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Gear Review: Vedder LightTuck IWB Holster


I recently decided to give appendix carry a try, and set off in search of an appropriate holster for the task. After a little perusal of sites online gun communities for recommendations, I ended up with a daunting list of options. One brand that kept popping up in my searches, though, was Vedder Holsters, and I was immediately impressed at their quick turnaround time.

They claim to ship within three business days, which is extremely fast in the custom Kydex holster market. The relatively low price ($54.99 as of the time of this writing for the LightTuck holster I’m reviewing) also caught my eye. A low price and fast shipping is a dangerous combination that proved to be too much for me to resist.


There are dozens of manufacturers of custom leather and Kydex holsters, and if you look at enough different options you’ll discover two major frustrations with buying one: finding a manufacturer that can make a holster for your particular gun, and finding one that can do it in a reasonable amount of time.


Although you’re not likely to run into a problem finding a holster to fit your gun if you carry a common model like a GLOCK 19, it can be difficult to find holster makers who can create one for less common firearms—even with the fairly mundane LC9s Pro I carry, I’ve had the experience of finding a holster that I like, only to discover that the manufacturer doesn’t make one for my gun. Vedder Holsters appears to have the ability to mold Kydex holsters for an impressive array of guns, so you’ll likely be able to order one for your carry weapon of choice.

The other issue that can crop up when ordering a custom holster is lead time, which can often stretch into multiple weeks for a seemingly simple molded Kydex rig. I rarely find myself deciding a month ahead of time that I want a holster for a certain handgun, which makes the long wait time frustrating. Vedder Holsters claims to custom-mold their Kydex holsters in three business days, which was immediately attractive to me, considering my impatient tendencies. In my experience, they delivered on that promise—I had my holster in-hand in less than a week from the time I ordered it.

Fit and Finish

With such a rapid turnaround time, I was expecting the LightTuck holster to be a little rough around the edges, literally and figuratively. I was happily surprised to be wrong in that assumption. The holster is formed from .080” black Kydex (other colors are available, as well) with a single metal belt clip.


The shell is sturdy, with little to no flex, and the edges of the are extremely smooth, which is an obvious benefit for an object that you’ll probably have rubbing against your skin during the day. The holster also features a sweat guard to cover the slide of the gun on the side that’s in contact with your body. The sweat guard doesn’t seem to be optional on the ordering page, which may bother some customers, but it’s possible that Vedder could remove the sweat guard as a custom option (I didn’t ask, but it seems likely given other statements they make on their site about doing custom work to support aftermarket sights). Personally, I like having the sweat guard, so this didn’t bother me.

The metal clip can be ordered for either a 1.5” or 1.75” belt. If you want both, an extra only costs about $4. The clip is secured by two screws, and can be tilted up to 30 degrees left or right to adjust the cant of the holster. The shell also has multiple screw holes so that the clip can be moved up and down to adjust the ride height of the holster.

As is common with Kydex holsters, retention level can be adjusted via a single screw on the body of the holster. Mine came nicely adjusted from Vedder, but it’s easy to adjust the holster for either a very loose or very tight fit on the gun. Overall, retention is solid with an audible click when the gun’s seated.

After carrying the holster every day for about a month, the black finish has started to wear off of the screws and related hardware, especially the nut that is on the side of the holster that is in contact with my body when I carry. Not a big deal, but worth noting. The belt clip, on the other hand, has shown no signs of wear.


The main downside to all-Kydex holsters made for in-waistband carry is comfort. Although Kydex has some major advantages as a build material, it’s still basically a large piece of plastic without the softness and flexibility of leather. But I didn’t find this to be as much of a problem with the LightTuck as I expected.

I’ve used the holster extensively for both appendix carry and traditional IWB at the 4:00 position, and have been surprised at how comfortable it is for both carry styles. In the rear waistband position, it’s not quite as comfortable as my leather/Kydex hybrid Crossbreed Supertuck and Comp-Tac Minotaur holsters, but not by enough to really matter for everyday carry.


The LightTuck’s single-clip design is great for carrying a small handgun like my LC9s Pro, but might not work as well with a larger, heavier gun. I could see the LightTuck working for a handgun the size of a Glock 19, but for anything larger or heavier, I’d want something with two belt clips for added stability.

