a bangswitch that is not only more comfortable than the original Remington trigger, but one that’s also easier to adjust, has a crisper break and even looks better. In short, an improvement in every way.

For the “comfort” category, it’s all in the blade. While Remington used a rounded and rather slim blade for their trigger, Timney has went for the largest blade that will fit through the hole in the stock, flattened it out and added some ridges. The wide, smooth surface makes it comfortable to rest your finger on and the lack of a sharp, jagged screw edge on your fingertip is a welcome change of pace. The ridges also help grip the trigger just a little better, being just aggressive enough to provide some extra purchase without any undue roughness.

While the removal of the adjustment screw might seem like the Timney is a “one size fits all” solution, in reality they’ve just moved it to a location that actually makes more sense. Namely, the front of the housing instead of the trigger blade itself. Sure, you have to take the stock off to adjust the trigger, but adding one more minute onto a process I do once rather than feeling a screw digging into my digit every time I pull the trigger is a welcome tradeoff.

As for the crisper break, this isn’t something I can quantify (well, I could, but the equipment costs a couple thousand dollars and needs Windows 3.1 to run for some reason). To me, though, it just feels better. The Timney’s break is definitely set lighter right out of the box than the Remington’s trigger, which helps.

The last reason that this is an improvement over the standard Remington trigger has to do with the way the safety works. CNBC released a documentary about Remington 700 rifles “going off by themselves” which I don’t necessarily put much stock in. However, I do believe that the design of the Remington 700 trigger safety could be improved from the simple sear safety to a full trigger blocking safety, and Timney has made those improvements and incorporated them into the new trigger pack.

I’m trying really hard not to be a Timney fanboy here, but they aren’t making it easy on me. This trigger really is the whole package; easy to install, a pleasure to use and much improved over the standard Remington trigger. If you make only one modification to your new Remington 700, this should be it.


Pull Weight:   1.5 – 4 lbs

Ratings (out of five stars):

Ease of Use * * * * *
Easier to install than an AR-15 trigger. No springs to mess around with, no brute force required. Just a punch and a large brick or hammer.

Feel & Function * * * * *
Crisp break, positive feel for “safe” and “fire” safety positions, and a silky smooth trigger shoe.

Overall Rating * * * * *
I’m had a hard time deciding if one of these triggers or a bipod is the better first investment when you buy a 700. But I’m leaning towards the trigger. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

19 thoughts on “Gear Review: Timney Trigger for the Remington 700”

  1. that new trigger – the physical trigger itself – looks remarkably similar to the trigger in my 1963 Remington 700. Somewhere down the line someone decided to make it less awesome, apparently, because mine feels incredible every single pull

  2. Damn. My original 10/22 needs a trigger replacement a whole lot more than my 700 LTR. Fortunately I’m low on cash so I won’t be the one buying up all the goodies.

  3. “I’m had a hard time deciding if one of these triggers or a bipod is the better first investment when you buy a 700.”

    My 10/22 came with a bipod which I have concluded is serviceable, but not outstanding. I can’t find where TTAG has done any bipod reviews or rundowns. I’m thinking about getting one for my new 700. Any recommendations/pointers?

  4. The problem with the original Walker Fire Control System (as Remington patented it) was their use of a connector in the trigger. The connector is a little “L” shaped bit of steel that is hardened and polished between the trigger bar and the sear. The connector can float off the trigger bar when the trigger pull weight spring is backed off to very light (< 2.5lbs) pulls – with the connector left forward of the trigger bar, so if you have the safety on and no connector under the sear, as soon as you let off the safety, the sear drops and the cocking piece goes forward.

    Remington's Walker Fire Control trigger group design was optimized for low cost manufacturing, just like their receivers, their bolts, etc. Their bolts are made from three pieces, and the bolt head is soldered on. Their extractors are a cheezy bit of spring steel clipped or riveted into the bolt face. Their receivers are nothing more than a tube of cro-moly steel, with no attention to aesthetics.

    This is the reason why I don't like Remington products. If given a choice between doing executing some aspect of gun design well, correctly or cheaply, Remington always picks "cheaply."

    Timney triggers are very good, and for those people who bash MIM parts in guns, you might want to look at Timney triggers – their guts are MIM parts. As good as they are, they can be made just a bit better by someone who knows how to polish them to a mirror finish.

    For a serious marksman, the choice between a very good trigger and any other upgrade is easy: Good triggers are necessary to becoming a good marksman. Accessories like bipods, scopes, etc – are not.

  5. Geissele triggers are the best I’ve put my finger on for the AR-15. The AMU is a big fan of Geissele triggers as well. I just buy the 4.5lb, non-adjustable and call it done.

  6. The original Rem700 trigger had a problem in that the connector would float off the front of the trigger bar if the pull weight was set too light (like less than 3 or 3.5 lbs). Some people who backed out the trigger pull weight screws to 1 lb. could see the connector float off the trigger, and then when the safety was released, there was nothing under the sear.