This is my first foray into appendix carry so it’s a bit harder for me to give an informed opinion about its relative merits as a holster for that carry method. I can say that the LightTuck’s small size and smooth lines of the holster have made it very comfortable to carry in the appendix position and I’m finding myself choosing that carry style almost exclusively at this point. With both carry styles, the holster holds the gun firmly in place, and the adjustable cant and ride height have allowed me to carry in a way that is comfortable for me, well-concealed, and easy to draw the weapon from.

Specifications: Vedder LightTuck Holster

Holster Material: .080” Kydex in a variety of colors
Mount: Steel belt clip, sized for either a 1.5” or 1.75” belt
Adjustable Cant: Yes
Adjustable Ride Height: Yes
Carry Style: IWB and appendix carry
MSRP: $54.99

Ratings: (out of five stars):

Fit and Finish: * * * * *
It’s well-constructed with smooth lines and a sturdy metal belt clip. Not much to quibble about.

Comfort: * * * *
It’s an all-Kydex holster, so it won’t be as comfortable as a leather-backed holster. The small size and the smoothed edges, though, make the holster as comfortable as an in-waistband could be expected to be.

Concealability: * * * * *
With its adjustable ride height and cant, you can adjust the LightTuck to suit your carry style. I was able to easily carry my LC9s Pro in the appendix carry and 4:00 in-waistband positions.

Overall: * * * * *
I’ve had a hard time finding any real faults in the LightTuck. Its build quality, short production time, and low price make the LightTuck a great value in a comfortable, flexible carry option.

25 thoughts on “Gear Review: Vedder LightTuck IWB Holster”

  1. I’ve purchased many holsters from these guys and agree with the author. Great product, reasonable prices, and very fast turnaround on orders. Highly recommend them.

    • Ditto. I love me some premium leather. The biggest temptation of Kydex is that it can be inexpensive.

    • I checked it out. The base price is better than the reviewed item, and for ten bucks more you can get a leather backing. Beyond, price, though how do they compare? I have been thinking about getting an inexpensive IWB holster to try it out now that I’ve lost enough weight to make it an achievable option.So far, I’ve been rather fond of pancakes.

  2. I give them props for having both CZ2075 RAMI and Makarov in their stable, more than I can say for some popular companies (are you listening, Sneaky Pete?).

  3. My first, and to date only experiment with an IWB holster had a single leather strap for the belt. It was a fail, as the gun easily moved around, and I had to constantly adjust it. Another holster for the holster drawer. Do the metal clips on these holsters do a better job of keeping everything where it belongs?

    • it certainly helps to have a stiff belt of 5/16″ to 3/8″ thickness. cinching provides much of the stability.

    • I would say that a metal clip is definitely going to hold the holster in place more effectively than a leather loop, but it’s still a single-clip holster that will inherently have less stability than a two-clip design. As the other commenter mentioned, the main stability comes from tightening the belt sufficiently. For a small gun, the single-clip holster works great even with a belt that isn’t very stiff, but for a larger gun I would probably want a two-clip holster.

    • The problem with a single leather strap is some of them pivot at the attachment point for the holster and don’t lock in place, which allows the holster to tilt one way or the other while you are moving, or when you sit down and a seat back bumps your gun butt. Even a locked-in single metal/plastic clip can pivot some at the belt, especially if too big for the belt size. For all but the smallest, lightest guns like an LCP, dual clips is the way to go. A well designed one really can’t move much at all. They also tend to be less thick since the clips are mounted off to the sides instead of right beside the gun. My SR9c was riding in a single clip Garrett IWB holster, which was nice but not totally stable and made the gun feel heavy. Now riding in a Stealth Gear IWB mini, which is pretty awesome so far. Very stable and comfortable. The gun feels lighter with the weight more spread out on the belt. It’s also not as hot against the body with the vent mesh. Not cheap, but totally worth it for me. If it proves to be durable long term, it is holster perfection.

  4. I have the Light Tuck for my P938 and for my Mod2 9mmSC. I don’t carry with any other holster. these are great. Very comfortable. And the people at Vedder are the best. You won’t be disappointed.

  5. I will start by admitting I did not read the article or any preceding comments. Feel free to ignore/flame me for that. Having that off my chest, I have three problems with this holster:

    1) It is Kydex. I hate Kydex. (I’ll tell why if asked. Totally NON-interesting story.)
    2) It has the name “Vedder” and that reminds me that I hate Eddie Vedder. (I’ll tell why if asked. Another totally NON-interesting story.)
    3) Based on the picture, it rides too high for my appendix carry taste… which is probably my only valid complaint.

    Thanks for your time.

    • Kydex is definitely not for everyone, so you’ll get no argument from me about your dislike of it.

      As far as the ride height, it’s actually adjustable and I have mine set on the highest ride height the holster offers.

  6. My least favorite thing about concealed carrying, other than everything, is how friggin uncomfortable IWB carry is.

    The Heizer .45 PKO abomination can’t come soon enough. That or I start carrying a .25 Auto instead.

    • As a big guy I agree. That’s why I went with a SOB holster (small of the back). It’s completely comfortable standing or sitting even while driving. The only thing to decide on is if you want a palm out draw or a palm in draw. I decided palm out was the way to go for me just for natural comfort of the draw although I do have a palm in SOB holster as well. I currently have a Walther PPS M2 single stack that I carry concealed one of two different ways – the SOB holsters and a OWB Vedder Kydex that I can conceal with a coat or heavy flannel shirt or open carry too. The reason I like the Vedder is the ride height which is high making for easy carry and concealability. And it’s nice and close to my body as well with nothing sticking out. They make great holsters and are excellent vendors with great customer service.

  7. I have bought several kydex holsters from several different companies, including two from Crossbreed. I don’t use any of them. My every day carry holster is a leather IWB from High Noon. I have three of them for three different guns – two semi-autos and a revolver. The drawback to a leather IWB is that it collapses when you draw the gun. Kydex doesn’t do that. Kydex holsters are not comfortable to carry all day. Leather holsters are.

    • You can get a leather backed Kydex holster, but I can only assume that they would increase comfort, not having tried one. The alternate of leather holsters is two fold: 1. Increase the ride height, if possible, so that the throat is above the belt line; 2. Get a reinforced throat, either reinforced with an extra layer of leather (which for the higher quality, thicker leather holsters usually suffices) or find one that has not only an extra layer of leather but also a strip of metal between the two, and that will do the trick. Pancakes, for those who dress to allow carrying them, do not have this problem.

  8. I purchased one of these for my G19 and find it’s not comfortable for IWB carry. It does a poor job of supporting guns this size. Only having one attachment point does not distribute the weight of my Glock 19 evenly. The minimalist approach to IWB holsters is too good to be true.

    • If you find that the single clip on the LightTuck is not adequate to support a larger weapon, I suggest that your belt is the likely culprit. If the width of your belt matches the width of the clip, and you are using a quality gun belt, this clip is more than adequate. I had the same concern regarding the single clip. I carry full-sized guns (Sig P226, HK USP, and HK P30L). The clip Vedder uses is exactly 1.5″ as are my belts, and there is no movement between holster and belt. A ligt Glock 19 should be a non-issue.

  9. Metal clip? No thanks. I like my car’s paint job the way it is. I don’t need scratch marks all over it. Make a polymer or leather strap version and I’m in for two. One for my Shield45 and one for my P938.

    • I agree with this.

      Everything about this holster fits my needs except for the metal clip. I will likely buy one and see what I can do about replacing the clip with an RCS tuckable clip or something similar

  10. I purchased one for my HK p30sks. I was astounded by the wonderful customer service, good materials and excellent construction. Because my waist is weird, one area was slightly uncomfortable. They paid postage for return, modified it and returned it within a week while keeping me aware of when it would arrive by e-mail.
    Couldn’t ask for more.

  11. Love my light tuck but have noticed for the crowd with a little extra around the middle the light tuck can pinch the hell out of you right where the holster and mag release meet…When it doesn’t grab my skin it grabs my underwear which gives me concern…Aside from the pain it causes I don’t want the holster to grab anything near that trigger guard especially when holstering a loaded firearm.

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