    People who want to get really light trigger weights (like < 2lbs) in an accuracy rifle should get a two-stage trigger designed for light weights.

  7. Yes, yes, and yes! This is the only mod that I made on my 700 Sendero, and its amazing the difference. I have mine set for about 3lbs, and that is plenty for me! There is no takeup or over-travel on mine. Breaks like glass!

    • Ditto. I vastly prefer two-stage triggers, especially two-stage triggers that can be made very nice with a little effort (such as those in a Garand or M1-A).

      Two years ago. Mr. Vehr said that they had no interest in making two-stage triggers. I don’t know if that will change in the future, but it sounded as tho they had all the business they wanted doing just drop-in single stage triggers.

  8. Thanks to Remington finally throwing in the towel and admitting there’s a problem with their triggers, I now have a brand new Timney trigger in my 700VTR. A week ago Friday I put in for my free return shipping box, but Monday I decided to screw that and purchase a Timney from . They were kind enough to ship it USPS first class, so it only cost $3 for shipping and it was delivered on Thursday.

    The pull weight adjustment screw on the stock trigger is rather sharp and if you hold your finger too high on the trigger it will bite a little. I think the Timney triggers are set at 2-1/2 pounds from the factory, which is quite a bit less than Remington’s trigger comes. I had adjusted mine down some, but the Timney is still probably a pound lighter. Neither trigger has any perceptible movement to speak of, so there’s no take up, creep or over-travel in either, but the Timney does just feel better.

    I had some issues getting the front trigger pin out, it was extremely tight. I prefer to use the handle of a screwdriver as a hammer to drive pins out, but I had to get out the real thing and it took a bit of tapping. The back came out much easier. I also had some issues getting the bolt release to function properly because the allen bolt holding it was a bit too tight. You’re supposed to use needle nose pliers to adjust it to engage properly, but it wouldn’t go back down on it’s own until I loosened it. Once assembled, the bolt release sits a touch higher up into the stock. It’s no big deal but I have to curl my finger use my fingertip instead of just pressing it. I also had to file the trigger well on the stock because both the trigger was too wide and there’s a nut on the front that sticks out and wouldn’t clear. The whole job took about an hour and a half, but I could easily see it taking a third of that.

    All in all it was definitely worth the investment, especially considering I haven’t even received my shipping box yet, and with a million or two rifles to fix, I have to assume I’d be losing my rifle for quite a while. I took it out to the range and managed a one inch group (@100yds.) with Federal XM80 which is phenomenal for me, and who could complain about MOA with mil-spec ammo? The wider, flatter trigger and lighter pull weight definitely helped. The biggest downside is now need to come up with a couple hundred dollars to put one in my 10/22.

  9. Your comment is interesting Gov. I wonder if you ever got you boxes from Remington? I asked for mine the first of June but never got them.

    I have a Timney on my M96, Love it! That’s what brought me to this thread. I’m giving up on Remington because of their poor customer service and need a replacement trigger. Hadn’t planned on putting another $140 into the rifle but I guess if I’m in for a penny I need to be in for a pound. I can’t leave it the way they sold it to me,

  10. today, I ordered a new timney trigger for my Remington 700 bdl. I bought it in 1978 and had several mishaps[accidental discharges] .so it sat in the gun safe only coming out for annual cleanings. it is now time to pass these arms along to the son or grandson. I just couldn’t feel right about passing on an unsafe today a 71 years of age, I know i’m doing the right thing for others safety. it has a beautiful stock but not very accurate. I shot my weatherby for accuracy shots, it is basically a Howa gun. great shooter. looking forward to receiving my new trigger. happy hunting, norman NRA life endowment

  11. I put a Timney trigger in my 700 anniversary 7mm mag, I really liked the Remington trigger but the thought of shooting my hunting partners just didn’t sit well with me. I like the Timney but I needed to back it off a little to get tight groups, it’s amazing what a pound of pull weight will do. Easy enough to install and not worried about an accidental discharge anymore.

  12. I just installed a timney trigger on my Remington 700 7mm Remington Magnum and, unlike with the stock trigger/safety, I can work the bolt with the safety on. Is this usually the case?

  13. Hate to tell you this but the Remington trigger does go off by itself. Mine did so twice. Once coming back from hunting, put safety on “fire” (you cannot open the bolt without doing so on original trigger) and the gune went off with nothing near the trigger. Had gun pointed up, so no harm. Father ( I was young) adjusted it for a bit more pull. Several years later, pulled gun out of safe, worked bolt, and watched it (unloaded thankfully) drop the hammer about three seconds later. Tried working the bolt again, and as soon as I locked the bolt down it would trip. Took it to a gun smith and Remington paid for a new trigger. They HAVE killed people.

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